Wednesday, January 23, 2019

June 2007: My Chris Benoit Blogs: Respect Eternal...An action is all he was?

Watching the tribute to Chris Benoit on Raw, I immediately felt the impact of Benoit's passing.
Jerry Lawler mentioned about the WWE and perhaps the wrestling community may be overlooking the loss of Nancy and Daniel. That this occurrence shows how fleeting life is, and that we have to always remember our loved ones. After this was said, thoughts of my late best friend floated into my head.

Stacia Hardin was a woman who was important as my family is. With the loss of Benoit's family, it only makes me realize how important our loved ones truly are.

Stacia was a heroine to me, and today I have lost another hero. A man who earned everything he got from the business through his heart and effort. Chris Benoit represented all the principles that I idealistically stay true to in my own wrestling career.

Chris Benoit, like it or not in terms of my own pedigree, is not a family member, but he was a hero, so I am feeling a lot like how I did when my greatest hero past.

All I can ask is that always make sure your loved ones know your feelings, and all that deserve respect, are constantly paid it.

I met Chris Benoit once at my job after Smackdown was in Peoria. My excitement led me to get off the fuel desk, and I went to get his attention. "Forgive me for marking out, but I just gotta shake your hand," is what I said to Chris. He said thanks, and the crap I have put up at the truck stop was worth it for that.

I regained my composure, and later waited on Rey Mysterio. If you know me, I tried to be clever. "I haven't seen that face in a while," was my first statement and he just responded with an unenthusiastic, "yeah." Before I finished ringing his and his son's transaction up. I thanked him for his match at Wrestlemania 22. He realized I knew who he was and thanked me for that.
Now, I wish I would have gone to the same effort I did to respect Benoit to assure that I respected him for his effort to the business. Hopefully, I will not forget to offer my gratitude to him or any other legend or great in the business again.

Thank you Knight (, for being the first friend to express his feelings about this wrestling legend and his legacy.

My little sister loved to take the chance to tell me about WWE's oops in paying tribute to a murderer. With all the circumstances around Chris Benoit's death, Vince McMahon said there would be no mention of his name on TV. The dedication to those affected by this tragedy is proper, but to be told to forget about Benoit is wrong.

I've had one of my oldest friends (Trent Hoog) call Stacia Hardin a bad person because she died from heroin use. Forget about the fact this woman called me every night to check on my condition after my wrist surgery. This same person almost told me that I should forget about remembering him as a good wrestler.

Chris Benoit is a murder. If I wanted to, I could argue that he is only a suspect to the death of his wife and child, but I'm not going into conspiracy theories. The authorities' suspicions are probably the correct assumptions. So, an evil man committed all the acts.

The Rabid Wolverine is evil?

This is a formal "fuck you" to anyone who wants to remember anyone for how he died. Fuck anyone who wants to remember Chris Benoit only as a murderer.

Chris Benoit loved his family. The wrestlers who aired their respect for him to the world will vouch for that. Fans at the truck stop (you know I meet a few each day) said it was beyond evident that he loved his family.

Only insanity can justify killing your loved ones and yourself. I would love to find out the reason behind the insanity that ended three lives, but we won't find that out.

Sorry, I must renounce that statement. Knowing the motive behind this tragedy is only good if justice can be brought from it.

Nancy and Daniel Benoit are gone. They are lost to this world of the living. So is the great wrestler Chris. Nothing can be done to bring the victims back. I only hope they are all in a better place.

Nothing good will come from remembering Chris Benoit for this act. By remembering the person he was before this tragedy, something can. I am more than confident in my belief that Chris Benoit was a good man. For that he will remain a hero.

He had a great career, and for that we should pay tribute to it. On television, we will not see any greater pure wrestling. We should all study it.

Fuck CSI. It is better to remember three great people, instead of condemning one. Anyone who tells you that hating or despising one is a fucking cunt.

I am agnostic, but I do follow Jesus's teachings. Despite he may have only been a crazy jew, he was a smart man and honorable man. If Chris asked for forgiveness. Let's forgive him.
Being honorable is the only right thing to be. Fuck anyone who won't.

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