Wednesday, January 23, 2019

MFK: Time, Context, Katniss Everdeen

Two and a half hours left in my streak of doubles. Hospitality bags have been made, bills payments have been scheduled, and I have covered all the websites that will not tempt me to buy stuff. With that said, I am second guessing not buying some cardboard bricks for a wrestling promotion idea I have been working on the last three years.

If I was able to resist using all me credit to put the Next Generation Wrestling (Peoria) wrestling ring in my kitchen and living room, I think I will move on from $13 blocks that you can safely hurl a child through. This knowledge comes from personal experience, thanks Pumpkin Place preschool bully. Just a caveat to assure you I have not tested it out on toddlers myself.

Oh that reminds of the old blog idea I had in regards to overpopulation, specifically of the largest populous in the world. It stems from carrying the cradle of my pseudo-niece's car seat when she was just an infant. As it would leave my arm hanging at my side, I could not help but ask her mother if I could attempt the old physics bucket of water experiment.

The denial left me concluding that the experiment would be fine if we could just find expendable children. Then take in my love for alliteration and knowledge of Chinese history, I had a really inpolitically correct, technically racist-titled blog I never had the nerve to write since I want to succeed beyond Central Illinois. It was not meant as racist, just satire, but Jonathan Swift called his best work (we did not get "Gulliver's Travels" assigned to us in Lit 110) "A Modest Proposal" not Munch on Malnourished Mic Munchkins.

I am now trying to remember what the third Ch-word was suppose to be in my title. A better blog idea I had stemmed from seeing a raccoon eating out of a bowl of food left out by a neighbor. Fearing for my cat who would occasionally jolt out the door, that was the only time I could justify owning a firearm. That blog would have been called "Concealed and Carry to Kill Coons." There is nothing offensive when you consider the context, but satire on the Internet is dead.

Rehashing poor taste blogs might show that I have been working too much. Picking up a shift at the hotel's sister property did not allow me write because a lack of private Internet access. Also, the convention center hosting a sorority anniversary with a bass-loving crowd left me with enough complaints from Eastern Time Zone guests with kids who had to Irish dances to perform the next day. I did not have to worry about killing time.

There just does not seem to be time to kill. Errands always seem to come up after work, and personal time is shot when you share a place with a significant other. I should probably move my air fryer into the second bedroom/game room to kill my tendency to eat in the living room and hence share space with my inquisitive girlfriend.

Too bad I cannot change my availability any further at my higher earning job. If I could get home a couple of more hours before she does, "Red Dead Redemption 2" would get unwrapped.

I am not upset with my girlfriend or spending time with her. A week where you can get her to watch "They Live" and "Death Race 2000" is a win. Especially when you nearly convince her that the "Hunger Games" are the same distractions for the masses that the race between Frankenstein and Machine Gun Joe is. The problem is that her crafting season is over till spring, so she is not going to focus on knitting. She is focused on me.

Her tastes must be lousy.

The problem might be a lack of communication on my side. Maybe I am still trying to impress her, so I won't pollute the time we share together with "Saw" or Stewart Gordon movies. Then there are my codependency issues preventing me from being in a position to ignore her. Whatever it is, I do not have the time to be myself.

I may need to ditch this college town. Stupid immature kids making it unwise to offer a 4 o'clock last call. Perhaps I am just missing the opportunity to have fun at 3 am. Regardless, I do it to myself.

Three days of doubles shifts. I closed on Thursday at the retailer and I still have to open Monday. It is making me think all the games and movies are a waste of money. You need your own time to make your money worthwhile.

Lets call it a night, I will wallow in my anger about my decisions not the ones that truly drive everyone nuts.

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