Tuesday, March 26, 2019

MFK: Timing, Reputation, Semantics...The Non-Wrestling Seven Day Work Week

MFK should be easy to figure out in these times of Urban Dictionary being a more useful resource than Oxford and Merriam-Webster. There is no question that traditional dictionaries are the end-all-be-all language tool, but I find myself going to UD to find out what is being literally defined and then dictionary.com to determine words that I do not know.

Okay, if it made it to UD, the words are never complicated enough to require any further investigation, but when a four or more syllable word shows up in the post-modern word catalog, it is good to know that British universities are there for me.

MFK stands for marry, fuck, kill. Perhaps the words should be capitalized with periods, but I have been arguing about definitions not proper English. "Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling" play the game as FMK. I think this is also how Thomas Middleditch and Jessica Gomes phrased it during the obscene graffiti stake out scene in "Once Upon a Time In Venice." Since this is the second blog referring to this movie, I hope that is not the standard letter order.

Never mind the fact that you are more likely to say "fuck my keyboard" than "midget French kid." The latter makes me wonder, "how can you tell?" It is like the politically incorrect game that my girlfriend refused to partake in at C2E2.

I also like to keep the order how I have it because of the descending respect in that variant of the acronym. Marriage is a long-lasting love. Fucking is momentary love. Killing is being of minimal concern. That now sounds funny coming from a nihilist who believe life is fleeting thus it is about the moments, but I interpret that about the power of love for my girlfriend. Or perhaps "Street Fighter 2" if you were to put her and that as a possible answer to the formula. She definitely would never earn herself a K as long as things are going as well as they are now.

I Will Not Apologize for My Funko Pop! and Ale Horns Purchases.

At least the relationship is going well. Otherwise, I am financially slogging along (the Ultrasaber, "The Girl Who Lept Through Time" blu-ray, comic book and art purchases were ill-advised at C2E2) and I have clipped my wings creatively in one element to throw a Hail Mary towards another. This clipping may be due to my obsessive compulsive disorder.

I had just caught up with posting new blogs, but have to hold off on my Extreme Abortion SATIRE because I do not want to besmirch myself in the eyes of two good Christian boys who run the biggest sensation in wrestling. Being associated with a rant "suggesting" how the foster care system would improved with euthanization as a tool may rub off on them in the wrong way. Since WWE is associated with the Trump administration, the influence of the blog could get them more of an audience (provided they understood satire) needing a different product, but why gamble on my attempt to bring back "The Student of the Game" as AEW's Librarian.

It turns out that I am a very optimistic person since I failed to realize how to record HD video on a Samsung Galaxy S8. That will probably disqualify me if the outside noise of traffic does not as I decided to record at the UIUC's Khan Annex instead of inside a library. My considerate nature will be the death of me. If only my Galaxy would have an accident.

If I am lucky, they will want to take the idea of wrestler dependent on "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Professional Wrestling" and Danny Daniels reputation remains unstained. That will make my team player attitude seem worthwhile. Working seven days in a row (ending it two 13-hour days) so that the coworker who reneged on a shift swap to avoid only having a one-day weekend will be one of the greatest decisions in my life.

What it took to go to C2E2 was definitely not like negotiating a vacation in "Elite Squad." And that was the creepiest non-obese cosplay I saw last weekend.

I am the F or the K. Either verb, I am doing it to myself. And that's what really hurt.

I wish Casey Weldon would have had that as a Love Cat pin at C2E2.

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