Tuesday, January 15, 2019

90-Minute Netflix: THE Transformers: THE Movie and THE Dawn of Nintendo

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As I have just paid a typical hotel price for a bag of Cheetos, it seems appropriate to focus on writing a movie review. Here's hoping it keeps me from completing the $4 junk food transaction.

And speaking of junk...that would be the easiest transition to write about "The Transformers: The Movie." I think that one is too harsh, but when you consider the voice acting decisions, you cannot deny the rubbish that is present in this film beyond the junk planet that the feature provides. But when you use a transition like that, it improperly frames the review.

"The Transformers: The Movie" is too dark to dismiss and how far it missed the mark to simply end it with hoping these toys were made of number 1 or 2 plastic so we can perhaps recycle the legacy.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes.


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