If I were to narrow it, I would say Generation X and Millennial parents. It sort of makes me wish Facebook had a usable interface to keep track of the friends that I will lose with that statement. To my friends who read this blog, I am not talking about (most of) you. Perhaps, it is great that I have been so alienated since my portrayal of Tigger Mask in AAW. I cannot past judgement on friends unless they voted for Trump.
In hospitality, you see parents partying in one half of the lobby while they let the kids do whatever they want within earshot. As long as they do not foresee something affecting their incidental deposit, the kids are presumed fine. They must think, "if I can deal with the noise all day, surely the retail/front desk person with bloodshot eyes can." It is probably presumed that I am a parent myself.
This makes me feel better about myself. Being by/on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, it feels good to know you are wiser than those who went to the school. Screw your 27+ ACT score, I know how to apply a rubber. All these engineers and they do not appreciate the math and the trends to know that, maybe breeding should be dialed back.
It can be argued that employed engineering graduates have the resources to better care for kids. Thus, I am bitter at parents because I cannot afford to be one. That is not the case. The bitterness stems from you feeling that you can force upon me the noise you brought into the world.
The service and retail industries did not ask for whinyness on multiple fronts. Do you expect us to focus on being empathetic as you are shoveling shit in our face about your discontent that is more than likely beyond our control with a child belting out anger that would kill a symbiote?
The reference above makes me wish I could break up the "Disgruntled's Real Heavyweight Championship" series to allow me to reference Tom Hardy movies two weeks in a row. Did you notice their were pets in "Venom" but no small children or infants? I am just suggesting that Eddie Brock's and his bodymate may think the same as I do. With that said, maybe I should give veal a try.
The concept of Venom becoming a source for dead baby jokes actually makes them a better antihero.
All they have to think is that they are not eating the children for the taste. They are eating kids to make lousy parents suffer.
Despite all the negativity I have spouted towards those who spawn, I am not opposed to being a parent. This may show where my intelligence lacks. Being a parent and someone pursuing goals that may only serve their selves is a task I probably cannot handle. Being a great parent would have to be my only goal. You can only handle so much, and somethings are definitely more important to handle than others.
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