Saturday, August 17, 2019

Netflix DVD - Brigsby Bear: A Mental Disorder to Rally Around

Things seem to be going pretty well for me. I have gotten a little bit of financial aid. The only problem with that it involves a banking conglomerate that does not have an office in Champaign. By the time I am off from work and clear of any immediate responsibilities, there are very few things of interest in Bloomington/Normal.

Only a few weeks of trips to go. At least I can claim it was not charity. I am putting in the miles.

And who knows, I may be able to send it all back. It was a good week of interviews, advancing to the third stage in one of them. This week, I have got a good amount of work at the retailer and two in person interviews. The only thing my success will cost me is my sweet mustache and excessive goatee. Their terminations will not be too hard to get over, but with 40 pounds I could lose, how will I define my chin?

Fortunately, I can work to find the bright side of any situation, so my girlfriend's 24-hours of sleeplessness on Thursday (was it inspired by concluding "Fight Club" or just her buyer's remorse on skipping a B1G1 deal at Rue 21?) allowed me to finally get comfortable enough to explore a feature about captivity, mental illness, and Teddy Ruxpin, "Brigsby Bear".

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