Saturday, January 19, 2019

MFK: Wrestling T-Shirts, Corporations, Consumers

Thank you holiday shopping, you kept me busy at work and I could only post blogs on Saturday. If only I had tried to trade my Sunday with the Monday person, time would catch up with the blog.

You cannot say that I was not trying to be creative on Saturday. When you own over 100 t-shirts, you have to come up with damn good reasons to add more to it. Reasons like, "Matt Cross so deserved to be on the All In card," "I won't let Chase Owens be the lonely American in the Bullet Club," "I don't have an all orange tee," and "I need more feminist tanks."

With all the hours that I had put in for Black Friday festivities, getting to think about anything else has been difficult. I know that the extended hours may prevent some shootings, so I am fine with those. Now I have to prepare myself to deal with the customers who feel inconvenienced because they have to come in during regular business hours.

"Why are you closing at nine? Don't you like making money?"

You really want everyone to be a slave to capitalism? A slave to credit card companies that are hoping to drown you in enough interest that they will still profit despite your inevitable bankruptcy? At least working in a socialist system means we all benefit from our efforts.

The worst thing about that question is that you are implying that you want me to be a slave to your greed. You get to leave your job after eight hours. Why do I have to correspond with your schedule for a freaking DVD? When I worked second shift, if I really wanted something, I'd stay sober after I got home to wake up early enough to pick it up and not be pissy about it.

It is going to be another six-day week, which I cannot complain about. This is the only way to make money without a useful college degree or a teaching certificate (and that's how you say all college degrees are useful). At least I like the professions, but when the work is for corporate entities, it seems that the consumers are meaner.

Is that their way to stick it to the...fuckers (re-archiving the old blogs has left me wondering if I have been depriving myself fun without R-Rated adjectives)...who pay 50-75% less tax (percentage-wise) than you do? Instead of pushing for legislation to make them pay their fair share, you treat the minimum earners in their structure like shit.

Is it the yearning for the caste system? I am to dumb to be making the money you are, so I must be reminded of it. The irony is that I love helping people out and seeing that I made the difference to at least one person. But assholes determine that a job must not be too challenging so they have to provide issues for us to painfully endure to truly appreciate the few good people we come across in the field.

How challenging is it to be a system operator in a parts depot? It is not. Thus, when my 6-sigma numbers were down in packing orders and receiving, Caterpillar assigned me to a job needing less speed to look good. The same goes for part packing. You are essential, but they are thankless jobs.

At least the broom-like job that Nathan from "Repo: The Genetic Opera" gave him the power of life and death. Okay, maybe repossessing organs is not that cool because you always had Forest Whitaker to take up the mantle if you choose not to vivisect someone. Or Paul Sorvino would come up with an accident. The point is that I may understand my liking for any film about tissue capers.

Thinking about movies leads me to wonder if I made it as an entertainer, would that change me as a person. I would not be in the field of directly servicing people. Would I be the altruistic person I think I am?

I maybe wrong about altruistic. I may have misinterpreted an BBC Radio 4 story about 16 Personality traits and their meanings.

I suppose that is why you do not hear about a lot of screenwriters and directors coming from industrial day jobs. They do not have an audience to deal with, so they do not get a sense that they are entertaining anyone. A good story takes people away from their troubles. The best story tellers are the ones you are giving shit to.

And that is why the storyteller in a lot of media kills the character they are telling the tale to.

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