Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Netflix DVD: Titan AE or Don Bluth's "The Transformers: The Movie"

It seems like the new job is allowing me to keep up the blog. But, daytime hours have really altered the sleep schedule, hence my pulse on what is happening in the world. And I definitely do not have the time to hear the ultra-right wing version of it from my mother.

I do need to call her more, but obviously she likes the idea of unwinding in the early morning more than I. And for everybody, that is a good thing. She stays up, she watches Fox News. She calls it quits after "NCSI" reruns end, we are better for it.

A couple of nights ago, during one of my girlfriend's random existential moments, I offered an exchange from the Luc Besson classic Lucy. Researching for this blog, I found out I butchered it.

Professor Norman: I'm not even sure that mankind is ready for it. We're so driven by power and profit. Given man's nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos.

Russ (simplifying): Ignorance is bliss.

Lucy: Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

Russ (simplifying): Ignorance is ignorance.

Why am I referring to this calling it a night conversation? Because I was discussing if it was okay to keep baby boomers out of the loop. Since they got 20-30 years left, on the surface, it sounds like a good idea since the left has to be unified in 2020 (I am leaning towards Andrew Yang now, but Beto just knows his rights from wrong), but no human should want that. It just feels like Fox News is doing what I always joked about whenever the "Hooked on Phonics" commercial came on the tube in the 90's. Why had not anyone tried to teach people how to be stupid? Is there something wrong with me for always wanting to try and reimagine and bastardize "As Seen on TV" products?

After thinking through that paragraph, I realize that all Fox News is doing is just keeping old people and idiots ignorant instead of devising some strategy to reverse their intelligence like my plan to make people unlearn reading. Refusing to learn is an entirely different think.

Which brings us to Don Bluth's last great effort to stay in the animation game, "Titan A.E." It is a well-meaning effort, but insisting on sticking to his trademarks took away from anything new the film tried to introduce. (Sorry for failing to use Fox News experiment and "Rats of NIHM" transition).

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