Tuesday, November 24, 2020

James Gunn's "Slither" - A Cronenbergian Successor to "Gremlins"


Racism Can Play in Peoria. What About Your Local Wrestling?

 *Blog post started on November 24, 2020.

I think we will get into the post's movie review rather quickly (Spoiler: So I thought.). Yes, Trump is starting to accept reality, but it has only been a day since I knocked out my review for the tragic misuse of the North American treasure, Keanu Reeves, in "Siberia". If there is a video game titled with the same pronunciation of your movie title (As I verified that on Wikipedia, I found out that "Cyberia" was also the title of a UK-based industrial act called Cubanate. At least one positive came out of that $0.55 rental.), we are not expecting romance to trump the diamond smuggling drama.

It is actually appropriate that I finally opened my first Netflix DVD of the billing cycle, "Slither", because I just got word today of a COVID-19 outbreak at my parents' house. At least Mom (Negative while older sister and Dad are positive.) will appreciate that this feature is from the guy who brought Rocket and Groot to the big screen.

The more I think about, the more spooked I get. Dad has beaten cancer thrice, survived a heart attack before those scares, and successfully held off the diabetic diagnosis for nearly 70 years (about twice as long as I did). He even won a trivia night at The Fox Pub when a kidney stone decided to it needed to be passed during the game. If anyone can beat the disease it is him, but I worry that writing about it is just going to jinx him.

And when I take into account when his father died, the patriarchy fell apart. Grandpa went, the truth about his prejudices came out, and then the subsequent families started feuding. The last couple of years have left me pondering some of his (or Mom's expressed through him) biases, but I cannot help but wonder if the four children and wife will be warring. Regardless of my differences with my folks and younger siblings (I shared a room with my brother from his birth until the little sister went to ISU. My first roommate upon moving out was my little sister.), we have always gotten a long. If I look back at my mom and her family when my great grandparents passed, it just seems like everything can (will) go to hell with a loss in a family (A bitter sibling of Mom's came back to our life upon their mom's death.).

If I would have gotten the news about yesterday, "Slither" would have been the ideal, ironic distraction. But, it is Tuesday. "AEW Dark" just cannot muster a card up to take the edge off and you know my unwatched movies are all a little too far on the dark side to relax to. Did I enjoy "Slither" enough to purchase it on iTunes (It was $4.99 and yes, it was purchased)?

Slither (2006)

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Philadelphia’s Underappreciated Championship: Disgruntled Real World Champ - Part 2


Horror Galore - Pinterest

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