Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Bitternet - Something to Trademark / An End to Comment Sections.

I really need to bring my journal to transcribe at work. I really need to bring the Pro Wrestling Crate box with comic books I need to read.

I need to know that I have real enemies out there.

It is the Internet. What else are you supposed to do with it when you are broke? Friends do not take the time to make you feel accomplished. Only by knowing that you have inspired emotion determines worth. The emotion you draw from someone does not matter.

We may need to get rid of the like buttons on social media. It does not change the fact that the majority of comments from a post are going to be negative. Replies may need to be removed as well. If you are really dependent on the Internet, you need to know you are all alone.

If someone really loathes something you said, surely they can take the time to write your name directly as they write a counter point. Is it easier to just scream out "THATS THE SHITS" in a comment field instead of writing your own statement that "PARTY 1 CONTENT IS THE SHITS"?

Do I respond negatively to certain content? The answer is yes, but I take the time to make the response worthwhile enough that I will post it on my own feeds after I hit the send button. I do that in case people are not looking at the comments. If something needs to be straightened out, everyone should know it.

The replies do not matter. Whatever you put out on the Internet is just to put yourself over. It is like the Night's Watch. If you cannot feel the physical warmth of a newborn tweet on your cheek, what value does it have? You start a Twitter account, you should have to take the vows that are meant to prevent you from loving anything.

That might shut up Donald Trump.

The Internet, curse it for ruining reading. Maybe I should be cursing broadband. When you were lucky to get 56K, you were not expecting to get great video or images. You had to read and appreciate the value of words, like this and every critic does. Then high speed came and allowed graphic designers to take a shit on us web designers.

It seems like I am just predisposed to bitterness. Perhaps I should be easier on the masses who have adopted the superficial sanctums. There is time for me to embrace Instagram and Snapchat and target people that a niche wants to see brought down a peg or two.

What philosophy would make anyone think that way? What religion?

There are plenty of people within religion that encourage their followers to put themselves above others. They need to pass judgment on people to do that, but anyone with a shred of dignity knows that is bullshit.

Then you have the concept that financial worth is the same as actual worth. Worship and aspire to act like the rich, and you are on the right path.

If these influencers could write, maybe I would have a little, in any, respect for them. It makes me wonder how many of these hateful asshole today have read the material that use to inspire hate crimes. Are they just listening to some charismatic pricks via vlogs on social media because who has the time to read "Mein Kampf"?

I bet if you find a manifesto typed out, it is because they were not smart enough to get their webcam to work. Or, the twat is just too ugly to pay any mind to. When they post the video, the first comment is probably a homosexual slur because the Internet seems to think it is better to be ugly than gay.

I guess more reason to remove commentary on the Bitternet. If we let the fuckers rant, they will not grab a gun to show how straight they are.

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