Saturday, November 17, 2018

MFK: Roman Reigns, The Alt-Right, @MainEventZombie

This week (ending October 27) seemed to go by pretty fast. I cannot say that I did much, but this country made it feel full, not in a good way of course.

Roman Reign's title reign ends with leukemia's reemergence. A part of me wants to think it is Vince McMahon's idea of the way of surrendering to the fans' displeasure with his champion. You cannot boo a man with a cancer diagnosis, so you cannot celebrate him relinquishing his title. If you read my Tumblr dedicated to wrestling, but founded on how the Hulk Hogan starring vehicle, "No Holds Barred," is Vince's ideal vision for the business, you will probably agree that it is not much of a stretch.

Karma must have been keeping tabs on me as I typed that up. Once the wedding guests started returning from their respective receptions, sinus drainage lead me to hugging the men's room's toilet. Anyone who knows me knows how violent a vommiter I am. We had a team meeting today, and my three-minute abandonment of the front desk was not passed on to management, so maybe those guests returning served as camouflage. Every party has that one guy they drag to the room. Four out of five times, no floors are damaged.

So, I feel I have paid for just being glad the Roman Reigns story being over. There just did not seem to be a way out of it from WWE's storytelling perspective. They have shoved it down our throats the last four years, why would they stop. No one in NXT seems to be that replacement talent, and McMahon seems to like to get 10 years out of his top guy, so we were not even half way through the Roman Era.

I do know that you cannot outright boo a cancer survivor (I hate to say Vince should have played the pity card, but I will stand by that stance), so best wishes to Roman on a swift recovery. Hopefully the McMahon's will do right by their female employees and CTE cases they are responsible for (those after March 26, 2001) by that time so that I will pay $9.99 a month to see it.

Bryan v. Lesnar and Rollins v. Nakamura should be a free month for me.

Thinking about people getting their acts together, I hope the Democrats can hold it together after the Right is responsible for 11 deaths and the attempted murder of at least twice that. The Right has got too many issues right now to tell us that everything is fine. Hell, I am disappointed that they will not even argue their points.

At least Miss Sassy💋 @MissSassyIA did not block me until I wrote the blog "Sassy Gun Owners: Choosing Cancer Children Over Murdered Minors". The latest racist American who I tried to engage 🏁Debbie K 💗🙏🌟🌟🌟 @DK_RELENTLESS blocked me without a retort to my screen captured response to Cusseta, Georgia and Bankal, Lapu-Lapu's own Mar Weidner sharing her tweet.
@DK_RELENTLESS: If conditions in Honduras are so bad,why is the MOB-caravan waving Honduran flags& derogatory messages to Trump? Why not wave U.S. flags& respectful signs begging for help? Why did they just bum-rush 500 Mexican COPS if they're law-abiding ppl seeking safety?
Russ Harshside: Because they do have a national identity that they are proud of (flags) which they refuse to abandon. Because Trump is a racist whose anti-immigrant stance is ignorant and they hope he realize it. It is better to fight off cops instead of returning to a situation that the world chose to ignore leading them to this.
Sounds like you just want to get your ass kissed for being fortuitous to be here now.
How am I suppose to rip that person apart without more material to work from? To her credit, since she just blocked me, she is not a Russian. As for the xenophobic jet setter Mar Weidner with so many authoritarian-loving places to call home, how do we know he is not a bot. With all those clone accounts out there, I hope he is not poisoning the minds of too many of his friends/family out there.
Mar Weidner: Russ are wrong ... the world did not ignore their plight... we the USA tried to help them even after their government seized "all American" private companys... When the government currency imploded we were told to go away... they asked for help from other communist country's...get your facts right... sounds as if you have an agenda yourself
Joshua Gonzalez: "Facts" 
It is great when someone does the responding for you. Facts being that the people are leaving the government that has put them in this situation instead of continuing to let them ruin it further. I do want to ask what kind of agenda I must have, but after my past experience with gun nuts on Twitter, you cannot go and answer every idiot who responds.

You cannot trust the intelligence of anyone who believes in a document written 230 years ago (or 2018 years ago). They are strictly fight or shoot type people. If you own a gun, you are a winner. I would suggest that they watch "Shoot 'Em Up," but in the age of the Internet, satire is dead. Liberals just need to remember that we are smarter and that all these cowards can do is stick to their flimsy narrative.

I guess I am just upset for the lack of intelligent interactions I have outside of my retail jobs. There it is all liberal fun and joking about the incels behind their backs (with the stuff we sell, you know we got at least one). My social legs still are not quite under me in Champaign/Urbana, and there are times where bills and relationships leave me wondering if I can. This leads to depression and pondering why the person who might not have anything going for him is not getting shot by the paranoid evil assholes or not getting diagnosed with possibly terminal diseases.

If only atheists had a place to congregate is the answer to the first portion of that question. As for being cancer-free, I do not have a storyline that annoys enough people that illness is the only way to end it. In conclusion, I may have to become a bigger asshole than I already am. Then the radiation and lead will be my destiny.

Knowing my luck, the lead will only wound me and then prevent the cancer juice from taking hold. If only I was of the right wing. Then I could buy myself a winner (

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