Friday, August 14, 2020

The AWESOME Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion: Part 6

*Blog post started on August 10, 2020.

Perhaps three post a week is too much. It is catching up to my output. On top of that, (Should I go and sit on that Twitter handle?), officially has more blog posts than, my primary blog that is meant to encourage assistance with the production of my zombie versus indie wrestler script (If you would like to see a treatment or offer ideas on how to get this project out of development hell, drop me an email at

This means that I will need to slowdown my viewing of "crappy" sub 138-minute flicks. I guess I have my anime expertise to fall back on and plenty of cartoons to watch, but change is hard. With anime being put out in season box sets, it will be easier to lose track of time. Nine to five (six) is my lifestyle now. Those all nighters would be ill-advised.

Things may slow down for me with my vacation next week. Checking out the old stomping grounds, my favorite bars included, should take up so much time, it will just be best to say, "Damn. Guess I will save those posts for next time." That will work, unless I throw in a fight with online trolls who suggest I leave the country, believe that the amendments after 10 did not change the Constitution, and/or are Islamophobic. 

Trying to be a bit healthier before my doctor's appointment tomorrow has left me going to bed early opposed to snacking and watching TV. Meaning if I get into a Twitter beef, there goes an evening. It will all be worth it when they willfully silence themselves by blocking me.

There are better victories to be had I know, but having just returned from my appointment with a lot to work on, this fight might be the only thing to keep food from my mouth. A better solution would be to take my writing home. The "doctor" (PA) suggested journaling, but my thoughts for the most part deserve to be heard, hence blogged.

It can add to my frustration since I have to do my damnedest to creatively identify someone as an asshole (who is not an conservative troll) without dropping their name. With that said, I might just have to refer to myself only by gimmick last name so when I break big, no one will track down Ma and Pa Stevens to tell them what was said about them. All that can be said about the appointment is the PA noticing I am stressed the fuck out.

There is no time to be stressed right now. If I want to relax and be forgetful next week, we got to get these blogs in the archive. With only six years left, lets return to my current distraction, the Disgruntled's Real Five-Star Championship.

The 121st Disgruntled's Real Five-Star Champion:(Intercontinental/United States/Philadelphia TV/Baltimore TV/X Division)

TNA X Division Champion SANADA (April 4, 2014 to July 10, 2014)
ROH slipped up when it came to booking Jay Lethal's second reign as TV champion. Lethal would eventually go on to win the World Championship. He would defend each title separately and subsequently lost the TV championship first. It leaves me feeling like the TV championship was just an afterthought.

SANADA would eventually lose the championship to Austin Aries who would surrender it to challenge for TNA's primary championship.

It is all a question of psychology I suppose. Can you build up a title only to let it slip and deem it unimportant when champion also holds a larger title? Or, do you distinguish that it is not equal to the world title but essential to becoming THE champion?

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