Saturday, November 24, 2018

3/8/12: Don't you think our flag is lame?

I'm trying to come up with a tattoo idea. Oh, the nuisance I can be to myself after adjusting to second shift sleeping hours. Especially when I got to take the cat to the vet, go to the dentist and pay a speeding ticket.

Damn Chillicothe for building its town on a state highway. If you don't want me to go 44 in a 35 (I blame Five Man Electric Band for me not seeing the 30 mph sign...or should I say Tesla), then put some projects around the road like Peoria. You gotta drive safe on Adams because you don't want to get into a hit and run. If you do hit a pedestrian, the paranoia of desperate poor folks won't allow you to leave your car to check on the victim or wait for the authorities. A catch 22, or should I say a catch 29.

But Chilli makes all their money on traffic violations, and we don't want to cripple their chances of getting a Family Video or a KFC to complete the Pepsi fast food trifecta. I don't think it would hurt Dream Illustration's business though.

So back to the tattoo idea. I was thinking of using the English flag, the St George, not the Union Jack (screw the Scots and Irish). I'm thinking in the top left quarter adding a hammer and sickle or the Nerv logo from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Some how, I know which melding would not be "got."

Originally, I was considering using the Le Tigre feminist anthem FYR with the Nerv logo, but it was a good friend who reminded me how esoteric that would be. Thanks Adult Swim for ruining anime and JD Sampson for killing a new riot grrrl era to focus on the butch crying.

These ideas come from America having a flag with zero versatility. The flags with perpendicular bars or open fields allow for variations to the design. Just wiki British or Scandinavian flags and you will understand this arrangement.

Even wiki Soviet flags to see how they kept the defining image of the nation while using the red space to get creative. Actually watch "Rocky 4." Drago's visage on the Soviet banner was far more classy than Apollo's entrance monstrosity. I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, James Brown was still cool despite that.

There is too much going on with the stars and stripes. Only rock bands see it fit to replace the stars, and if it isn't something hip or hateful (I just got a feeling white power douche bags have given the blue field a hint of Hitler) 'Muricans find it in poor taste.

Or they'll find inspiration for a Swayze/Sheen resistance movement. And since my dad went to Michigan State, fuck all wolverines.

If my dream of a United Socialist States of America comes to fruition, I don't want to be a new age Lt Guile. Someone who couldn't come up with a way to incorporate them stars and stripes into a work of art and just gets a tattoo of the current flag because of an excessively low amount of creativity.

At least with using the St. George and the communist standby, I'm paying homage to my main heritage and my political values.

As for those close minded Americans who think the Soviets were evil, unless you were a member of the Masterson family or Chappy Sinclair, there is no reason to be pissy at them. Hell, even Louis Gossett Jr. got over it by the end of that "Iron Eagle II."

The Hammer and Sickle is definitely less offensive than the Rebel flag. We never agreed with the Soviets, but they never enslaved any of our races (beating to submission had no guarantees of a docile work force). I find it silly that we honor a failed nation that was based on the ownership of other people just because they stood up to the people who had common sense and who genuinely gave a shit.

In a way, this tattoo idea is kind of a fuck you to those who consider their pride of being backwards hicks. Backwards hicks who believe any idea not from this land is a bad one. Hate to break it to you, if it isn't a vaccine or space exploration, all the good ideas come from outside this country. Hell, the stingy Tea Parties have lead to outsourcing those things.

A tattoo to piss off conservatives and crackers. I think that is why UFC veteran Jeff Monson is one of the toughest fighters around. If you have that kind of ink, you got to be ready to back it up. Since Tap Out doesn't incorporate that southern flag into their gear, I don't think there will be anyone I'll have to sweat about sporting this ink.

Maybe the Irish, but in all likelihood, they'd be too drunk to be dangerous.

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