Sunday, February 24, 2019

MFK: Gratuity, Electric Bass, Social Media...Save the Burlesque and Bucks for another weekend

Shelf with-out con-doms
Please, just as-sume the front desk
Clerk does not sell them
Once a hotel guest is given the freedom to expect stuff without a reservation, the staff will have a thorn in their side. Does anyone know how to make someone feel like a douche bag without saying it?

After heading to Bloomington to catch Kurt Vile and The Violators, the drummer from the opening act, The Sadies left me feeling that way. You would figure it would be easier to conduct international business with fans via a Square Credit Card Reader. Why declare the extra cash at the border when you have a transaction record waiting for you?

With that said, KMFDM has only taken cash at live shows the three times that I have seen them. They have sold over two million records, so you figure they would welcome credit cards, but it maybe the paper trail that screws with everything. Unless you are selling $10,000 of merch, why deal with the customs issues. It is a long enough flight back to Deutschland.

The Sadies leave it open to interpretation

I thanked the drummer for the show, asked if they took credit cards to which he responded with directions to an ATM. After stepping back for a moment to contemplate paying $30 bucks for a $20 record, the best option was to order it on Amazon. Just to make sure they got their royalties, I offered a five dollar bill up and said it was the least I could do. If only there was a tip jar like Kurt Vile's merch table offered.

The drummer gave it back saying he could not take it for nothing and I told him my intentions. He said he would take the tip, thank me and a stranger who had asked similar questions, and shooed us away for not being more liquid. Compromise is an under appreciated art.

Thanks Donald Trump. The Sadies leave Toronto for a small tour, and your attitude has sunk into them. Their rocking fiddle must have infected them with its rural attitude.

I am kidding around when it comes to The Sadies. They were a lot better than Kurt Vile. Vile was really good. His style may not really be suited for mind-blowing live performances. You are going to come off as less fun when compared to the brothers with two-part harmony and a violin to headbang with.

The Sadies and Reverend Horton Heat: I think if the bass was at one point used in a high school orchestra, you are in for a good time.

All in all, it was fun night, but wee frustrations (which reminds me to ask you to check out my "The Hobbit" animated film from 1977 at were present. I was on my own figuring that I would run into a familiar face or two. That was not the case. How else do you stand Peoria if you do not make the relatively short trips to a city with a MLB or NFL franchise at least once a month? Kurt Vile was not even asking that of you. Well, Heywood Banks was a The Jukebox Comedy Club, so there is at least one excuse.

And drinking five screwdrivers and a shot of Jagermeister left me losing my original spot during Vile's performance when the inevitable bathroom break occurred. Act overly committed one way (to travel) you end up showing your commitment ends with sobriety. A real let down for my ego since this is probably the first show I ran off to take a piss during the performance. I am either not as dedicated to entertainment as I claim, or my soon-to-be 39 body is acting how it should.

The major frustrations are all those social media posting of what else was going on. There was a burlesque show in Urbana, so perhaps I could have met up with my favorite Peoria performers. AAW had the weekly surprise appearance by the Young Bucks.

You decide to take a night off and lose your wages. It turns out that you lose a lot more each time. I guess I don't really have any room to complain about my girlfriend and my tendency to not try out new things.

Or, it is now easy for me to relate to my girlfriend not wanting to try new things, but that maybe too much information.

Inglourious Basterds: Tarentino Perfects Video Game Cinema

When I heard Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" was not only inspired by Italian Grindhouse (Quel maledetto treno blindato from 1978), but also by "Wolvenstein 3-D", I thought that he had finally gone off the deep end. With the lack luster response at Cannes, it led me to thing that maybe he took his ability to find charm in all genres too far.

These fears were nothing more than paranoid American beliefs that there was nothing worth going to the theaters to see this summer. "Inglourious Basterds" rewards the faithful fans of Tarantino with his most brilliantly directorial effort to date.

And as a David Bowie fan, you have to appreciate Quentin finally putting the theme to "Cat People" (sorry, that movie used the riff pretty well) to good use.


Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France...
In this fantasy, Lt. Aldo "Apache" Raine (Brad Pitt of "True Romance") handpicks a Jewish/American guerrilla unit to commit atrocities so heinous that the Germans will fear what the malice of God's chosen people. On their quest for 800 Nazi scalps, they are joined by a psychotic German officer killer (Til Schweiger of "SLC Punk"), a British film critic (Michael Fassbender of "300"), and a German double agent actress (Diane Kruger). There is also a Jewish/French woman (Mélanie Laurent) with her black boyfriend who have their own vicious plans to bring down the Third Reich. Will their be vengeance by all, or will the evil Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) determine the course of history.

When I left the theater, some were complaining that Pitt didn't act. All he did was put on a Southern accent. Personally, I think this is one of the best uses of the actor. He can be a character actor. When you look at Pitt's most memorable roles ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "12 Monkeys", "Fight Club"), that is what he does. He just happens to be the best-looking character actor out there, and has been for the past decade (intercourse Heath Hedger).

To work as an actor in a Tarantino film, you have to be a character actor. It is not about what the dialogue is. It is how it is delivered, and all the members of the cast had where they needed to be like in all of his films (why else would other director cast him?). Eli Roth surprised me with his acting ability, but the best performance is delivered by the German Christoph Waltz.

Hans Landa is the perfect villain. Merciless but charismatic. He is aware of his evil and revels in it, and even the audience gets to enjoy and understands his methods. That is because Waltz gave such a great performance. Multiple languages, the ability to capture a Mark Hamill Joker essence, and brutal when he needs to be. This maybe the best villain in a Tarantino film.

If his performance was not grand, the film may fall apart because Tarantino lacks someone who you really want to see get it in the end. Killing faceless Nazis is a lot of fun, but we need to hope the anger will culminate with the punishment of a truly wretched asshole.

We are only given a few scenes of that give us restaurant table humor, and one of them is done completely in German. I'm not complaining about that scene despite many leaving the theater were. The humor is really dependent upon the premise, so it may seem too heavy on the one liners, but all of the dialogue is brilliant. I only wish that Tarantino was able to use all of his characters to their fullest.

This may mean that the film should have been rated NC-17. The films violence is why you created "Doom" .wad files. As Roth said in a press conference, "Inglourious Basterds" is a Jewish sex scene.

You want to see more of Roth with the baseball bat, Schweiger's brutality, famous Nazis acting stupid, and even more graphic violence in the finale. We only get to truly appreciate half of the basterds, and when you have a geek (Samm Levine) from "Freaks and Geeks" as one of them, you want to see some twisted stuff from he can do. I am praying for an unrated blu-ray in time for my birthday.

I don't want the disc just for the violence, but because Tarantino finally shows how great a director he can be. He has always been able to make the audience appreciate the charms of any type of cinema, but this time he captures it in every shot. This student of VHS was able to recreate the styles that pioneered the art of film (the war movie in the film is outstanding) while still maintaining his minimalist style. "Inglourious Basterds" is the culmination of every lesson gained by Tarantino from his entire filmography.

"Inglourious Basterds" is the finest directorial work of Quentin Tarantino. Its script is weaker than his other films, but is strong enough to support the filmmaker's efforts to place this on the same level as Resovoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

Awesome Acrylic Paintings by Jason Edmiston

Awesome Acrylic Paintings by Jason Edmiston

NGW Wiki Part 2: If the Racism Wasn't Enough to Steer Wrestlers Away from Peoria

This is being reposted just as an example of how the business can be on the small town level. These were my feelings about the promoter at the time, and I am over holding ill will towards him, but the personality expressed at that time is pretty universal when you have creative that tries to isolate themselves from the rest of the independent scene.

As for myself, I could have just walked away from the situation before it affected the promotion. Do I feel like I was in the right? Yes, but if Alex thought wrestling fans were paying attention to my personal website, I didn't need to do it. Hind sight, but I was willing to bury a place for guys to work over a grudge with one guy. That makes it a selfish act regardless if I thought it would help everyone who had greater aspirations.

What this situation came down to was neither Alex or I was going to address the issue hoping that professional courtesy will come through.

The promoter of NGW, Alex Larson, has barred me from their shows until June (2006) for my attempt to shoot on him (tell the truth to the fans) at the last show.
NGW to me was just my friends and I trying to improve our wrestling skill. For me, wrestling was my adrenaline fix. I need to go out and get the shit kicked out of me just to feel well.
No wonder Stacia always asked me to get out of it after my broken wrist. Don't let the addiction get the best of you.
Alex said that everyone in NGW was a family. How was exiling me for a month with no explanation before my outburst father-esque? I don't know. He at least always explained why he would do something with my involvement in the promotion.
Of course, when you tell the self righteous to listen to other views, their actions need no explanation. You are just wrong. (Maybe I am not as righteous as I thought. I will always explain).
To give you a little insight about this asshole. Here is a conversation I had with another person who considered Alex to be a friend. The situation is about the same.

If Alex is reading this, I have to ask why? You aren't my friend and friends is what MySpace is about.

I never actually asked you why Alex ran you out of NGW.We just got into an argument.We were sick of each other's shit.
well, it's only a six month penalty now.
What do you mean?
I got suspended till june for telling him my opinion. Well, actually trying to air out his bull shit infront of everyone
lol Suspended until June?
You can grow out of NGW by then, Russ.He said for trying to tell everyone how he fucks people over (I don't get the punishment, he cut my mic), and for bad mouthing NGW on the internet and telling people to go to other shows
I know I don't need NGW, I just got my friends there and like the weekly adrenaline rush
of course for bad mouthing the promoter and fans, I bad mouth the workers, so Alex claims everyone should hate me
Yeah. Freedom of Speech is a double edged sword.Trust me... I know.
I just hate being pushed by a self ritous asshole. I might join back in six months just to hope to get the chance to beat the shit out of the coward. (Oh, Alex, the way to avoid it is not to book RC v. CCC. See we can still work through our differences.)
funny, i didn't say one insult to the guy when I plead my case.
I did.
I like to take advantage of situations like that.
What all did you say.

I said, "I was going to shoot because you wanted everyone to think I left on my own." I told him that you didn't book me for a month despite you know how much I love just getting in the ring. And the last time you didn't book me for a month, he at least told me why.
Alex said look at the bull shit on your website. You can't tell people to go to other shows like AAW and Shimmer. It puts down our roster. You attacked them.
He'll use what he can. You know that... You're supposed to know that by now.And you gave it to him.I responded with I attacked the fans and the promoter. then he just wouldn't get off his high horse and claimed there was 25 guys ready to shoot on me. I didn't get to say anything else. Until he said this was business and I said it was personal. Then he threatened to call the cops if I didn't leave.*Cencored*Alex and I have done worse things to each other. I figured we always talked through them before, so I thought this was no different
I left the PAC by responding to his, "I'm sick of this, you think you are better than everyone else attitude," with "it's not about thinking, it's about wanting to be better than everyone else. Like everyone should in this locker room."
Then he broke down and said come back in June.
Well at least you got that.
thanks for letting me vent

Summer 2015: In Love with Love and Dog Biscuit Poetry Part 3

Winter best be coming because this has felt like one of the longest months. And then there is jury duty to kick off the next one, so frankly, I may just be too bleak to write.

Which kind of heartbreak hurts worse, the kind done out of principle or being dragged along by the indecisive? They both hurt worse than the online "we've talked all we can, but are we really going to meet" abandonment, but when it feels the whole world has cut ties with you, it's just reinforcement.

I guess the dragged out friend zone hurts more than the "we cannot be involved no matter how good you are," but again, the reinforcement of the latter. It says you're a good person, but the circumstances are never going to go your way. The term involved in this case is not about sex or romance, just someone you can count on to be there. It's only been 11 years since I've had that (with the exception of a garage rental in 2008).

And wouldn't you know it, I've probably felt like I haven't accomplished a damn thing for that long. Is it more than a feeling? Perhaps not. No one that I know has thrown so many artistic (wrestling is an art) punches, trying to create something with some meaning that a large amount of people could understand or relate to. There are plenty of pricks who just want to mock my efforts to the point where it feels I've just been locked out from my passions.

It's poetic, since I'm a Cubs fan, that my pitches just end up in the dirt, but my losing efforts aren't drawing millions of fans a year to inspire the continuation of futility. Hell, I'm not even drawing one.

And that one might be all that's needed for happiness. With all the damaged girls I know who always return to the proficient in damaging, how can that be true? There are so many assholes who keep reinforcing that as their chosen path, but they're never denied a second chance. I've been an asshole once, and I've yet to get that chance. Maybe I'm just too damaged. Gods be damned, how weak a person I must be.

Why would I consider the concept that one person could make a difference? Because of some cute shit I said to a girl online. Ironic that the guy who gave up infield singles at second base keeps trying to go deep.

"You gotta do what you do well. The problem is finding the outlet where it'll be appreciated."

It leads me to believe that may explain every good and fucked up relationship. The good ones appreciate the efforts of the other person. The fucked up ones, when you're only good at destruction, you look to destroy.
"Wait!! - Hulk Hogan" - Know Your Meme
It's sad that all those who took the time to destroy me, it wasn't about love. Perhaps I wasn't abandoned. No one ever took that much effort to include me anyhow, so I'm just stranded. No one ever gets upset with you not stopping to help a motorist.

Still, if you've heard "The Supersucker Drive-By Blues" you've know there are plenty of people who like to taunt the permanently flat. Like fate throwing the Hulk Hogan situation after I just secured that throwback tee to knock that item of my to own list.

The Hulkster just has to be part of what lead to a week of shaming by the local wrestling community. There are a lot of directions on how I could write about that situation. Can bad people stand for good causes like Lance Armstrong? How does this issue relate to my blog about Peoria's wrestling hatred towards those who tell them to quit saying it's okay to be racist*? But when Peoria doesn't care about what doesn't affect them, why should I take the time?

*To Midwest Impact Pro's credit (once Joey Grunge realized what his boys were doing), both the promoter and booker suggested that they would offer to find a place for me on their card, but I had to respond with a flattered not interested because of my stance on promoting a laissez-faire approach to handling racist views.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

MFK: Cats, Days Off, The Shining...Barbershop Window Haiku

Tuesday, my day off. Or I should say was. Since I have gotten on to the keyboard to write something new, I am putting the work in.

That was just said to give my girlfriend a hard time with her schedule that has one day spoiling cats as her putting the work in. One, what good person has an issue volunteering time to cats. Two, they are our superiors, so it is an obligation, like children, to care for them. Family does not paid to watch rug rats. We should not get paid to take care of cats...unless they start having Certified Veterinary Assistant programs at the junior college level. I may now have a reason to go back to school.

I know there are Vet Tech programs, but I do not have the nerve to stick my furry friends. Also, my obsessive nature makes it so I want to focus on felines. Piss off pups.

Are there truly days off? You may get a few more hours of sleep, provided you drink enough (thank you Malort) to roll over and endure your girlfriend's constant alarm clocks going off (she just now realized that the clocks in the room are 15 minutes fast...was I contributing to her panic?). Then you get the cup of coffee to allow yourself to be productive. It kind of defeat the purpose of being off.

My right arm has not sent me any pain signals, so I have paid 20 bucks to assure my free agency. Eva's vet appointment is scheduled for my next day off, so I have not only been productive today, I have ruined my next chance for laziness. It is not professionalism, it is masochism.

When you get paid six calendar days a week, the other problem with the day you do not receive a wage is that the significant other likes to claim the evening. I live with her because I lack the time for dates. If my Vegas aspirations fall through (with the 92% reduction in my Federal Tax refunds, I might have to push it off to 20 "god damn I'm 40-fucking-2" 22), I gotta get to know more people in the CU. And of course, there are no adult soccer leagues in Urbana on Tuesday nights.

No soccer, no reason to put the girlfriend on the side. I tried a trivia night, but it was in the posh/baby boomer side of Champaign. It did not seem like there was anyone who I could see myself relating to, so I called the girlfriend because I do not walk away from competition. It seems like I am looking for a tag team partner instead of friends.

Desperately seeking a barbershop window.

Yes, I know it is great to be in love, but it seems I am not appreciative of what I got. Can I be? Until JB Pritzker legalizes it, I cannot get high and have no inspiration to play a guitar like a motherfuck'n riot. Sublime had a lot more in that track then the chorus lets on.

Everyday, there is work to be put in when chasing a dream. I do my best each day, but it never seems to get easier.
The Prize is Nev-er
Clos-er, Day Off is for Plans
Worth My San-i-ty?
Des-per-rate-ly Need
A Bar-ber Shop Win-dow to
Put a Good Friend Through
That haiku was not "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy," so it looks like I still have some sanity remaining to stay on the current path. It also shows the inevitability of where Stanley Kubrick's worst film was going. Nicholson's character's talent was not there, all there was left was his anger to embrace...and an ax.

The Peoria Next Generation Wrestling Wiki

The last time I was out of Next Generation Wrestling (for reasons that were all business and were understood and made clear by all parties involved), I decided to see how I compared to everyone in 2004.
To motivate me to out perform. That was the goal. Of course, I realized that actual wrestling ability was not the promoter's concern since I was suppose to be in a comic angle and jobbing to those who the crowd thought were cool.

You cannot improve if no one wants to believe you can.

I guess I had my moments, in 2005 with the Kyle Rich feud, my return match against Brett Gakiya, and the "Star Wars" gimmick, but refusing to play the roles NGW wanted me to forced them to put me in a position of just putting me in meaningless matches. The win loss ratio made it so statistically that I was a push over, but when you are not in the premiership, how many limeys give a shit about what you do?
With the realization of this and my best friend trying to kill me, I admit, despite the great matches I had, it was not my best year. But when I look at why certain people got to where they are in my rankings, it was not much of a year in Peoria Wrestling.
1. Chris Hazard (NGW Heavyweight Champion) - Nobody can deny that Hazard is the best heavyweight in the Heart of Illinois. The build, the mic skills, and the storytelling ability are the best in NGW. It was fitting that he has gotten the chance to dominate as heavyweight Champion. Unfortunately, with storyline bullshit during the first reign of '05, you might not even be able to remember that he was the champion instead of Jester for that period of time.

2. Kyle Rich (Two-time NGW Triple Threat Champion) - The most athletically gifted performer the promotion had seen. He lacks some of the dramatic elements like a Bret Hart prior to the Hart Foundation, but his bringing the strong style to NGW made him the person to watch. After his 20 minute draw with Chris Hazard, everyone knew he was going to be the star to watch. Too bad the Triple Threat Championship is downplayed to the Heavyweight Championship like the X-Division is the side show to Jarrett's title reign.

3. Ryan Phoenix (Former Triple Threat and Tag Team Champion) - Phoenix was the ultimate utility player of 2005. With coming from the fan base, people would not mind seeing him in big matches. Unfortunately, he never got to win those matches. But he was there and that should count for something.

4. Sinnister (Former People's Choice Champion) - I am not a fan of saying the little guys cannot win, but Sinnister was the only People Choice Champion you wanted to see the belt come off of. Unfortunately, wanting to stick to hardcore-style matches meant the division was not about great wrestling. On the flip side, Sinnister was given the chance to show how he could carry any opponent into having an entertaining match. This probably did a lot to help Axis, someone who had a look, but lacks storytelling ability.

5. Axis (Former People's Choice Champion) - He was able to break open the PC division as being the most heel like of it's first three stars (the other being Brett Gakiya and Ray Hez). Not being a great (as in hate-able heel) made the division the most sports like which probably ended up keeping it buried in the eyes of the NGW fans, but his likability eventually gave the fans a face in the division when he faced Sinnister.

6. Brett Gakiya (Former People's Choice Champion) - With his non offensive appearance he should be the top face. He did not get a lot of chances to shine being in the gimmick division, but when he did, he excelled. Who wasn't talking about the Asian Deathmatch at Luck o' the Draw? His ladder match with Ryan Phoenix and Kyle Rich may have led to the dumbest move in NGW (making it so the Triple Threat Title a one-on-one belt), but his chance to take Rich on head-to-head can only help him climb to the top. That is if, the heavyweight title stops headlining.

7. Big Pappa (Former Heavyweight Champion) - For him being one of the original IAWF (International Apartment Wrestling Federation) guys, I thought it was nice to see him get a title reign. Not to sound cynical, but he put the time in to wear the belt, but I did not mind it only being on his resume and that's all. Pappa ended up being the ultimate supporting figure. He was the guy who gave Kyle Rich a purpose to debut in NGW and he was a great contender against Hazard. Too bad NGW kept relying on him as the top contender. The repetitive use of his presence eventually over killed the concept of him playing the role.

8. Jester (Former NGW Heavyweight Champion) - With the poor writing at the beginning of the year, until he lost to Hazard at the Ace of Spades, he seemed like he was the champion. Too bad being put into a feud with the CCC kept him from ever getting a chance to regain that aura. He's a good storyteller, but no one want to see a CCC story. It's also sad that personal commitments prevented him from achieving this status as PC champ.

9. Ray Hez - His personality allowed him to get placed in some big matches, but he was never able to score the wins. He never got the chance to show his ability to wrestle because the personality did not require it. So, it was not expected.

10. CCC - (Ace of Spades contestant, former PC Champ) - In all honesty this should be my spot, or CJ Esparza's, or Kody Kash's, or Stumpy's, or even Doug Devore's. But he showed in 2005 that the show is about what he wants, so he gets to make his appearance here.

Oh, hear my 2004 list:
1. Jester --- 2. Chris Hazard --- 3. Ryan Phoenix --- 4. Axis ---
5. Brett Gakiya --- 6. Kyle Rich --- 7. Apocalypse --- 8. RC Stevens
9. Sinnister

Wall-E Movie Review

Well, I cannot lay around my apartment waiting for one of the cats to grab a pillow and smother me (Brenda has become accustomed to my face), so I went out to see a movie last night. One of my coworkers recommended "Wanted" (sounded like it had all the campy stuff I want in a crappy action flick), but I'm all about cinema. Cinema. CINEMA.

As a result, "Wall-E" by Pixar was the best option.

This film had a pretty simple premise. The story of two robots falling in love by their united efforts to bring humanity back to the once desolated by pollution planet of Earth. Wisely (from at least a financial standpoint), Pixar decided to take the humorous path of rescuing human race. With the failure at the box office of Danny Boyle ("Trainspotting", "28 Days Later") martyr fest of "Sunshine", one has to be able to laugh at the brink of destruction.

Until the emotional climax, humor is always present. I do not know if Fred Willard was needed as the President/CEO of the WalMart like conglomerate that control society (he could have at least gave us his half-ass W impersonation), but it keeps you happily involved with the story.

When I stop to thing about it, the WalMart stuff in general could have been lessened. I thought there was enough humor is a society that is beyond super obesity. It is great that Pixar is making an effort to provide voice work to the past their prime fat actors, but this does lead me to question some of Pixar's believability.

How does a bed ridden society of fat asses consistently mate for 700 years? I've been desperate for a lay, but if I won't shag me, I don't want to make any women deal with the act of satisfying my human needs.

So, I guess that is the one thing I wasn't sold on in a brilliantly told story. In a nearly perfect comedic film, I still must knit pick some of the other elements in Pixar's decision making.

Did the hero have to look like a midget Johnny 5 for starters? Did Michael McKean build him?

Also Wall-E, a robot desperate to experience the emotion of love, falls for a feminine robot called Eve. This shows the lack of balls at Pixar to be truly groundbreaking.

What if the robot Wall-E fell in love with was masculine with a name like Evan? Pixar had the chance to bust down social walls with the first American gay cartoon couple (3-PO and R2 broke the robot barrier), and they passed it up.

Really aren't robots androgynous, would parents have difficulty explaining this to their kids?

Well, hopefully through my review, I have quelled any distractions one may experience in what perhaps may be the best film of the year. Add the best Pixar short film that I have seen, almost any one should jump at a chance to see Wall-E on a digital screen.

Landmark Cinemas won't cut it for this one.
Wooden constructor - Robot Wall E, Wooden Model Puzzle Game, Wood Game Building, Wooden Constructor, Kids Wooden Modelщ

July 2015: Wrestlers Only Read when Hate May Be Involved

I really have to come up with a more obvious way to say, "Local Wrestlers Needed for Zombie Movie." If I had found that, I probably would not have burned another bridge.

But on the flip side, I burned a bridge with those who are cool with the right that white people have to burn crosses. This may be too harsh an assessment. The promotion I am speaking of was running in the suburbs of Pekin, Illinois. Google "Pekin High School State Basketball Championship" and you will understand my implication about playing to that audience.

So, I've been an alienated mess the past week. I've been incapable of making new meaningful connections and my Facebook war with a promotion and "friends" has left me feeling rather alone. If you take into account 500 Facebook "friends" that will not tell me to try and cheer up when I say I'm better of dead, it seems my efforts are all for not.

Thus, I'm scared shitless of my try out as an AAW referee this month. My efforts are for not. Perhaps if Danny Daniels lets me getaway with my blue trim to the traditional in-ring official attire, I'll feel comfortable enough to not feel totally defeated at inevitability. I'll fall on that sword as an innovator. Not that innovative I suppose, blue just happens to be over. Why not Blue Gloves if there is a Blue Pants?

I guess that paragraph just showed that I am a pessimist. My only argument that I try to stay positive is the following: I realize if the future looks bleak, why not look into the past to feel better. That's how the only friend from high school that I keep semi-regular contact with deals with his fear of the future instead of trying to come up with goals.

Perhaps he has the right idea. Just accept what life dictates and be happy. This is probably why he claims no one should care about any of my frustrations or my depression. The world will just drop you that person who is meant to understand it all.

It seems that's the way for everyone else. You may argue that not true because of divorce rates and awful break ups. And I'll tell you that the majority of the people I know who go through that find a new relationship to break. When I've only committed a single act that could ruin a relationship while I've had friends and family who either continuously fall victim to these acts of betrayal or continually partake in them, it seems like they're having a lot more chances to have fun. If they're masochistic, they're life is a constant party.

What I've learned from the past leaves me feeling very flawed. The one thing I've always done is to strive to be the best possible person I can be, but with no future and no one who cares, what's the point.

The flaw may not be anything that can be corrected. It may just be my stupidity and stubbornness. I've never just accepted a path to being comfortable, so I've never accepted the rewards fate has bestowed seemingly on everyone who has their health. Let me correct the previous statement by saying that I've never accepted a path that is deemed acceptable by others.

No one has had faith in me since I washed out as a computer programmer. Everyone seems to just be counting on me to grow out of all my pursuits. Quit focusing on "Main Event of the Dead." none of your 525 followers (Facebook plus Twitter) have done a damn thing to say it's worth their time. Quit wanting to get back in the ring. Peoria fans have their friends to cheer, so they don't want anyone who considers it an art to distract them. Just focus on the money and work your way up into management.

Focus on the money? I've been dealing with the greed of Kohl's in my dreams, so fuck that. Report me Jeff "Ryan Phoenix/Waylon Beck" Irons for trashing the gluttonous corporation that pays me minimum wage and threatens me for not encouraging speculative economics.

And I may just be shagging my life. I guess that path may send off pheromones that tell the girls this guy will be too busy doing that to give you a decent rogering.

This may come down to the old question, is a star made or born. If they're born, they're destined to end up on top. Whatever they do will garner attention. If that's the case, there's no point for someone to pursue some skill or task that's benefits are not overtly apparent to the world. You can be a master in a field, but if you don't naturally display it, you've wasted your time.

I'm not trying to be a star, I just want to be dedicated to my passions instead of just working towards what is expected. If I don't see the point of owning more space than I need, why own a house? I'm not and may never be ready to have a family, so that house seems even more pointless.

There maybe an end to it all. My trainer, the only person who has believed in me since I was 25, has the family and didn't give up on his passion. Fuck, now I'm even more anxious about my referee debut.

The anxiety was for not AAW Vanguard [i.e. AAW NXT] folded before that show.

The "Main Event of the Dead" Test Reel Needs:
  • Someone with some makeup or special effects experience.
  • The true antagonist of the feature is a woman, so an actress to set up the premise of "Main Event of the Dead."
  • Three or four wrestlers to take the finishing moves.
  • One or two wrestlers to deliver the moves.
  • A wrestling ring with a canvas that can afford to be left a little messy. If we can get extra from the crowd-funding campaign, we'll make replacing it a priority.
Since this is an effort to try and make this feature a reality, I can really only afford to compensate what ever is spent to make this video. I am willing to negotiate terms on what compensation will be for performances before the reel goes online. If whatever raised can cover the compensation agreed to, even if I do not reach the goal to produce the film, compensation will be had.

If you need a treatment of the script for "Main Event of the Dead" please e-mail me at

Army of Darkness 1992 Japanese B5 Chirashi Flyer

Saturday, February 16, 2019

MFK: Haikus, High School Wrestling Marks, Mountain Goats...Days off from school

Hotels really ought to let reservations be a free for all. Or maybe I should have worked on my take down defense so that I can relate to high schoolers getting special rates during the Illinois High School Wrestling championship.

What pisses me off more is the lack of dedication of most of athletes in the hotel. If you are not a viable championship prospect, your sectional success has granted you a weekend getaway. The finals are going on now (I think, 6:20 pm on Saturday) and these adolescent athletes are still wandering the halls and making it so the morning shift is going to lose a lot of money to guests who either do not have kids or have gotten over those sexually transmitted parasites.
My cousin in Ohio better protect his sons at all cost because I am seriously considering a vasectomy just to be as cordial to the world as possible. No children, do not blame me for any of your problems. I am not contributing to the noise at the risk of my family name.

Then again, I am a writer. Like William Shakespeare and his healthy daughters, there will be no dynasty.

How am I doing otherwise? Lease is taken care of, bills are paid, and I have come to terms that I confused Kurt Vile with Butch Vig and hence satisfied with my ticket purchase for next Saturday in Bloomington. Fumbling $10 away sucks, but my girlfriend seems to be taking my advise not to wait up for me when I do these evening shifts, so I should not need to worry about using a Hamilton to buy Sunday McDonald's.
A Tra-di-tion Dies
But who real-ly needs fat-ty
Mc-Don-ald's French Fries
$10 for the haiku inspiration. Worth it.

Haikus may be the best way for me to put out my borderline offensive tweets/posts. I figured I would offend somebody for asking if "ring rats" was the right term for high school wrestling groupies. Did not expect it to come from the female marks. These fine women said that "supportive girlfriend" was appropriate...but

I saw these wrestling warm-up sporting ladies that I tweeted about at my morning retail job looking for the right wearable technology to accessorize with it. The latter part of that statement is giving them the benefit of the doubt that somehow their visit to my store was in the name of team spirit. My point is the matches were going on. Be there to support your boys. This is not your mental health day.

Context is not tweetable so the supportive girlfriend comment is not stupid. If it is not stupid, do not turn your keyboard into a shovel to dig a deeper hole. It is not worth the audience.

I take up too much time looking for the approval of Facebook "friends" and Twitter followers. Why would I want to make my life tougher with children that I would also have to be responsible for? Especially only one may be profitable and I got to focus on those who are. Like those guests who comes into your hotel (Central Asian...I have six years in the field to know what they want) who expects a kitchenette worthy of Kitchen Stadium to be prepared in their room.

And today's secret ingredient to day is bullshit.

Seeing how you have girlfriends and teammates more focused on what the trip has to offer them, maybe I would not fit in a Wrestlemania crowd. And I thought it was trying to watch 20' by 20' worth of two competitors's efforts in the center of a 120 yard by 50 yard playing surface.

In retrospect, I really bullocked up going to Chicago just to see the ROH double shot and leaving before Wrestlemania 22 happened at the Allstate Arena. If only I was not focused on supporting the junky "best" friend of my deceased inspiration, I could have established a ring rat relationship to get me a ticket. That was at least what my fellow Daniels's Disciples boasted about as a means to see the event.

I would never use somebody like that. Anyhow, I definitely would have had the resources without the $200 heroin addiction to worry about.

This make me wonder if I am to dependent upon bitterness when I write. At least that little detour down memory lane quit me from going back 20 years to my first experience with teammates who skipped out on supporting there mate(s) for the distractions a college town can offer.

Well, I am not going in to those details. Only the wife of the douchiest 1998-99 Morton High School Wrestling teammate might read this blog, so there will be no one's feelings to hurt. Thus an opportunity of a lesson for them in how to treat others would negate me being an asshole would be lost. As would my time.

7/22/09: America Keeps...

Current mood: argumentative

Who to be pissed off at today? "America's Got Talent"? The "Circus Girls" act I caught as I was trying to set up my Wii Motion Plus left me a bit upset.

Are contortionists talented...yes, but if you were Vegas talented, you should be representing the US team in London in three years. It's called Rhythmic Gymnastics. What? You can't stay that flexible for another three years?

Hell, those girls are just messing up Title 9 for us guys. Illinois State University which I would rather have wasted my education than attend (it's tough enough considering reapplying at U of I since the straight A, wrestling team captain who made sure the Illini's eventual washout tackle passed computer programming was turned down), could reinstate their folk-style wrestling program if women would rather have an education than fame. From the perspective of those observing me over the past nine (going on 10) years, they'll tell you that the quest for fame and fortune just isn't a good move.

Especially when either a producer or the Hoff is going to encourage you to take short cuts to fame.

Of course my older sister was the one watching the future of Sunset strip's oldest profession. Can I be pissed at her for that...well I am a little. After I expressed my dismay at the performers with a bit more angst because my Motion Plus box only had the new sleeve for the Wii Mote, she responded with, "if you call wrestling a talent, why isn't it in the Olympics."

It's not like I haven't been lobbying for it. I got to remember to put that as a policy in next years campaign.
Never mind her pissing on the evolution of athletics. I'd just spent four hours on another computer dubbing Ring of Honor DVDs (which will be on sell 3 for $10 at Pro Wrestling Next and other fine promotions). Sorry if I'm not in the mood to blog.

Maybe I wanted to relax, watch a "South Park" or something fatalistic on Spike, so I could come to the keyboard in a Zen like state to write a blog expressing the need for peace, love, and less Michael Jackson coverage.

And Karl Malden coverage. He doesn't count as someone famous who died. 97 years-old, what's the next step? There isn't one. It's a six-foot drop.

And why do we only bury them six feet deep? So we don't have to call JULIE? If the zombies are going to rise, lets at least make the climb as high as an NBA hoop. The apocalypse would be a lot more interesting if we'd only have to worry about the talented ones coming back.

The ones who are immensely talented, not the ones a couple of limies (one of which along with the guy who eats off the floor won't give Break Skate) say "Yes" to.

Day Watch: Throws Everything at You...Including

A chicken-shit ending, but not in a bad way since "Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor)" was kind of made for the fan fiction universe(s) that spawned the "Tigers, Vampires and Bears" genre.

There is a chalk that allows whoever possesses it to write or rewrite their fate. The Night Watch could use this to help bring balance and reinforce the truce, but it only seems to be the priority of our alcoholic antagonist Anton and his sexy trainee Svetlana. To their dismay, they cannot dedicate much time to this cause because someone is framing Anton for murder.

For the sanctity of the truce with the Day Watch, the Night Watch must gain the chalk and clear Anton's name before the armies of darkness find the excuse to bring on the war they have been longing for.

It is truly rare to see a sequel that leaves no questions from the first film unanswered. Then again, this film was meant for one unlike our decade of trilogy pics that usually make new questions up just to have a part three. Unlike George Lucas's saga, this film comes from a universe that allows for anything to happen without seeming tacky, so the viewers can be in utter awe of this picture, and not have to worry about a whiny symbol of 30 years of evil.

There are a lot of devices that sound tacky in written form. No matter its original intentions, the idea of a yo-yo as a weapon of mass destruction shouldn't float, and chalk can never be hip (thank you American education system). This story dispels these standards, and even sets the bar for ridiculous stunts at the level "Ultra Violet" tried to obtain.

I will give Milla Jovovich's pet project (I still haven't listened to the commentary track, so I have no sense of a contradiction) some credit. When it came to genuine combat, Timur Bekmambetov lags behind Kurt Wimmer. Hopefully, this wasn't the case with Bekmambetov's American effort "Wanted". I also wonder what the heights Wimmer will set for action with "Metal Gear Solid."
This is where I apologize to Bekmambetov for comparing him to Wimmer. As I said, he sets the standard for how to break the laws of physics. Usually unnecessary, but it is a nice addition to this series of the films.

As long as they aren't punching and kicking, all of the action maintains a high level of intensity through out. This time around, all of the characters are explained thus making everything about the action and the films worthwhile.

This time, the acting is a little off. Yegor (Dmitri Matynov) and Zavulon (Viktor Verzhbitskiy) are not as likable. The characters have different motives, and the actors seem to take this as excuse to take their performances in different directions even if they aren't the auteur's intended one.

Also, the addition of Svetlana (Mariya Poroshima) seems wasted because she should outshine the other women in the cast. A tough task with great female characters getting further development, but that should have been her goal.

If there is one more thing I thought I could complain about, it is the ending. I was hoping for something more creative, but as a Cohen Brother's fan, I cannot bitch about it. Knowing many who are not fans of Ethan and Joel, they maybe hoping for an American remake. It would be great to see more of these characters, but it is not a bad thing for this book to be closed.

Most sequels cannot answer all of the questions the first film left, but Day Watch is an ideal sequel to the best necro-underworld series on the market. Timur Bekmambetov may have created the best sequel that does not contain the words Strike Back.

7/22/09: America's got...

Current mood: pissed off
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

What America's got is me pissed off. I can't believe this is how I get my freedom to blog tonight. My older sister, who wouldn't watch "American Idol" when our cousin was in the top 12 is watching "America's Got Talent".

I'm not trying to make myself look good or my older sister look bad. I didn't tune in to Idol when my cousin was on it, nor have I ever tuned in. That was the third season, the one between Underwood and Studdard. The person who won, well I don't listen to crossover music I guess. As does everyone else since they can't remember him when I tell them my cousin "was the kid who looked like Conan."

That in itself is something America's got me pissed off about. William Hung fever wears off, so damn those who worked their ass off to be sell outs to that exploitative limey son of a bitch. I did at least listened to John Stevens album of covers. Dare I say I'm an ideal American for supporting a family member that I hadn't spoken to...probably ever.

The kid is eight years my junior and I hadn't seen him since he was eight. He was too busy being pimped by my aunt (The weird narratives family sells you about other family. I wish I could claim it was intended hyperbole. In actuality, no exploitation occurred.) to entertain at my grandparents' 50th anniversary. Not to say I wouldn't have kicked someone's ass if it would put a smile on my late grandfather's face, but the hockey player cousin who might hold his own with me couldn't make the schindig. I could be tempted into beating the crap out of the hellion of my cousins, but the lack of sport would make me think better of that. Even though I was a tad annoyed by when I was misrepresented in the music/slide montage with a crappy photo of my football days.

It was that summer that I decided that I felt all I could be was a 170 lbs offensive guard, and that just doesn't work at the varsity level no matter how many starts I had at the fresh/soph level (17 of 17). I felt a little unappreciated about the fact I covered for a couple of all conference tackles who were nothing more than inconveniences to the defense. Thankfully, you run the ball a lot at that level, so I wouldn't have to hustle to save the running backs after I took care of my linebacker. At least not that many times.

I don't like to acknowledge that I'm growing more and more bitter about my lot in life. There are times it seems I am only holding on to faith in hopes that I can someday kick the all mighty's ass. He should be more than aware of this plan after giving my ass a football like stature sans the height, and more fighting spirit than all the pro wrestlers in Peoria.

Hey, the "poser-smarks" say I got a big mouth, so I'm rolling with the gimmick.

America's got me pissed about a whole lot of other things. Like the fact there are four Osbournes making a living in this country instead of just one, but after summoning up some adolescent demons, I'm going to have to step away to organize my revolution.

Vote Stevens for Illinois State Representative in 2010 or else.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Boy Eats Girl: Good Porn Title/Bad Zombie Flick

High school students and zombies, this must sound like a “can’t miss” concept. The Irish/British co-production "Boy East Girl" was not content with having two demographics covered, and drops the ball when it tried to incorporate an "American Pie" coming of age tale into it. - The Best Ever Horror Comedies
Nathan is a shy student who cannot stop his friends from hassling him when it comes to crush on their best friend Jessica. Eventually, they decide to play cupid by using Nathan’s phone to arrange a meeting between the two. An overprotective father and a douche bag end up ruining the plan, and leaves Nathan believing that Jessica is a slut. Crushed, Nathan flirts around with a pint of whiskey and a noose. Unaware of what he is doing with the music turned up so loud, his mother inadvertently knocks over the chair that he was standing on when she barges into his bedroom.

Like any good mother would do, she decides to borrow the book of voodoo from the secret crypt at the local cathedral, and resurrects her son. Unfortunately, she did not realize that the last page was missing, so she cannot prevent him from craving human flesh. After biting a bully at the end term dance, Nathan has unwittingly unleashed a zombie apocalypse. Hopefully, his mother can find the way to reverse the infection before Nathan and company resort to unleashing the fury of farm equipment in the name of defending the little village and Jessica’s honour.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes.

Renaming the Friday after Turkey Day or Screw them Smurfs (version 2)

Current mood:  bitchy

I ask you, am I overly influenced by Kevin Smith's material? The psycho ex girlfriend would say no since I had not got around to reading the diary of his she bought me (in my defense, it is called "My Boring Ass Life"). Stef would say, "surprised you did not ask anyone to have sex with the corpse of Mr. Crispy," since that is the only box left unchecked on the list of what events have happened at both the Morton Travel Center and the Quick Stop.

Regardless of how much influence the Jersey boy has, Kevin Smith's latest film left me pondering something. A side from what happened in the four minutes I missed due to a flawed reel change.

With the election of Obama, should we still call Black Friday...Black Friday? Or is Obama not black enough to encourage such change?

In this politically correct world, some would say it's okay since it is not called Porch Monkey Friday (god I don't want to envision what dumb white people would do to celebrate sounds like a good excuse for some fried ch...), but people do associate themselves with a color.

We know that to be true since whites do not want to be referred to as caucs. So if we are going to associate colors to negative days (discounts do not make the horrors positive), lets find one that a race does not take pride in their skin tone.

Green, well I don't want to give dirty hippies any reason to organize. The smell would be a biohazard that the Umbrella Corporation would not even claim.

Yellow, I know the Asians do not take pride in it, but they sure would be pissed. I don't even want to go into how crappy the Latin community would act over their color.

The Indians (with the feather not the dot) don't want to be called redskins, so I think red could be appropriate because the disassociation they are encouraging.

While I'm talking about Redskins, many say the Washington National Football League Franchise is in the wrong for being nicknamed with a racial slur. It would only be right if the mascot was a redskin potato. So how about this idea that is © 2008 Russ Stevens?

A plastic redskin potato with interchangeable facial features, a spear, and football helmet should be the mascot of a Washington DC based football team. He maybe a Spartan, a Gladiator, who cares? Could you just imagine the possibilities? Chick McGee mustaches and shoe accessories. Joe Theisman legs. Political Outfits.

And vegetable markets in New York, Dallas, and Philli could send their kids to college on the sells of potatoes for one season. What better way to welcome Washington fans with a display of mashed potatoes?

Now back to the shopping season where hopefully you may someday purchase the above idea that is © 2008 Russ Stevens. Red is about the only color that generally has negative connotations among all cultures. It's the color of blood, the devils who are not associated with Coach K, fire, etc.

It can be associated with life and that garbage holiday in February, but generally it represents violent death. And what better way to describe what happens on Black Friday?

With this argument, I imagine that there will be those who would want to change White Christmas. Why should us crackers get a positive day?

Because snow is white. It does not rain ash in December unless you are in the Pacific Rim. A rain of blood would deserve its own holiday (06/06 at 6 am), and may also occur on what is still Black Friday. We do not want to imagine anything brown or green or falling from the sky on the birthday of Mary's crazy kid. And only a rash of incontinent dogs could create a yellow one.

On that not may you enjoy some Bing Crosby and Danny "Fucking" Kay shit this December.

After this long rant about colors, I now realize that I missed the point of Black Friday. It's about retailers ending up in the black, so red would be excessively depressing. So here is the solution:

Use blue ink and have a Blue Friday. Who am I going to piss off, midgets (Smurf joke)? Those Snorks can have any pastel colors the queers won't take. The only other problem I see is that New Order song, but come on, everybody just remembers the Orgy cover now.

Regardless of the color, just be safe this November 27.

22 FUNNY Black Friday Pictures

Night Watch - What If Underworld Made Sense?

Damn those douche bags at News Corp. It is not enough that they run Fox New Channel and Weekly World News (that's probably where they get their fair and balance from), but they encourage dubs of live-action films.
Side A - English Wide Screen.
Side B - Russian Wide Screen.
Manipulative pricks! Guess what side I inadvertently had placed down into the player.

Honestly, I cannot blame them for this fine print trap. With the success of the "Underworld" franchise, they needed a product to cash in on the Vampire v. "Choose you own demon" market, and they had to make it accessible to the teens and weirdos who want to be bloodsuckers.

Bloodsuckers who put the film quality behind coolness of premise was the audience 20th Century Fox imported Timur Bekmambetov's "Night Watch (Nochnoy Dozor)", a film that possesses a greater understanding of the hidden world than either of (I've yet to see "Rise of the Lycans") most recent "Underworld" features could hope to have had.

To Len Wiseman, Danny McBride, and Kevin Grevioux credit, they were a year ahead of NW, but could you imagine Kate Beckingsale in a vampire flick where the crew took the time to get it right?
Cinema Intelligence Agency - Night Watch

In the medieval era (I almost said medieval times, how tacky), the extraordinary humans called "others" were at war. Some fought for the goodness of human kind, others for the evils. Their struggles would have resulted in both races' destruction, so the leaders of both sides chose to form a truce. To ensure neither side dominated, the light side would patrol the night, and the dark side would be the enforcers of the day.

This truce had remained intact for the greater part of a millennia until a virgin is found to be the center of a vortex of damnation. With her comes a prophecy. A child will appear and the side they choose will be destined to rule over all. The alcoholic Anton, a night watchman, seems to be the only one who may shape the world's destiny.

By no means have we mastered the LARP genre, but I have not seen "Night Watch's" sequel, so I cannot abandon hope.

Some might be disappointed that the "Others" do not pretend to be elitist, but sticking to human nature makes these characters far more easier to relate to. It leave the audience with a greater hope that this underworld might be real, and questions the immediate response of "where do I sign up?"

The film focusing on a character who is still trying to accept what he is works out well. Anton's struggles are those that many of us face everyday, so he is the most believable character in the whole of this rising subgenre.

The most important thing about the characters is that they are not amazed by what happens. They may end up getting caught of guard, but the moment passes and they do not think they are special because of it. This allows the events and twists to occur without the audience calling shenanigans on this film.

If the lack of BS and focus on character's feeling wasn't enough to piss off the poser vamp, they may get fed up with the lack of violence. There are plenty of intense sequences, and the film flows very well, but there are not a lot of showdowns that American movie goers have come to expect from this subgenre.

In other words, this is not a comic book style movie. No Spidey v. Sandman, Storm v. Toad, or Vampire v. Werewolf. I don't think this is a bad thing. "Watchmen" and "X-Men 2" did not have an abundance of showdowns, so why should this?

Unfortunately, with a need for action sequences, a need to direct all of them well is important. There is only one great fight scene, and it is not the climax. A small price for a film that is solidly written, but it leaves me sympathetic towards any girls whose boyfriend always comes to soon.

This film demands a sequel, and I can only hope that it can use all the great characters introduced, but weren't totally explained. If the action sequences are improved, then we might have the best modern fantasy film series of the decade.

Timur Bekmambetov shows his potential of being a great storyteller with "Night Watch." He delivered to us a film that leaves you begging for more in a good way. "Night Watch" shows that Bekmambetov is just a few tweaks from perfection. Can he deliver on the same with "Day Watch" is the only question.

Head Trip 12/18/09: Is it that hard to say fuck off?

Been popping more Ativan and it isn't just because of the new job. It is just because hope keeps trying to prove that it exists. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but to me it is nothing more than a cruel mistress. Like I need anymore of them.

Perhaps things are turning around for me. I can move out of the cell that my parents and older sister provide me with, I can finally have a cat of my own, but in the end the inevitable question is what is next.

Does anyone really see me making friends at a call center? Everyone who doesn't understand that the cog in the in a functioning machine doesn't get to tell the operator shit just seems too sensitive. The training class turned on me for being a true Cubs fan (which demands an abandonment of the Southside) and being a gentlemen.

<---i a="" at="" can="" feminist="" have="" here="" href="" in="" it="" popped="" rant="" target="_blank" that="" view="" you="">

All the friends I had from local wrestling have abandoned me. My best friends seem to have just grown up. Others have wisely moved beyond Peoria, so every time I go out, I'm alone.

It was Soul Asylum who said "Nothing attracts a crowd, like another crowd"

So without a crowd of young toughs to accompany me, making new friends doesn't seem to be in the picture. Unless bartenders start directing people my way. Too bad I'm too broke to support anyone else's alcoholism.

Even when I had guys to hang out with, meeting...fuck...I'll just say it girls didn't happen. I'm just the awkward friend (who happens to be knowledgeable and more understanding). A girl may become my best friend, but that is all they can be. I'm just a fuck up who always gets passed over, never given a chance to prove that I'm out to be the better man.

I guess I can't really relate the girl issue to just the crowd shit. Fuck, I just can't get any where. If I try to show interest, I'm politely ignored.

I don't work on fucking implications alright. If you want to set fucking rules, tell me. If you want me to just stay out.


Don't play fucking games, I am sure as hell not going to do that to you.

Of course, I got to hold on to hope. This to the world, just do me a fucking favor and stop trying to make me feel hopeful. The past six years have been hell because no matter what I do to get over my shit, I'm told or given reasons to be hopeful. And all during all this time, nothing ever works out, hope is for not.

Just fucking acknowledge I am hopeless, so I finally figure out how it's going to end.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Renaming the Friday after Turkey Day or Screw them Smurfs

Current mood:  bitchy

I ask you, am I overly influenced by Kevin Smith's material? The psycho ex girlfriend would say no since I had not got around to reading the diary of his she bought me (in my defense, it is called "My Boring Ass Life"). Stef would say, "surprised you did not ask anyone to have sex with the corpse of Mr. Crispy," since that is the only box left unchecked on the list of what events have happened at both the Morton Travel Center and the Quick Stop.

Regardless of how much influence the Jersey boy has, Kevin Smith's latest film left me pondering something. A side from what happened in the four minutes I missed due to a flawed reel change.

With the election of Obama, should we still call Black Friday...Black Friday? Or is Obama not black enough to encourage such change?

In this politically correct world, some would say it's okay since it is not called Porch Monkey Friday (god I don't want to envision what dumb white people would do to celebrate sounds like a good excuse for some fried ch...), but people do associate themselves with a color.

Read the rest of this blog by following the link.

See No Evil: Not Kane the Movie.

At least I could wait till 8:00 pm to start writing this blog. Too bad it took a sprinkler leak over the front desk to cause this. I suppose that's just a metaphor for my life or just the ultimate case of the Mondays (6/8/15, I imagine this blog may not be released till "Money in the Bank," so the hotel will be in tip top shape by then).

If you want a case for there being a God(s). The United Methodist Great Rivers Conference will sell the hotel out in just a few days, so he/she must be trying to wash the sin away from the atheist (and catholic) staff to make it the ideal location for the final group mentioned on the "Blazing Saddles: Vicious Criminal and Gunmen" list.

I could go into my sense of being lost, but the previous paragraph left me with a transition, dare I say direction, to get right into this week's movie review from Netflix DVD, "See No Evil" featuring WWE Superstar Kane.

Check out the rest of this review at - A More Acceptable Runtime.

MFK: The Wrestling Compadres, Ivan Drago, Sylvester Soccer More Interesting


If all goes as swimmingly as it has, I may be able to go back to blogging just once a week. Migrating my "No Hards Barred" Tumblr to Blogger (Rip 'Em System) may be the next way to kill time at work. Here's to hoping that Tumblr may still be a thing.

Optimism from me, one would be safe in presuming there is a catch. With me being talked into working three nights of the IHSA state wrestling championships, writing may not be an option. But, since someone is being allowed to be unavailable during that weekend despite rules are suppose to deny that, my precedence of skipping move-in weekend for Wizard World might be recognized. It is about picking battles I suppose.

Update 2/9/19

This optimism thing is proving to treat me well. I was able to play in my first indoor football game in 19 years with no immediate preparation. Bruised the hell out of my left insole when I failed to remember that turf shoes have no traction on linoleum. These Nikes acted like I was Clark Griswold sledding in "Christmas Vacation" and only the a warehouse support beam stopped me. Perhaps that is why my mom was boycotting them.

My surgically repaired right wrist that prevented me from unifying Peoria's Light Heavyweight Championships 15 years ago (to hell with the Backyard Wrestling Entertainment's championship) was being constantly reaggravated because laying out on defense is not the same as bumping. But a nice hard challenge and a minus two for my 18 minutes of play was worth it (final was an 8-3 loss).

A little Icy Hot and two weeks of scheduling conflicts, Russ "The Bus" should be ready for a return to Real Mediocre CU. Eventually, I may otain the shape I need to actively seek out Friday night bookings. But lets not get that far ahead of ourselves.

Back to 2/2/19

Let us hope that my hospitality chess is better than my efforts against "Chessmaster 3000." How else am I going to be able to move on to Las Vegas (four hours from Tinseltown?)? It seems the Wrestling Compadres' patience may be wearing thin when it comes to:
Podcast's Favorite Caller
The Lister Film Lover
The Double-Dipping Dandy (Scott Narver inspired)
The Scoop (Danny Daniels bestowed)
And I was only two nicknames from matching Apollo Creed (nine from "Your Wrestler's Favorite Wrestler" The Product David Starr. But with that suggestion to lay off the titles leads me to think of two things:
  1. I am probably not going be able to rely of them to set me up on the West Coast to fulfill the second half (optimism) of my life closer to people who would more likely get behind projects like "Main Event of the Dead," my B-Movie Zombie Comedy about Pro Wrestling (email if you would like a treatment).
  2. Since Apollo was so annoying (The Count of Montefisto), was Ivan Drago truly the villain in "Rocky IV"?
Apollo invited Drago for the fight. Rocky Balboa let pride kill his friend. If the referee was Mills Lane, the outcome would have been different. A psyched up Soviet would not have thrown the judge out of the way when he was going to deliver a standing eight count.

We were conditioned to call bullshit on then Mrs. Stallone wife's post fight promo about America's assumption of superiority. I will not go to deep into Cold War politics but from Obama to Bernie to AOC, socialism ages better. And don't get me started on Drago's supplement program. Every wrestler in the 80's would have told you it was legal at the time. If Drago had a case of the flu that kept him from his minimum wage gas station job, no one would bat an eye at a needle or two.

Sylvester Stallone's middle sequels of the franchise might also be about holding the black man down in a sport they dominated. Thank the gods for Damon Wayans and "The Great White Hype".
  • Rocky II: Rocky is the great white hope.
  • Rocky III: Rocky learns how to bounce back from a true loss to beat up the black champ. Where was Clubber's rematch clause?
  • Rocky IV: The black man cannot save the world from communism, so the white man has to step up.
  • Rocky V: The black man is out to make white men fight among themselves.
After that rant, I might finally agree that the fifth installment is worth forgetting.

I need to be careful with my next steps. Calling Stallone a racist may be unfounded. He may just be writing to see a hero he can relate to. Or that Hollywood is racist.

You can say that the rules were established when the only Expendable to effectively being written out of a movie was Terry Crews (I am not counting Miley's husband). Unwritten movie rules dictates that the black guy has to be the first to go. But that film opens with the white savior again as he breaks motherloving Blade out of a black ops site. A guy who was best known as the best black villain of the nineties before he became the Daywalker. Let us not overlook that Stallone also demolished Wesley Snipes 20 years earlier.

And it does not seem that Stallone has much fate in Asian action heroes. I believe Jet Li would have won his bout with Dolph Lundgren, but Sly had to shoot his adversary before that could happen. To Stallone's credit, he has never allowed himself to go toe-to-toe with Li or Jackie Chan. An even greater credit is that he has not made a trained pro wrestler put him over (I think, I haven't seen "Paradise Alley").

Then again, why wasn't Tiny Lister in an "Expendables?" Mel Gibson needed a decent heater in the third film. Racism will show up at some point if you like it or not.

I really should submit this blog as a Patreon idea for The Wrestling Compadres Slamcast, but I think trying to put over Tanahashi versus White next week is the best use of my 40 seconds on air. Can't shake my optimism, just three of the nicknames.

Well two nickname, since I added the Concise Contrarian. Too bad I cannot play minus 2 in the Lottery...and that these guys will not cover NJPW.