Monday, August 3, 2020

No Spinner Belts (or Cigarettes) - The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion Part 4.

*List comprised on July 22, 2020. Intro started on July 31, 2020.

X Humor for the X Division:

Hey, it is not XXX humor. It definitely hugs that line between X and R only because of subject matter, not necessarily presentation.

Is it okay to wish lung cancer on someone? Twitter threads just seem so convoluted when you only have 112 followers (at best).

It is Friday, so everybody is getting paid and not everyone feel it is necessary to have a bank account. I get that latter portion, especially in these unpresented times. But is it too much that you and your driver not ash all over the funds?

Do you think I am being too harsh? They were not being judged for ashing on themselves. I would even excuse flicking the butts on to a busy street. The worst thing that could happen is they toast a flower bed.

I have no problem with smokers. I just prefer they look 1920's fancy. If the pandemic can comeback a hundred years later, why not long cigarette holders or pipes?

Wishing lung cancer on someone is not too bad. My dad recovered from his. His father did not, but he was 11 years older (77). Lung cancer killed my mom's mom, but she was 81 and smoked since 18. She was quite impressed with the life she lived and she did not own a company or inaugural and perpetuity season tickets to the Buffalo Bills like grandpa Stevens.

The point is you can beat it or you can die at 79. Neither sounds that bad. What did Tyrion Lannister hope for when asked about how he wanted to die:

In my own bed at the ripe age of 80. With a belly full of wine and young girl's mouth around my cock.

I am just saying, even if you have all four of those stipulations, your exit might still be cancer. Just look respectable when you are being treated respectably. It is not like I am wishing rectal, testicular, ovarian, or breast cancer on you. You will get to keep everything for the most part.

And now on with the list.

The 70th Disgruntled's Real Grand-Slam Champion:
(WWE United States and Intercontinental/ECW Television/NWA X-Division):
NWA X Division Champion A.J. Styles (1) (October 23, 2002 to November 6, 2002)

The 71st Disgruntled's Real Grand-Slam Champion:

NWA X Division Champion Jerry Lynn (11/6/02 to 12/11/02)

The 72nd Disgruntled's Real Grand-Slam Champion:
NWA X Division Champion Sonny Siaki (12/11/02 to 2/12/2003)

The 73rd Disgruntled's Real Grand-Slam Champion:
NWA X Division Champion Kid Kash (2) (2/12/03 to 4/30/03)
The NWA National Champion would be Ricky Murdoch. He would have the total longest combined reign, but no Wikipedia page.

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