Saturday, November 10, 2018

4/4/10: A Hypothetical Interview w/Vince McMahon

I will like to take this as a chance to promote my new website, otherwise this is my way of typing up homework without at Affina blocking my communications with my home computer.

I figure this may interest a few of my wrestling friends, so feel free to read.

It is my pleasure to welcome WWE Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vince McMahon, who is just a week removed from the annual "Super Bowl" of wrestling, Wrestlemania 26. At the event, he met the challenge of Hall of Famer, Bret "Hitman" Hart, and to say the least, the results were not what he desired.

1) How are you doing after the relentless beatdown you suffered at Wrestlemania?
a) This was not your first battle with a younger combatant, but why was this defeat so one-sided when other matches you've been involved with featured your opponents needing to use ladders, chairs and other foreign objects to defeat you?
b) Throughout your 13-year feud with the Hitman, your trademark quote was "Bret Screwed Bret." After your match last Sunday, do you believe you've been "screwed"?

2) Beyond your match, how well do you think Wrestlemania went over?

3) As result of being defeated by The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels was forced to retire, how will losing one of your long time draws affect the company?
a) Do you see this retirement being "The Heart Break Kid's" final one?
b) Do you see him getting involved with your competitor TNA Wrestling like legends Ric Flair, Mick Foley, and Hulk Hogan?

4) On a somber note, the industry lost another former star, Chris Kanyon. He was only 40. In recent years, the media has brought up that there has been a rise in deaths of wrestlers before they turn 50. Why does this seem more prevalent in your industry?
a) Not to draw parallels to the violent nature of Chris Benoit's murder-suicide in 2007, but another suicide between then and now was Mike Awesome. Do you feel that the industry provides enough wellness awareness to those involved?
b) After Benoit's death, the much publicized Wellness Policy seemed to be placed in effect, but aside from drug testing, what does it to to promote employee wellness?

5) It would seem safe to say that your company has had more than its share of controversy, and at points it seemed that the WWE has thrived on it. Of late, your product has become more tame. What was the motive behind this?
a) Would this have anything to do with your wife, Linda, running for the Connecticut Senate seat this year as a Republican?
b) After storylines mocking censorship and religion, and angles that promoted lesbianism and mocked gay partners, how can one who ran WWE be an ideal Republican?

6) Beyond the elections this November, what does the future hold for World Wrestling Entertainment?

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