Sunday, March 17, 2019

MFK: Hot Cash, Entitlement, Responsibilities...A Living Darwin Award

Once I had a customer ask me after completing a transaction, "we're you going to see if I had any rewards?" After an apology, I was able to back track and find a five-dollar coupon that I am fairly certain she did not know she had. Hence, she declared our company was an even bigger heel for making the customer responsible for their keeping track of  the rewards they had earned. Thankfully, she did not want to further her rant with praise for Jeff Bezos.

As a communist, you may think it pains me to acknowledge that corporations are about taking in as much money, but thank the gods for phrasing. They can take in all the money they want, provided that they reinvest to make better country they operate in. Profits are not what the money is to be. That is not how capitalism currently works, but I am not going to complain about the mechanism that could lead to better things.

This walking headache (at least she was not an oxygen-toting illiterate expecting me to take a return even though are handled on the other side of the building) expects us to give away money when we can. Giving away is not reinvesting. The only reason you got a reward is because we offered the chance to you for free. Should you not be taking responsibility for keeping track of your rewards?

Most people who expect rewards, ask if they have them. Half the time, it is a disappointment, but at least they asked and took the initiative to save "even more" money. I will be more than happy to take the time to highlight the other advantages, explaining the motive of expiration date, and reinforce that shop when you need to and not because we expect you. Of course, those disappointed people hold up the line and provides them a stage to say how the rewards program is still a scam. When the rewards work for scores of dollars, those consumers are out of the queue quickly and no one gets to hear about the perks.

At least I am getting paid well for these mongoloid-made migraines, unlike my time at Kohl's where they push their minimal wage work force to sell stuff that is meant to inspire decadent decisions. If you do not get a credit card app, you have at least one manager who will make you feel like you are not earning your $8.25 (2019) an hour.

Why am I ranting on about people who do not expect to be responsible for what they have earned? Because I am one of them. This may be a statement about karma more than anything.

Hot Topic knows how to drag me around. If only the wrestling career would have taken off, I would not be needing to rely on them for ring gear inspiration. Being a Funko Pop! junkie does not help. The last bump I took was 2015, in a training environment. They bring me in with the bobble heads, and my dream of getting thrown around for hot dogs and handshakes has me buying the fishnets and Halloween clearance.

So I bit on the Hot Cash, and I had rewards on top of that, so taxes would be taken care of. A true $90 of stuff for $45. Yeah, I gotta problem, and when the stuff has to be shipped to my parents, I better just decide not to spend $45 at all.

In the end, Totoro leggings and Chewbacca high tops still cost me $10 more. The website took off my rewards the moment I needed to change my billing address. I caught that added them back on. Then I realized I might not be at my apartment when it arrives, and I had to change the order again. This transaction ended with me hitting submit without reviewing the total again. So, if they get anymore Bulbasaur Pops in, at least I know I will get that for next to nothing.

Will I go and complain to Hot Topic about them trying to protect their earnings? No, I knew how I screwed up. If anything, you gotta love the game of cat and mouse. With that metaphor, the thought o a smiling cat because of my ineptitude is fine. What good person does not like a smiling cat?

The point is, I spent ten dollars too much because I was irresponsible with my resources. If I was more responsible, the commercial abuse would end. I might be out a "free" plant/poison pocket monster, but I got four other rewards programs to allow me to catch 'em.

The reason people curse socialism is they think everyone is expecting a hand out. That is not the case, we all have to make an effort to earn to benefit from the system. If the government does not keep getting money from our work, we do not get any money. We all gotta work. We all have to take responsibility.

So let's start by not giving the underpaid shit because that luxury you bought should be tax free via rewards. You needed that three-figured purchase. You did not build it on your own. Just because you expect me to worship you does not make you a church. Pay the nine percent or pay me a fair wage. Or put the work in.

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