Saturday, May 18, 2019

90 Minutes on Prime: Contamination...of Cinematic Bed Bites

School is out and I am shagged.

My suggestions for my retailer to make my position full-time come as they do a manager swap. Not that it would allow me to step away from my corporate hotel position, but more money and less chances for the management to put me on a back burner in terms of time off requests would be nice.

Did I want to go to a wedding tonight? Not particularly as I think of the poor catering and lack of bar from the last one my girlfriend took me to. The couple each brought one kid into the relationship, so I suppose chicken fingers had to be on the menu, but when you order one cheap item, you tend to keep buying cheap instead of compensating by buying something that sounds sophisticated. And then the kids stuff is being devoured by adults looking for a sure thing. An outdoor reception in the middle of no where kind of prevents a kitchen from providing you warm food as well. A bar of any type would have been nice to wash that stuff down with.

I could say it would be nice to be on the other side of the desk after dealing with drunks at the iHotel. My marvelous debonair drunk status would allow me to side with the staff and try to guilt trip the assholes from the nuptials to get their shit together. Of course, today's wedding would be in town. And the next wedding she wants me to accompany her to is during UIUC football season, so doubt that will hold up unless I get out of this extended stay facility.

My current hospitality position is constantly filled with reasons to want to leave. Tonight's motivator was team members who lack the skill set to work with guests deciding to book birthday parties for their kids at very discounted rates. If you cannot deal with guests, you probably do not handle yourself with an attitude that most people can tolerate. Do on to others, treat people the way you want to be treated, live the role. You know what kind of bullshit we deal with, do not act like you were waiting a turn to reciprocate.

Not wanting much respect might not be a bad thing. If we are not going the extra mile for ourselves, society might get more relaxed. Sadly, they those who have everything will use that as an excuse to exploit you. If you do not want to impress people, you do not need the means to do so. I hate to kill the buzz, but you got to act like you want to be appreciated.

Where to transition to from here? Do I rant about my girlfriend's perception that I might tight bummed nature should end when I am in the confines of our home? Or should I start my movie review about an Italian-German "Alien" ripoff that tried more than most foreign knockoffs to be appreciated, "Contamination"?

"Game of Thrones" has not concluded yet, so better keep the peace for the next 48 hours. Here is a review for something that "80's All Over" over reacted to.

School is out and I am shagged.

My suggestions for my retailer to make my position full-time come as they do a manager swap. Not that it would allow me to step away from my corporate hotel position, but more money and less chances for the management to put me on a back burner in terms of time off requests would be nice.

Did I want to go to a wedding tonight? Not particularly as I think of the poor catering and lack of bar from the last one my girlfriend took me to. The couple each brought one kid into the relationship, so I suppose chicken fingers had to be on the menu, but when you order one cheap item, you tend to keep buying cheap instead of compensating by buying something that sounds sophisticated. And then the kids stuff is being devoured by adults looking for a sure thing. An outdoor reception in the middle of no where kind of prevents a kitchen from providing you warm food as well. A bar of any type would have been nice to wash that stuff down with.

I could say it would be nice to be on the other side of the desk after dealing with drunks at the iHotel. My marvelous debonair drunk status would allow me to side with the staff and try to guilt trip the assholes from the nuptials to get their shit together. Of course, today's wedding would be in town. And the next wedding she wants me to accompany her to is during UIUC football season, so doubt that will hold up unless I get out of this extended stay facility.

My current hospitality position is constantly filled with reasons to want to leave. Tonight's motivator was team members who lack the skill set to work with guests deciding to book birthday parties for their kids at very discounted rates. If you cannot deal with guests, you probably do not handle yourself with an attitude that most people can tolerate. Do on to others, treat people the way you want to be treated, live the role. You know what kind of bullshit we deal with, do not act like you were waiting a turn to reciprocate.

Not wanting much respect might not be a bad thing. If we are not going the extra mile for ourselves, society might get more relaxed. Sadly, they those who have everything will use that as an excuse to exploit you. If you do not want to impress people, you do not need the means to do so. I hate to kill the buzz, but you got to act like you want to be appreciated.

Where to transition to from here? Do I rant about my girlfriend's perception that I might tight bummed nature should end when I am in the confines of our home? Or should I start my movie review about an Italian-German "Alien" ripoff that tried more than most foreign knockoffs to be appreciated, "Contamination"?

"Game of Thrones" has not concluded yet, so better keep the peace for the next 48 hours. Here is a review for something that "80's All Over" over reacted to.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

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