Thursday, January 31, 2019

Truck Stop Thoughts 2008: What the French Revolution taught us, and how it applies to the Hiltons

Let's face it, reality sucks.

We have people turning down second dates for $40. Are these "Nexters" telling me the dater is going to suddenly become cheap because MTV is not footing the bill? I hope the dater signed on knowing they better step up.

It would also be much better reality if we did not find it necessary to house train the most evil representations of femininity by those who cannot stop their dogs from defecating all over their houses and decrepit rock stars.

This reality allows Presidents who can get away with perjury while Lil' Kim gets time. It is a reality where saying, "bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran," is taken way too seriously.

Worst of all is the fact we have banks to rescue while decadent aristocracies can still stand. If we want to bail out our economy and end the bull shits that are the Gotties, Kardashians, and Hiltons, we must vote for Barrack Obama. This is our chance to dabble into a workable socialism. One that seemed to be a great success during the Fren...I mean Freedom revolution.

Let it be known Paris, you won't just earn yourself a new esteemless cling on forever, but now a new BMF to contend with. He is RUSS: OF THE MANY LAST NAMES (Si is my latest Chinese one, thank you Illinois Central College).

It's all about confidence and talking yourself up. Isn't that right you premier, night vision dumpster.

Look I just don't hate, well hate is a pretty strong word, despise Paris. I also think her mom needs a vaginally themed insult that describes her. I mean douche, the c and least in my blogs (…are overused.

To support her judgmental daughter to encourage the competition of male-model polo (and you guys thought it was hard to look straight rollerblading), and excessive partying better known as the excuse to act like an starhole, she should not be allowed to show her face in public. Who really deserved 45 days in LA County?

As an eccentric Anglophile, God knows I hate to acknowledge the French for any good idea, but they did what they had to during their revolution. No, there weren't a lot of happy, American landowners who favored the American Revolution, but they were not who we were pissed at. Now if the King and Prince Regent were stateside, it would not have just been tea to end up in Boston Harbor.

No one deserves to be beheaded, unless you are a threat to nationalism. No, I'm not advocating the machete brutality as seen on Al Jazeera, but guillotine usage seems humane. Viva Fren...I mean Freedom Technology.

To see Paris's body bumping and grinding the executioner while I throw her head as far away from the scene, like I would throw a Manny Ramirez home run from the Wrigley bleachers. Now that's hot.

Okay, let's step away from my necrofantasies and be reasonable. I mean, they only exiled Napoleon, and there are plenty of Hilton penthouses where we can air lift food to these criminals to the people who have made a living by consuming oxygen and baby batter while we divide their wealth equally to the truly unfortunate, the homeless or soon to be.

Damn your chocolates Fannie May, where's their green?

To live in a world where I do not feel like a prick when my refusal to a Chicago street performer is prevented by "oh s***!" when I turn to see him with jeans tied off at the knees, seemingly too young to have lost them in the name of Halliburton.

If we could move the homeless into these hotel rooms, and use the wealth of the Hiltons to pay for water, electricity, and room service (which would be greatly increased thus creating new jobs). Why would we ever need the economic bailout?

And the beauty of this plan is no one would be spoiled. I am not asking the Hiltons to pay for spectra vision. I mean, we got to offer some rewards to encourage people to get on their feet again (unless they like to sit).

And the only thing lost is $700 billion, but with all the bankruptcies in our country, is that really a loss? Especially since the decadents will be humiliated, and Paris would never be seen again.

Hell, I would risk bouncing a check to see it.

"Don't let your babies grow up to be Cubs Fans, and always remember to spay or neuter your White Sox Fans," Russ Stevens

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