Sunday, March 10, 2019

MFK: Pinterest, Aging, Lords of Acid...There are no good high schoolers

Since they seem to be ran by Google, can you put Pinterest in your spam folder?

That will be my excuse for not publishing any new blogs yesterday. The only reason I created a Pinterest account was to have access to seemingly copyright free images fill up space on blog entries. It is my obsessive compulsive disorder at its finest. If you are going to send me ten e-mails in a week, then I am going to make sure every web page of blogs is symmetrical. As long as the image expresses my nerdiness, no need to worry about the context. Context does not exist on the Internet anyhow.

Otherwise, I am in some bad shape. The count down to 40 took nearly a week to get over and kicked off thoughts of another clock ticking down in my significant other. Thus, I cannot go on the Roe v. Wade rant that I had started to develop the prior week in this blog. Abortion and my actual opinion on "SLC Punk" are going to be my unfinished business it seems.

From being down about what my girlfriend seemingly needs from me to make our relationship better, primarily certainty (all I want is no crumbs in our beds, on our floors and carpets, and devotion to the ideas of our lady and savior AOC), I knew that I needed to go and be the free spirit running away from any long term planning and get my ticket for Lords of Acid and Orgy the next day. And if my lover blowing off my experience in the meat packing center of Chicago when I finally got to see her after two days was not enough punishment for that decision, the immune system faltering was the cherry on top.

KFC on the way up to Chicago did not help either. Upon checking into my hotel, it took a half hour before my stomach was settled before I could head out from Tinley Park to the Bottom Lounge. Losing an hour of sleep, having to call the previous night early, "WWE Fast Lane" to catch up on tomorrow. How am I going to sound snarky about New Japan Cup brackets when I call into the Wrestling Compadres Slamcast Hotline?

Regardless of the price that I am perceiving, the show was worth it. Orgy may have embraced being a one-hit wonder too much. Especially when that one hit was written by New Order. Jay Gordon did not really put much effort into the industrial rock look. His appearance was more of your traditional 90's skater rock guy sans the frosted tips. If 300 pound men in the audience went to the trouble of checking their heavy winter coats to wander around in fishnets, surely you can equal their game.

Or me leaving my fishnets and pleather pants at home just made him jumping up and down next to me in the crowd during the "Blue Monday" sing along was just a reflection of my own lack of effort.

Lords of Acid was awesome. It actually felt like a new industrial rock experience solely because I forgot that all of their tracks are about sex. This leaves me wondering how to smoothly transition a few tracks on my girlfriend's next birthday mix CD. After closing last years with Stephen Lynch's "Kill a Kitten," I must surround "Pussy" closing this disc with an industrial track to start it and lead into the finale.

My surprise by the sex-centric nature of the Lords catalog must come from only seeing the middle ground of the scene with acts like My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult and Pig. KMFDM is all about their loud leftist message. Raymond Watts was going to throw in some KMFDM's tracks into his show to even out messages like "Find it! Fuck it! Forget it!" and TKK had those tracks that can be featured on action movie soundtracks.

Lords may have a one track mind, but it was hit after hit with an intensity that you could dance to, but if the crowd is to big, a few hops are acceptable. They are a band I need to further appreciate, especially since they are the first industrial act I have seen with a complete band (KMFDM seems to skip the bass, TKK no drums, and Pig left something out). Galen Waling's drumming may have been the best I have seen live since Tommy Lee 22 years ago.

Sinuses were a little relieved to get out of that crowd, and I seemed at home in the empty streets of Chicago. Leaves me thinking that maybe I am looking for experiences instead of friends. Like minded people are nice, but knowing that I can still capture accomplished sensations might be enough. Hence my ambitions to move on to heavy sensory and scary places. When you are effectively a nihilist, what is the worst that can happen to me?

It is probably no worse than a dealing with a quiet night interrupted by a hundred kids preparing for a late night Model United Nations event in a 50 person meeting room. The run on our over priced sweets as I am trying to count my drawer for the shift change makes you turn an emotional 180 on the vacant yet sold out hotel I was watching.

What are our property tax dollars being spent on? Like we need a uniform UN format for high schools. Despite being a trivia expert, scholastic bowl is trivial, but it encourages learning. Speech and debate teams are art forms, so every school should have them. And these events do the exact same things as Model UN. Something needs to be cut or we need legalized marijuana to justify all three. The pot will pay for them and allow us a mindset to come up with, "kids should be like...politicians man."

It may be a great civics exercise, but you already have student governments. These UN teens are role playing, not passing down legislation. Why do they all need to gather together? To show that there are like minded nerds?

Needless to say, I got to wait on a few Asperger's kids who are put in these groups to be social instead of parents taking the time to prepare them to act in acceptable ways. Do not buy a candy bar with a $20 bill and leave the clerk stuck at his post instead of addressing other concerns to answer how he organizes the cash in his wallet must be one of those rules.

Who knows? "The Predator" might be right and they are the next stage in evolution. Their method to eliminate those who are not on the spectrum is to have us lose our temper and get incarcerated over it. You almost have to admire the toughness needed for that to work.

I really should not be so down on these kids. It is just that their fun is something I have to take responsibility of, and these kids...and 1 out of 3 regular guests of the franchise(s)...are taking that for granted. My biggest problem is that there are so many more minors than drunks in this world. Drunks only come at you one at a time. High schoolers come in hordes. Negate one request, you then have to become a teacher to explain why they are wrong for further pursuing their request.

My dad suggested that teaching may be my future. Underpaid is my destiny.

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