Saturday, May 18, 2019

Moon: A Sam Rockwell One Man Show

First off, let us thank the producers of "Moon" from preventing or at least delaying a remake of "2001: A Space Odyssey". I'm sure that Kevin Spacey would be perfect for the role of Hal, but thankfully he gave his voice to Gerty the robot. It is great to know that this generation will not be blamed for the desecration of Stanley Kubrick.

This film maybe Sam Rockwell attempt to prove himself as an unlikely leading man. Since "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", he is probably considered the Seth Rogen of independent film when he should be considered the next Robin Williams. He should have been able to advance from comic support to legitimate actor like Williams has, but since I seem to be one of the only supporters of "Choke", it has not happened.

Moon is dependent upon a great performance by its lead, and if the character was a bit more memorable, Rockwell performance should be talked about in the early months of 2010.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

Moon (2009) - IMDb

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