Sunday, November 4, 2018

Rape Culture Killed by Blog: Track I-IV from Wish You Were Here

It has been tough to write lately. There may be too many stimuli in my apartment, and I may be getting depressed that my hours at my job are so shitty that I cannot appreciate them (My Switch, "Persona 5"). There just may be too many things I am considering before typing. The primary consideration is trying to deal with a subject matter that I really do not want to sound stupid or insensitive about.  The secondary consideration are those who are either/both of the those adjective.

They are the kind of people who follow #ConspirasySongs from a comedy show, and then retweet, like, and engage in right wing support for your joke. I like that @maineventzombie impressed their taste in humor, but I hate receiving the new Twitter suggestions of who to follow.

I receive a friend request from a family member to ease their communication. This has made me reconsider ripping into another family member for being hateful of femininity. In the back of my mind, I ponder, will my family be ashamed of me for wanting to air out her flaws to an audience composed of people in the area she lives? The worst scenario would by a celebration of the person for having those beliefs and I would be ridiculed for opposing them. Why is it that the world has grown smaller, the people have become less considerate?

The answer to the last question might be a way of maintaining sanity.

I had to sacrifice battery life and pause this writing to assist my girlfriend in how she needs to advise a suicidal voice in her head. This voice was threatening to kill itself if she continued to crocheting bags out of plastic shopping bags (plarn). It was a scenario that sounded totally ridiculous to me, and it resulted in me losing my cool when she started coming up with the voice's conspiracy to end her productivity. After telling her that she cannot act on commands from hallucinations (a good rule for any situation) and telling her to make the bag so the voice would have something to suffocate itself with, I theorized that the voice was born of her doubt that she will ever actually financially prosper from her craftiness.

As a film producer who has yet to find success, I told her I am writing because it is what I am good at and enjoy doing (if only I wasn't working at a Jimmy John's board member's name dropping tax write off, I could use my downtime for my creative growth instead of staring at the phone prepping myself for the next chance to kiss some spoiled ass). Yes, my goal is to actually profit from my creativity, but people do not have a reason to care about that. People do not know why they need to care about her seventh gen purses. Thus, the two of us have two options. Devote our time into learning how to market ourselves to those who do not have the time, or focus on what we do best and hope someone, and as long as we keep sharing, there is a chance that someone will step up for a friend (Facebook's still my largest audience). We both knew what was the most enjoyable option is right now.

This leads me to think that we cannot consider what other people think of the effects of our actions because we will start doubting ourselves. I suppose I should not have held back on stating how this family member ("Track 6 from 'The Wall'") feels that Donald Trump is a fine man because she does not know anyone who finds success in big business who does not act how he does and think the things how he thinks.

Or how she believes the patriarchy has a right to determine how women act. Rape victims did not follow the rules of the men who hide behind the most common religion in this county. Sexual harassment is the price a woman pays for dolling themselves up to get the job in the first place (just got back from her rant on how Bill O'Reily being a victim of the matriarchy). This family member told me about how she learned from her near errors. She determined it is easier to follow the guidelines for their gender than to tell men they are not allowed to control everyone's hormones except their own. Women who want to change this are just going to make things tougher for the rest for everyone. Women are telling us that we cannot be assholes. Why attack the existence of the hateful? Support it and you will not be on their shit list.

My rant has just left me wondering whether or not I am a hypocrite. I just stated I should not care about what my loved one thinks if she get wind of this, but this is not a wrestling-based teleplay idea that should not affect their feelings towards me. The facts are what are propping me up right now. This blog is being written to state how there are women who will accept abuse and curse women's rights because they have it so good for themselves or are told by their church that is the case. As long as I have evidence, my consideration is moot. Sorry I needed a bully to make an example of.

Maybe I should move from writing the "Rape Culture Killed My Blog" series to move onto anti-bullying blogs. Since my life still gravitates to pro-wrestling, I know what Twitter handles to play towards. Bullying is what is on everyone's mind. This may also allow me to avoid coming up with solutions.

Is rape equal to bullying? Is asking that question dismissive to how the patriarchy is trying to keep women down since I am trying to make it something that men can understand?

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