Thursday, October 15, 2020

FMK: Full Metal Yakuza, Boredom, and Mystical Catholic C-Word

*Blog post started on October 15, 2020.

This Takashi Miike film is a celebration of bad video effects from the 1990's Cinemax and direct-to-video. Too many pixelated images and penis talk for my taste but what you should expect from Miike.

I would say it is almost to the point that I wish we had our next stimulus packages just so we could have a little more traffic in the bank. Then I thought about how we should have received that next package or at least have the Senate working on that out of principle. Instead, the conservative cocksuckers are trying to grant a mystical catholic Karen to the Supreme Court because hopes of destroying the lives of those not like them is more important than saving lives in general. It is almost like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are just trying to rub our noses in it.

Am I really worried about what a law professor at a Catholic school who would have never gotten to hold a judicial position for the past (and only) three years if it was not for a crooked president? Not really.
21 Pieces Of Career Advice From "Seinfeld" - Buzzfeed
Do you really want to encourage the left to stack the court by messing with laws that only serve the rich and truly naive? Truly naive, that may have been the kindest words I have ever used to describe the likes of:
  • @skram84
  • @wrathcat
  • @UWSPete
  • @KevinBurton7
  • @dylancenneno
  • @dragontage1
  • @MSMCali
  • @RoxieCorleone
  • @footankledude
  • @LetItFly04
  • @richmccormick66
  • @bryanmclemore
  • @bubblesyell02
  • @onegeorgiapeach
  • @PufferfishNinja
  • @GuyLafleur65
  • @jwylde
  • @rshrahily
  • @mitsaluna
  • @floplag
  • @reggiec23
  • @sircumsalot71
  • @redtheraider
  • @asusieq007
  • @clarosa41
As I wrote about in "FMK: Cats, Common People (Like You), and Cantonese Cartmen", I suspect being in flyover states is the reason that "fucking assholes" is the best way to describe them. These are the type of people who feel that tend not to deal with the disenfranchised whom they deem are nothing more than an inconvenience to them. But since some of those living in poverty are relatives in trailer parks, they are a little more tolerant of people with the same skin tone. Anyone who wants to change things based on compassion fails to understand the rigid nature of the Constitutions and are thus enemies of the State to them.

And because COVID-19 is something that a 74-year old obese man can survive, surely their morbid state of weight can withstand a battle with a disease that might as well not exist. With that kind of ignorance/stupidity, I cannot help but wonder how they can afford a marked up drink that warrants bars being open. The stimulus is obviously not their concern.

You have just witnessed how a joke can bomb from inception just like a Trump male. Now is that not a great save?

The blog post I wrote yesterday ("FMK: Cats, Common People..."), was started with only a couple hours of work to get through. As everything falls into place as the week goes on, an hour of tasks falls off, leaving me with three hours to fill. I could just throw up a YouTube video review at the top of this blog to fill up space (and because it fit better than the topic of the next paragraph when it came to titling this post), but I will probably have an hour left of twiddling my thumbs. With my retail gig needing someone just for the last hour of the night, it might be a good time to look through Facebook, but I have less than half a battery on a Samsung Galaxy S8.
This leads me to wonder what kind of itinerary needs to be comprised next week's three-day weekend to get a phone upgrade and a tattoo without making two trips to Peoria. One item will be approved by my parents (since they manage the phone plan), the other would not, so fitting both of them into one trip will be tricky. It would not be an end of the world scenario for them to find out I was getting more ink, but if I can avoid headaches, should I not?

Hence, why I have yet to work up the nerve to bring in my Switch to work. The fears of a crackdown over the staff use of downtime are prevalent. I hear from a manager, "I watched the tape," and I second guess my plans. Perhaps I am just too respectful of the left brain's opinion, the conservative part of the brain coincidentally. Is a job really worth having if you cannot play the best Pokemon game during downtime. Fuck "Pokemon Go!".

Am I becoming to Seinfeldian? This blog kind of seems to be about nothing. It started out about boredom and ends with me trying to justify that status. Now I am pondering if I just need to keep my hands away from the keyboard. Why would you want to continue writing after you told the Pikachu on your phone to go intercourse itself?


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