Sunday, March 3, 2019

MFK: Wisdom Teeth, A Livable Wage, Commitment...more tasteful than a take on Roe v. Wade

What is worse: crappy coworkers or being poor?

Working in the hospitality industry, I think it is being poor. My experience is that you are either underpaid and abused by the guests or overpaid and abused by management. Since moving to Champaign/Urbana, developing an exit strategy is a must just to stay sane.

It kind of makes me feel out of place. The Peoria attitude made it so staying there was spirit crushing. I could have probably gotten a great deal of hours working in hospitality to afford to stay there, but alienation would not be worth it. That is sad because there are a lot of things about the town that I love, but no one to love it with.

That vibe kind of sums up CU Living, at least for me. It is my fault in that case. I traded the search for a lovely last call lush for a crafty Christian crazy (sorry, love the alliteration). The lifestyle is not bad (twice the cats), but there is culture that I am missing out on, and paying the price for. Making the same money living down here as I was in the HOI will not allow me to enjoy said culture even if I was not covering shifts for crappy coworkers.

I was a year younger than the person in question when I got my wisdom teeth removed. My parents let me have...maybe...two servings of Vicodin the day of surgery and expected me to be back on a forklift unloading semis for Caterpillar the next morning. The only reason I think that sounds crazy is because of I had two forklift accidents in that year alone. Otherwise, only a doctors note or a manager sending me home (they frown on vomiting regardless if you are busting your ass or not) had kept me away from my workplace.

This coworker had already had those malicious molars two days before the day I covered for them. 12 hours I really needed sometime to decompress before returning to the place where I was over ran by speed skating families when housekeeping was four hours behind on having their rooms ready.

Good folks, but the angry Central Asians who demand a wide selection of cookware guaranteed me angst. The angriest was insisting I give them my general managers personal number. At least he did not blame me.

And then there was the walking of remaining guest because ownership decided repairs could not wait till after 12 pm the following day. Needless to say, I will not be making any Facebook friends with the staff here, regardless of how cool they are. Who knows? I may get in trouble at the retail job for describing the coworker in question.

Hence, I will hold off on reason two that they needed the day off. Why they listed the rest of the days off they had is beyond me. Are they trying to show that they are clever? They said the surgery left them near unable to talk, but if you ever heard them talk, it would not be a loss to anyone.

So the Illinois House passed the gradual minimum wage increase. When is the Senate going to follow suit? It has been over two weeks. With undisciplined retail compatriots and guests who expect me to deliver them what they think they deserve (one just left asking us to accommodate a change in her room needs and because we gave her what she needed instead of what she wanted but would not work, she should get a discount), I need something to give me some hope if I cannot leave this all behind for the Liberal Pacific States.

Can anybody offer me a place to submit piece on the expansion of abortion terms? Anybody want to get involved with my pro-wrestling zom-com B movie "Main Event of the Dead?" Comment or email

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