Monday, September 23, 2019

Fans or Girls? A query for the reluctant 9 to 5

And the alternate Japanese title: "A Call for Nihilists: Fuck Me or Friend Me"

"The high road is pretty to look at, but you'll have a hard time marching your armies up it."

I thought if I was ever going to open a blog up with a "Game of Thrones" quote, it would be from a profound character, but I guess the show is not so profound. Guess I'll quit running the blu-rays to "entertain the cat" while Mom is cleaning my apartment. It is not great subliminal material.

Then again, Mom's lack of fandom to the "A Song of Ice and Fire" or J.R.R. Tolkien is due to the exploitation of short people. Better step away from this talk about mothers (a weak George R.R. Martin transition) and get to why I opened this journal entry with the quote of a sadistic character...even if it does feel like a waste of Freudian psychology (word/phrase association, mommies, sadistic influences).

Let us delve into abandonment (which has nothing to do with mother). I have cut out a lot of negativity of the outside world. Removed "friends" from Facebook that represent the lazy, hateful nature of white America, stopped listening to ignorant, chauvinistic sports talk radio (Mike & Mike, @MarkMaddenX is not ignorant...and only seeming chauvinistic) that promotes bullying (I guess I should thank indie wrestlers to keep that in my mind @knightwagner ), and been napping till Jon Stewart opens an easy-to-stomach liberal agenda in the evening. All of these actions may have left me with further self loathing because there is little to get angry about. Got to get pissed at someone, may as well be me. Eva the cat is just too cute.

First shift does not help me. If I must be depressed and nihilistic, let me have hours to that accommodate my nature. I wake up, go straight to work, go home, make dinner, and when I am comfortable enough to be constructive, I have to go back to bed. Thanks Je...whatever for Sobieski's high quality and low price point and poor selling, weakly flavored Stoli varieties. Without these, my nihilism would have reached "Fight Club" levels. Not to say that I'm not at a "I am Jack's smirking revenge," state, I am just not social enough to organize underground boxing (or a film production, but I am sure you the reader can help).

Now I think I need to add "Fight Me" as an option to the alternate Japanese title.
Good prints, hoodies and kid tees.

This blog is feeling successful, relating to two other brands that I think my fans would relate to. Too bad I do not know where they have gone. Damn the Facebook migration. I rocked MySpace.

By the time I get on Twitter to self promote, the fellow first shifter are tuned out. So I cannot jump on any trend to get @MainEventZombie exposure. Beliebers must have surrendered to Katy Perry as Queen of the Twits. Because of this failure to Belieb, no one can confuse them with #GetMainEventZombieto47. I am realistic, eight figures is not.

It is weird to feel alone when you are supposed to be operating with the majority of yanks. Alright, this may actually be the prevalent reality in the nine-to-five lifestyle, but I figure most of them have significant others or children to share the despair with. If not those, than an AR-15 or AK-47 (Are patriotic newsmen ignoring the AM-16 when shootings occur?) that comforts them with the thought of getting some much needed attention.

In conclusion, I need fans or sponsors, a girlfriend, or to abandon my strict gun-control stance. Do not worry, you know I will not sell out a leftist ideal for anything. My false sense of honor is what affirms that I am a good person.

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