Wednesday, January 23, 2019

10/27/2008 ---- What’s with white pride?

Current mood:  restless
"Whose bright idea was it to change the logo of Peoria? It's fitting right now."

Fitting right now? What is it suppose to represent? The cultural genocide many paranoid Americans want to see repeated on the Islamic world?

Is it not enough that White Americans took away their land and kept their names? They must have their image too?

Lets face it, the logo is insensitive, no if, than, or buts about it. How does it represent modern Peoria? How many American-Indian Peorians approved of it? Is that the reason why it should stay because there should not be any American-Indian Peorians to object to it?

I happen to like the logo, but at this time, I am not trying to bring commerce to the area. If getting rid of the logo gives one less reason for an overly PC, prospective investor to be offended, then it seems like a financially sound reason to make a change.

With the increased revenue that should follow, the $30,000 spent by the city to change the logo should be covered.

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