Saturday, May 18, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 7: A Justifiable School Shooting Scenario)

And of course as I start to typing this blog, the remnants of the IHSA State Speech Tourney kids arrive back at the hotel. And they're in a good mood. I'm in no mood for celebrations.

I was in a downer mood. When have I been sober and in a different mood this year? There were Rivermen games, but then came the unexpected, under appreciated (from a guest standpoint) nights as a concierge. Here's to hoping they're at least in the ECHL next season, that'll be worth dealing with loud, elitist high school bastards (it was the chess championships last week), white trash sports fan and those who do not have the skills to sell cars (they do Verizon better at the corporate stores).

I've also been dealing with the fact that these kids' mascot, the Terrier, has been nagging me the last couple days. What an annoyance? I think back to my little yorkie Maully and of that same freaking Jack Russell from every sitcom in of the 90's (because I'm in a downer, both Eddies from "Frasier" are dead), and there is no way they can intimidate their opponents. I'd at least put the word "Rabid" between the city name and mascot. Then again, when they're school gets shot up because some 618 redneck's arsenal falls in the hand of their depressed kid, the headline will read "20 Rabid Terriers Shot Dead." There will be people who will think, "that makes sense. What else do you do with the rabid?"

Rationalization 17: Facebook is for baby pictures, not politics.

The rationalization comes from my frustration that the only politics from Central Illinois is conservative. With their pro-life, pro-gun, pro-capital punishment--one day--baby pictures are the only thing that will be available to show. They'll have shot or executed anyone who doesn't agree with them. They won't get that done, but they're hoping. It's impossible growing up in Morton and not equating this to the following article from The Onion:

"German Leaders Quietly Confident They Could Pull Off Another Holocaust If They Ever Really Wanted"

There are more privately owned guns than American citizens. Perhaps the Republicans should push immigration reform just so the numbers make a little more sense.

Dealing with annoyances, I do not know if I have much more patience for it. If it isn't obnoxious guests, it's Facebook. It just ticks me off that people are more concerned about disseminating Right Wing bullshit than reading my own blog. Not to say that I watch a lot of my friends video blogs (most of them lack structure and the ones that promote well make me want to dedicate time that I don't think I'll have time to dedicate), but I've done more of that than reading articles by Tea Party Terrorists who deny global warming because it was not documented in a document written by ignorant, paranoid bigots.

Of course ignorant, paranoid bigots probably don't read the blogs I'm alluding to. They just like the pretty pictures with inaccurate statistics if they even state facts at all. Still, instead of my next step in promoting (if I'm around to keep doing so) is just posting a link to this blog in the close minded' comment section. Obviously, I'll wait till the next one, but that sounds more interesting than appealing to individual Peoria pro wrestlers to who I think they could portray in "Main Event of the Dead (my B-Movie ZomCom, email for a treatment.)". Anything sounds better than kissing the asses of those who keep me out of doing what I love to do.

Rationalization 18: Memes should only be seasonal.

Perhaps Facebook can be blamed for why I'm not interested in producing offspring (or dealing with other's). Kid pics are too sweet and I have diabetes, and thinning patience. But I still have patience. If I didn't, I'd be screaming for people to keep it in church to every post promoting a deity.

I maybe right, you maybe crazy. And unless you're a crazy girl whose an entertainer, you aren't the lunatic I'm looking for.

I don't mean to be down on religion, I just used it differently to arrive at my philosophy. I used the lessons to be enlightened, that is reward enough, so I don't need to worry about an afterlife. If I'm not worthy of a heaven, smeg off. I don't promote that...unless I think I have something thoughtful to say...and without a meme.

If you need a picture to draw your attention, get a Ritalin or medicinal marijuana prescription. Medical J, you'll at least an excuse. An ADD med, you can appreciate the words coming out of my fingers.

But, I can appreciate a love for your faith as much as you can appreciate my love for the Cubs, so I can't be opposed to the promotion. I'm just annoyed by it, like how I'm annoyed of Packers and Bears memes during the football season. For the most part, they come to an end.

I'm sorry the NFL splits the time that Jesus hoopla is supposed to be at it's height. It doesn't justify annoying me the other eight months of the year with unnecessary images that can cause discomfort to those who don't subscribe to the poster's faith. The Chicago sports scene is not a path to heaven, and I know that and it doesn't promote that. Promoting a path to heaven that doesn't make sense to someone, but expecting them to not question that feels wrong.

An example is someone saying something like, "TV needs more God." If you feel that the cause for most wars is promoted enough, you're offended by the concept.

Rationalization 19: Liberty means antagonizing

There isn't a prominent extreme liberal side while there is a prominent extreme greedy-Christian side. That indicates to me those who dare people to share memes with statements like "don't be afraid to offend people," are abusing the First Amendment. They want their side to antagonize those who don't agree with them. If you tell them that, you're stepping on their rights, even if they are asking for it.

If I had a looney for each time I've been told "move to Canada moosefucker," I could support my X-
Box Live superscription to thoroughly enjoy the WWE Network. No Chromecast app. Why is Vince McMahon out to ruin everything I love?

My last blog was about humanity being weasels. This one ends up being about humanity as bullies. And we wonder why I don't think there is any future for me in this world.

At least I know why people said my performance as a heel was lacking. If they only gave me seven blogs worth of promo time to explain how great a product I can provide. That would be about 14 minutes, and I know you'd rather I have it than Orton or Bautista.

I'm wrong, it'll be eight blogs to prove my convictions.

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