Thursday, August 6, 2020

90-Min HBO Max - "The Second Civil War" HBO Fails to Find Middle Ground

*Blog post started on August 5, 2020.

Well, I have gotten through the initial lab work, handled my finances at least for a couple of weeks, and made sure that everyone can watch their appropriate media in Morton, for the most part. My older sister does not own any foreign stuff, but she sees potential in the region-free DVD player. Christmas for my folks will probably be a HDMI enabled region-free DVD player because I do not want my niece and nephew to ruin the DVD/VCR combo in their room. Tape decks are such a rare commodity.

Still, I am a bit on edge in general. The knowledge that I should not self medicate every night hinders my comfort. Trying to ensure that I am not abusing the general insurance my folks are providing me leads to a less vibrant refrigerator menu. There is also the need to show my new medical team that I am attempting to treat my body better, so I need to drop a few pounds before next Tuesday.

Damn the hour lunch schedule. How much can you do with a free hour after sustaining one's energy on Jolly Ranchers? You cannot spend it eating. With that time, you can get damn near anywhere in Champaign/Urbana and be back to work on time. I suppose it is the bank just encourage commerce (Or is it for easier scheduling construction since Illinois only requires a half hour lunch.).

I hope all of you respect my decision to be sucking the life out of Hershey's non-chocolate option. If I was not doing that, the bank could not offer Dum Dums to the customers. They are a little more hesitant to ask in these unprecedented times, but most are still using drive up banking.

Those traveling with children can risk their life or their sanity. Do you give them the damn suckers or deal with the whining all the way home? If you are not local, you will be fucked as you trek back to your sub-10K hometown.

My worries also include just being bored. I will not kick the cats out of my video game chair, so yes, I have an excuse to be bored. The ex's cat seems to be the feline equivalent to me, which means (She was hedging her bets about a break up two-years prior.) I am constantly reminded of my loneliness. Talking to myself is something I do enough of. Now it feels like I am doing it in stereo.

Who knows? Skimble might be inadvertently doubling my angst. This is what I will blame for extra nervousness/reluctance to please my parents. Perhaps that may have skewed my perception of a Mom movie suggestion, "The Second Civil War".

The Second Civil War (1997; 1 hour 36 minutes)

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