Saturday, June 8, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 10: Pretty VacAHnt)

I'm looking for someone to provide artwork to make up a movie poster "Main Event of the Dead." I'm looking for something that can feature generic pro wrestlers and zombies along these lines: Fat pro wrestler; Luchador zombie; Canadian stereotype(s); Juggalo; Asian stereotype. Feel free to just submit drafts, I will pay for a worthwhile design.

March 15, 2014

Thank you IHSA basketball from having me focus on the negativity that seemed present in my prior week. Since you are a sport that people consider...or I should say emphasized at important (if you are in the lower class at least), that typical guests book the hotel up come to your events. Lots of adults who need chauffeured to steak houses, and know that gratuity isn't included by their "bosses (assuming the Digital Store employees thought that as they were having me drive around a ice covered North End)". Thus, I do not to deal with kids at the hotels.

Rationalization 29: The American Dream is being a Jester.

Still, I thinks it's kind of funny, I think it's kind of sad (well, not the prior...I was just going for the Tears for Fears reference) that we make such a fuss about sports, to the point that we pay them more than anyone who isn't robbing the 99.5% of the rest of the country. Say what you want about Soviet Russia, but you had to enjoy their attention spans. Chess was a state-sponsored sport and hockey was nothing more than an excuse to show up the West. It wasn't about the money, it was about promoting their superiority.

Shouldn't Americans do that? Shouldn't they encourage nerds in hopes that they will make at least $60,000 a year instead of hoping they get picked up in the NBA draft.

At least that's what they did at Hogwart's. There was no cable market for Quidditch, so how profitable could that have been?

So the powers that be (corporate America which refuses to pay their share in taxes or create American jobs) will only let the lower class excel if they can entertain them. This is the first time I feed ashamed of my wrestling feud with Homeless Pedro. The angle started when I replaced my treacherous valet, Nikki "Pnut" Mayday (watch out Tweek, Keith and Kevin) with a "luchador" and treated him like a slave. I never wanted to get involved with class warfare.

Too bad the friends of the wrestlers (the lower class) who dictated the booking in Peoria called my character racist over it. I would have exploited any struggling wrestler the same if I could. Capitalism seemed like a reasonable fiscal system in 2003. If anything, the luchadors involved would have to be considered the discriminatory parties since they were performing in brown face.

And now I know why Sami Zayn is no longer El Generico. A second generation Syrian French Canadian as a Mexican wouldn't fly despite the WWE has seemingly given up on the Mexican market. I only fear that New York will keep him from the main roster to make sure he doesn't get chatty about the atrocities in his motherland.

The reason I was probably considered to be the bigot in my feud is because the white trash attendees to NGW (and more than likely Sky Pro) shows wanted to think of Homeless Pedro and El Salvador Rojo as a lower class to them. These characters were in the same place as the "fans," but they cannot be their's the Tazewell Riverfront Way.

The point to putting over my time in Peoria wrestling career (I won't call it professional since there were none involved at that time) is that the lower class maybe willing to play the upper classes game. As a writer and Peoria's only qualified professional wrestler, you can claim I'm guilty of this. My motivation is not about class climbing, but my passions have to play by their rules. Unfortunately, most of them do not have the tools to play. There not LOUD OR VACANT ENOUGH.

Rationalization 30: Value is given to the vacant

Now we can get to the negativity of my week. How I seemingly ceased enjoying things, how people feel that disagreeing with them is attacking them, and that most people are to uptight to understand satire. I guess that may explain how I was eventually phased out of "The Harbinger" staff at Illinois Central College.

Of course, a dependency on moving pictures meant that none of the student body read it anyway. Still, how can you feel like the following tweet was an attack of the right.
What stupidity are we more tolerant of: the craziness of Florida or the intolerance of Arizona? Maybe retirees shouldn't vote.
People do not want to think, so people are encouraged to play towards that. If you do not put much thought behind what you say, but if you find a way to gain attention to get what you say out, then you can be famous. So we give value to the most vacant people.

And thus, I've never seen an intelligent blog produced by a woman that I want to have sex with. I'm not saying those girls aren't smart, but they don't put thought into what they're saying. It's a waste, but since those with the power know they get attention, it's smart to exploit them.

And Rod Dyrdeck and Daniel Tosh thank you. I'll exclude Chris Hardwick since he doesn't encourage web cams. Get a podcast.

March 22, 2014

Rationalization 31: Nice Guys Honorable Guys Finish Last

I was kind of glad that I was unable to complete the blog last week. Surely I would cool off over a web video by Jenna Marbles about "How Nice Guys Finish Last." This vlog was about how boys who claim that nice guys finish last are just bitter assholes because the girls are with a nice enough guys. Being a guy who was introduced as the "the nicest guys in the world (after he is the most cynical asshole)" constantly sees girls just continue to go to assholes one after another, I felt hurt that some cunt would go to the trouble of trying to empower bad decisions. Nice guys are never given a chance to date girls like her because of her vacancy.

Still, she made a couple of points:

  • Guys who claim to be nice after a break up NEVER are. I am batting one-for-one in break ups (post junior high), and I know I wasn't a nice guy. They're just wishing schadenfreude on the "formerly" significant if they say that. Hoping someone will treat them worse. Thus, they maybe the worst people.
  • A lot of these nice guys aren't attractive to the masochistic girls. My only question is why can't girls just tell the guy that. It's probably the sadistic side of the girls psyche, or it's cheaper to have a adorning slaves than a pickup full of Mexican for manual labor.

Great, here comes the, Russ just proved he's racist. I just haven't heard any stories about day laborers claiming they were from some other Central or South American country. Too bad it's rude to ask them for documents.

In the end, my inferiority issue comes from all the girls who claim to have found a guy whose just like me. Not even the girls I'm trying to win over, I figure law of averages dictates that a chivalrous guy like myself would win over someone. I know that would be an "again," but the assholes get multiple and immediate "agains."

Note I used the term chivalrous from the term chivalry. I'm honorable, but not nice. And I'm an idiot for getting worked up over something that didn't apply to me. Still, I'm puzzled why someone would advocate to girls that it's okay to keeping dating idiots.

So, I guess that I wasn't over enough to get to the reason why I'm not overly pissed about it anymore in this blog...mankind's constant to feel just about being hateful. Don't worry, I won't allow myself to get over to ignore it in next week's blog. Even if it once again cost me a chance to wrap up...or should I say, box up this blog series conclusion.

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