That may have actually ended three hours ago when a coworker who I never implicitly gave my number to (bless her memory if she got it from all the stuff I buy at my retail job) at my "there for the discount" employer requesting me to swap a shift with her on the day that will be my only foreseeable day off these next two weeks. For a communist, I guest I should appreciate Labor Day more, but a paid day off is all the praise I need.
Still, the money was tempting, but I will not reward her sense of entitlement that people should just take on her responsibilities. If anything, my willingness to work with people has been excessive today. It definitely feels that I have suffered the repercussions of skipping out my retail job 25 minutes early to get a meal in before my last hotel shift.
"You told me my room would be ready at three! My room should be ready. Why is it not ready?"
That bullshit was not directed to me, I was just trying to get ready for the shift.
"That smirk ain't funny. How can you think this is funny? Get the manager on the phone."
This guy is using his wife's employee discount and she was encouraging him. Do they treat you so badly at the ******* Inn that your only solace is to treat your fellow hotel comrades like shit? If I am at the higher end, I am glad I have kept my standards so high.
"I thought I had booked a room with separate living areas. I am willing to pay the extra for that."
After you let your kids into a room you trusted Expedia to get you? At least I will get a key to give the asshole to my right to get in the pool as his room is readied. After my coworker left (who I cannot confirm/deny a smirk):
"I don't want to stay here. The pool sucks. Can you move me?"
Too bad I will not be around to get the praise the next morning.
Then you got the people who snuck in some dogs who will claim that, "Expedia said you we're pet friendly. They didn't mention fees," if they are caught. A gentleman just stopped by to state the sliding closet door in their room was off its track, three hours after checking in, and it was like that when they got here. A Bengali gentleman visited to get acquainted with fellow Bangladesh nationals who he passed in a mosque.
"Just dial one of them at random."
And you have the guest who booked back-to-back stays, that I knocked $20 from their bill as a courtesy, complaining about maintenance in the room above them. I am sorry that hotels are so much nicer than your residence that you do not get off your ass and see the sights like every other decent person. Is it because you do not have to clean up the mess?
It would have been nicer to have a busier day so these assholes did not stick out. If only it were so busy that I would not even ponder what kind of ridiculous shit will occur to me as a bank teller. If only I worked for folks that did not feel so secure in their position that this was just an extension of their home. Dad never found it cool to let us kids hold stuff at his office. Hell, only my little brother got a chance to see it.
My girlfriend best get on the same page with me or Champaign was for the birds. I am changing careers and killing my mobility. The hotels down here are just transparently mismanaged, any entertainment hub would be ideal. But then she would need to get a new doctors and not have a job.
But the High Dive is gone, so this may not be it. Here's hoping for a great Ebertfest. May be Iron Spirit Pro will need a referee...or a Sith Lord. Darth Claudius seems to be my destiny.
Like pro-wrestling, I cannot help but a feel a little disappointed in what I got back from the dedication that I put in. But, it was not pro-wrestling's fault. It was the people outside my pursuit who proved not to be trustworthy. They were my mistakes. With the hotel career, Champaign had buggered it all to begin with. This joint does not even have regular coffee packets.
I am wondering why I am down here. It was suppose to be cheaper than Chicago and the people were cooler than Peoria. Hopefully, it was just not having the time to meet people. That would be nice just so Danny Daniels was not right again about how I should be living. Getting over him one time would be enough to call the CU adventures a success.
That maybe tough to do working seven days a week. Having to pitch Darth Claudius might be a necessity. What a long strange trip it's been.

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