Wednesday, January 23, 2019

9/10/11: The Sweet, The Sour, and the Phantasm Review
Shit Movie Fest

Today was one of those sweet and sour ones. It was sweet that my supervising team figured out how to help the employees who guilt tripped me into working overtime, despite I had to stay long enough to determine if the work load would be too grand for three people to handle. I should be ecstatic about a victory over protocol, but there is the sour. That being the fact I spent more on cat treats than I did on my own groceries. Honestly, pleasing that little furball makes me happy on its own, provided she does not wake me whining for them.

Expenditures for 9/9/11 just remind me that I'm broke, without credit (I got show some discipline, by not activating the fresh plastic) until my next paycheck. I should be fine after that minus the Cubs tickets I want to pick up. So I should be thinking of the last nights at Wrigley, but that's the problem. They are the last games until March 2012. What is there to do in Peoria to have fun with the spare coin that comes with the change of the season? Rivermen season tickets is impractical working second shift. Oh the price of being a cynic. Can never appreciate the little things.

Or maybe I just think the sweet and sour is bull shit. Never cared for most Asian foods when I come to think of it. I prefer spicy.

Slow news day, and watching the Saints game and a movie would have kept me up too late. If I wouldn't have fried (technically steamed my DVR), I'd at least have wrestling to go on about. To make this blog worthwhile, I guess I better dig up a bad movie review I wrote on some scratch paper at work.

Maybe, not a bad movie. My bitching about "Surf Nazis Must Die" will not accomplish anything. It is the garbage that the mainstream that you must be warned about, and I don't have any of those lying about. How about "Phantasm?" That seems an essay which will be more fun to type than another socialist blog. At least at this hour.

Check out my review for this classic at:

Ninety for Chill - A More Acceptable Runtime

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 15 Rodriguez - 1st

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