Wednesday, October 14, 2020

FMK: Cats, Common People (Like You), and Cantonese Cartmen

 *Blog post started on October 14, 2020.

I am working too much, but that is kind of the norm. This leads me to wonder, "What is my number one dilemma right now?"

The most accurate answer is trying to get my ex-girlfriend to not make an ill advised decision in moving with a Trump twat to Robinson, IL. If I cannot do that, then I need to at least get her to take back her cat since the luxury of the middle of nowhere is a house that the NRA ninny is inheriting which is surely big enough for two cats. They would both be boys, and I am certain the one she is living with now is far younger and more playful than the Queen Eva. That seems like an ideal match to me.

Skimble and I are very much a like and she could definitely use that empathy. The current boyfriend and former fiance is a Trump supporter, so you know there is not any empathy there. Just look at these Twitter assholes' offerings:


Speaking of support for fascism, I think I have at least gotten Mom to tone down about it. Perhaps my little brother deserves some of the credit as well. She bitches about it, but will not engage in discussion. The feeling I have is that she knows can put her in her place. How she responded to that knowledge pretty much guarantees a familiar explosion if I or he were to do it again. Her love and support is appreciated, but she is an example of why college is important. You are not going to be willing to change your views if the money spent to succeed is put at risk.

Or it may just be Central Illinois outside of Champaign/Urbana that limits your willingness to understand people. I was the most well off performer on the Peoria Wrestling scene. This probably explains some of the grief about me spouting off my opinions. Those assholes thought I was not risking anything. In the end, they were right because wrestling in Peoria is not something you have to sacrifice for.

All you are doing is amusing yourselves, the fans are secondary. Unfortunately, kayfabe is tertiary. If you want to be nice to fans, get a merch table instead of bumming cigarettes from them at intermission.

There was always a sense of disconnection from this crowd. I was not far from leaving Greece with a thirst for knowledge to study sculpture at Saint Martins College. After writing about that, it may have just been sleeping with the common people as motivation. Regardless, there was a need to get to know these people. Being on the road studying under Danny Daniels further emphasized this.

You can vacation abroad all you want, but if you are just a tourist (and everyone hates a tourist) you are not going to relate to the people you are around. My wrestling career rarely left the state (I am sorry to downplay Davenport.), but getting away from suburbia to better yourself is essential. White suburbia hinders the need to learn. Let us make housing affordable to fix that.

From "my?" cat Skimble to common people has been quite a journey in this blog entry. The problem with this is that wanting my ex-girlfriend, whom I was in a relationship with for three more years than her prior engagement and romance, stands on her feet is not my problem. If she moves to a place that allows Skimble, she owes it to him to bring him back to her side.

It is one thing to abandon me. I can write about this bullshit because I have thumbs to hit the space bar when it comes to expressing my depression and anxiety. To run away from my fluffy doppelganger who can only express himself via "mrows" and "nya" (for the otakus) is something worse. Mandarin has at least 130 different syllables with at least four tones to pronounce each one of them. Cats only have four syllables if you include there mediocre roars and growls. They just lack the variety of vocabulary to successfully convey, "Whatever! Whatever! I do what I want!"

So what is my biggest dilemma right now? I guess it is deciding whether of not I want to add a toy WWE 24/7 Championship title to my collection. It would complete the titular rainbow, but those side plates are indeed lacking.

 Todd Alcott Graphics - Etsy

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