Friday, August 14, 2020

Imagining We Still Had VHS: "Claymore" Volume 1

*Blog post started on August 14, 2020.

Two more blog posts and I should be set for my vacation. It is great day to have multiple realizations. Unfortunately, the first being that you cannot have an anime review about a strong female protagonists that only covers its first few episodes and call it "A Taste of". I hope I get one more realization for an acceptable title by the time I finish the review.

As for my other realizations, I was able to remember my password to all the essential systems at my retail job (I should see if I can update my address outside of those confines) and I remember that I have a notebook of movie reviews from 2010 at my desk. If you want a third realization, it would seem that I was predisposed to focus on the 90-minute runtime as I soon discovered flipping through the pages.

Aside from my questionable health, I think the world is telling me to relax. High interest credit cards are in order. Lack of income should be straightened out with the return to retail. There is so much blog stuff today, why worry about the racist and sexist bullshit that Trump is going to be spouting today, at least for a few hours.

And there is the fourth realization. I am going home at some point this week, so Mom will keep me up to speed on that. It is tempting to put my "Squad Goals" and "IMPEACHED" bumper stickers on my car, but anxiety dictates I not bite the hand that is willing to feed. Play nice through October and be there to comfort her during her upcoming depression, provided this country is not as awful as it seems.

Speaking of awfulness, there are still tweets promoting my blogs to post today. After a momentous week, more trolling of great Americans is likely. With my luck, that might take up this evening, but since I love shooting Malort, I can endure and benefit from it. This would just mean I would have to bump back tonight's tweets to Monday. In turn, lets not worry about rushing a movie review out when the schedule would be better served by a wrestling list.

Just relax and let everything play out. It sort of feels like my increased use of cannabis might be shaping me into the ideal artist. Thank you Governor Pritzker.

Speaking of my enjoyment of the Member Berries strand, I should have probably have partook in it last night. It would have been appropriate since I decided to focus less on 90-minute flicks by returning to what got me into writing and the internet. That is anime.

Member Tenchi? Oh I member Tenchi! Member when Jerry Lawlor talked about puppies?

The only problem was that having seen episodes multiple times, paying attention to them is a little difficult in a sober state. I knew everything that was going to happen when I put "Claymore" into my Blu-ray player. What I failed to remember was how stylized the violence was and how the manga is captured. With rock music, colors, and violence, being high would have probably reinvented the experience.

Marijuana might reinvent the experience that was the pseudo-medieval "Claymore", but since I would like to express my admiration of it, better tell you what it is like with a clear head. Here is the experience of what would have probably been the first VHS tape of the series. Oh how I miss tape collecting.

Claymore: Episodes 1 through 4

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