Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Gay Mariage or An example of my long winded nature

Current mood: exanimate (maybe Blogger should adapt this old Myspace feature).
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Just because I typed it up once for a friends assignment, and because I love to read my own work, here is a rant about gay marriage.

Same sex marriages should be legalized.

If a society is suppose to be tolerant of a subculture, then said society should allow them every way that is possible to express the love of two individuals of said culture. As long as no one is going to face physical or financial harm, what argument does anyone have against it?

It the United States, marriage is a legal union not a religious one. If one can be married in a courthouse, an institution separate from religion, then religious beliefs have no place to claim opposition to it.

The ultimate defeat of the religious argument to object to gay marriage is that the agnostic and the atheistic straight couples can be legally married. A union like that has no god to object to it.

Anyone who just wants marriage to maintain being a strictly heterosexual union is either a homophobe or an elitist. Heterosexuals opposed to gay marriage do not want to acknowledge homosexuality, or they want to make sure that there is something that they can hold from homosexuals to maintain a higher status based upon sexual orientation.

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