Tuesday, January 29, 2019

8/6/09: Politically Insensitive Peorian Tight Asses

Current mood: awake

Because Peoria news probably won't publish it, I'm posting it. And I think this one actually has an adequate amount of wit to it.

Whoever edits the "You Said It," section of the You Page must enjoy making Peorians look bad. If not that, he or she wants PJStar's readers to think that the newspaper is meant to only support their ignorant opinions instead of presenting opinions they may not like to hear.

I appreciate an editor being afraid of a backlash from the apparent majority, but to only publish their opinions makes all the bright citizens of the HOI ashamed of our representation. Please, please, please, make Peoria look smarter.

If someone can prove how an Indian's profile is symbolic to the Land of Lincoln, feel free to print it, but if they do not provide you with proof that Lincoln fought a Chief Illiniwek to the death, do not suggest that Abe wants Peoria to be represented by an offensive graphic no matter how cool the graphic looks.

If someone could provide a list of jobs for those requiring aid from the state, his or her anonymous opinion of how the state needs to write these people off maybe a valid one.

And if a writer could show that investing in non-interest earning hunks of overpriced steel can serve as retirement income, then let their demands for a restriction free bail out to the auto industry be heard.

And if jealousy seems to be the only reason for opinions that blame the employees for the poor state of the industry instead of the poor business strategy of the big three, perhaps it is best not to print those opinions.

An opinion is not valid just because it is what the "common man" wants to hear. That is what the entertainment industry and Fox News are for.

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