The #Podcast
Episode 84: From Blunt to Bacon & ThePoeticCritic-Nighy Sandwich (Would you rather slam her between two slices of Ryan Reynolds?).

From Blunt to Bacon & ThePoeticCritic-Nighy Sandwich
September 6, 2022
This week's Ally's Accessories Shop Trash Feature Revue is the hard to find (per British comedy "Wild Target" starring Emily Blunt. X is still a tough letter to represent, so Cool Movies Darth decides to have some fun with three degrees of Kevin Bacon as he also watched "Pokemon: Detective Pikachu" and "R.I.P.D." As a bonus treat, between the first two film, we get 25 minutes with ThePoeticCritic and what has been featured on her Letterboxd. Long live Ringo Star and Barbara Bach.
Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CM Darth) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective.
Being the accountant for my retailer is taking its toll on me. It is great that Podbean's links do a great job sharing my podcast episodes after immediately publishing them. This gives me the leeway to not immediately write the blog post dedicated to them. But, by this point, you know me. I do not like displaying a lack of discipline.
On the flipside, purchasing an Apple Watch is helping with the physical body. Who the hell decided that a light calorie burning goal is 370? Are they selling a lot of watches to kids?
I will say, with the walkie talkie function on them, giving a brat one of these would be better than giving them a smartphone. Pervs will hack your child's tech either way. One less screen in a kid's hand is a good thing.
The watch has also kept me distracted a bit. Yesterday (9/7/22) was the 18th anniversary of Stacia Hardin's passing. It made dealing with it a little easier. I am getting some ink tomorrow to help further honor her legacy. Ironic since I am honoring her by serving one of my addictions, but she would not take these needles away.
I am trying to sound a bit cynical, but without Stacia driving me, I definitely have no clue of what I am doing with myself. If it was not for my attempts to impress her, would we even have "NinetyForChill: The #Podcast"?
Again, I am ruining my discipline as a writer. With all the AEW title changes, a blog post is definitely needed for that. My little head trip there should have been saved for that. But I will be ripping into CM Punk, so that would just be ancillary drama.
If you lose your discipline, all can go to hell. Just like it did for Bill Nighy in the charming British comedy "Wild Target". It is a silly name for the narrative, and nothing to noteworthy occurs, except for antagonistic Martin Freeman. This is a flick for those who love John Cusack's hitmen features. Everyone loves "Grosse Point Blank", so everyone can appreciate this tale.
"Wild Target" is the feature that I am using to fill in the letter W for this year's Trash Feature Revue line up. I know I have been dropping the revues in blocks, but I have not come up with a film for the letter X. There are some options that I have come up with since I finished this podcast, but otherwise, this episode is centered around the title. A little alliteration, some pot humor, what could go wrong? Possibly a lack of movies. Kevin Bacon does not have a lot of sub-100 minute stuff.
Fortunately, my older sister was able to provide me with some content. Content that is definitely more amusing than the final destination of three degrees of Kevin Bacon, the lackluster Ryan Reynolds's action comedy, "R.I.P.D.". I expected that feature to be the weak one, so it was the second feature I watched. "Pokémon: Detective Pikachu" was viewed on Monday before I edited the podcast to lead me into the hard work in a good mood.
As for ThePoeticCritic, it took her some time to figure out that I was recording the conversation. I thought everything was cool as I spent a half hour referring to her as TPC. She just likes being more prepared, but I think this shows off how fun she can be when it is not about worshipping Jim Carrey or Jeff Goldblum. Along with "Caveman", we chat about the sins of Dan Aykroyd, how weird "Pinocchio" is going to be, and how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is nothing more than the many faces of Derek Zoolander. We need a 20 year vacation from this franchise...
Then again, "Thor: Love & Thunder" just made it to Disney+.
Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.
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