Monday, June 8, 2020

90 min Netflix DVD - "The Lure." All You Need to Know About Mermaids and Eastern Euro Pop

*Blog post started on June 2, 2020.

This week has started by just being awkward. We are given schedules with our regular hours only to be told that we are not yet ready to start them. Yes, it is because of the riots that happened Sunday and availability needs to be adjusted accordingly. No need to be open for white nationalist to point out where funds might be easily accessible.

With that said, maybe we need to skip expressing our anger with destruction and petty looting and skip to robbing banks. Everyone loves a charismatic bank robber.

It is good to joke about the civil disobedience and the morons who do not or refuse to understand it. Humor is my coping mechanism. Too bad it takes a hell of a lot of work to get to a point where I can talk to my family about it. Thus, I do not have anyone to talk to about it. The ex girlfriend is getting antsy to move on to living with her ex fiance who only lived with her for one year compared to the near four that I have. My cat(s) are great company, but tough to converse with. Never mind that it would be redundant. Their opinion is obvious about humanity. Burn it down.

So I woke up early on Monday to be three hours early. The bank closed for the day two and a half hours into my shift. This left me with way too much time. I did not know what to do with myself, so I was in bed before 11 pm. Noon was when I got out of bed and started the day, so at least I was finally able to hibernate. Hence, the biggest frustration for having a busy work shift was forgetting to document which blog posts needed to be published yesterday.

This might not necessarily be a bad thing. I might want to avoid releasing my latest political blog with how things are going. Only because it just does not involve the George Floyd situation directly. You will get the assholes I will call out saying that I am making it all about myself. It would be better for all of us if I just posted my "Bitch Slap" review from nine years prior. But now is the time to call out all the lousy cocksuckers (to just say cocksucker would not be an insult), and you know what side anyone who has a library of memes about the race card will be on.

It would not be fair to call them out without giving them notice that I will be calling them out. They would have to stick around for this post to know that. Good thing it is not the time to be fair. Here is to hoping that they will at least enjoy a review for a Polish mermaid rock musical. These fuckers will probably refer to that nations current political scene on how to handle the godless, so the "The Lure" might be right up their alley.

"The Lure"

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