Monday, November 9, 2020

Miz the Nugget and (@Dan12R the clog): Money in the Bank and Distguntled's Interim Real World Champions

*Blog post started on October 30, 2020.

I really need to pick up the output of movie reviews. There is just no balance in my writing. This political holding pattern sucks, so long-winded satire is not available.

Well, I could go on about the asshole Dan Roth (@Dan12R) who went off the rails about how Trump had done everything to stop COVID-19 that could be expected by any leader in response to this tweet:

Does anyone else find it odd how the #rightwing opposes evolution, but find natural selection viable when it comes to the economy?
#TrumpVirusDeathToll275K #TrumpVirus #KAG #MAGA
@sfewp @Dan12R @hawkdoc82 @_patriot26 @w_jamie @southercharme7 @paulbenick77
@Dan12R decided to write a thread about the hashtags, and not contest the question. Perhaps he did somewhere in the 12 tweet thread. It is difficult enough to endure myself going around in circles to justify the arguments my blogs feature. He has yet to respond to my retort.
Call me a rando. It is better than being a #hateful #Hypocrite who follows the #compassionate who promote the betterment of this society but because they inconvenience you or disagree with your judgemental faith, you must shut them down. Hope you overcome your inferiority complex.

If you need context to the challenges of his faith, "Conservative Christian" is the first title he provides on his Twitter profile.

*Blog post restarted on November 4, 2020.

So where is my head at after election night? I am doing all right. We will have a better idea after I spend the second half the day in Morton. Here is to hoping Mom wanted to cut herself off from the coverage like she did in 2016 to be surprised when she picked up my depressed and distraught older sister from her overnight shift to know that the result was the one she wanted.

I know my Facebook is for the most part stressed out. There has been a lot of unfollowing of HOI residences (current and former) who are discrediting protesters who know that we are about to the point of needing to end the Trump nightmare by any means necessary. It leads me to wonder how working at a gym had become so lucrative or where in Naperville or Arlington Heights an uber jock landed.

*Blog post restarted on November 5. 2020.

The only problem with my trip home was that my phone upgrade went and deleted all my tweet drafts for @maineventzombie. I do not think that I will ever forget about my butt plugs and vodka haiku, but it took a bit of work to get out my promotional tweets for my blog network. In the end, Dad would rather hangout an watch AEW with me than watch Tucker Carlson with Mom. At least that marriage is balanced.

And that is a fortunate transition to the state of the wrestling business. Well the businesses past which a lot of people still long for in wrestling. By bringing up the revival(s) of the DRCW Interim Real World Championship, I hope to convince a few of them to keep looking to the future.

Money in the Bank: Is the Pop Worth the Invalidation?

Rarely do we ever get any great championship runs by those who have successfully cashed in the briefcase. John Cena took it back from Edge. Edge ended up forfeiting his second cash in to the Great Khali. CM Punk did not get to lose the championship for the sake of an angle. Alberto Del Rio dropped the belt back to Punk. It was not till The Miz took his victory into WrestleMania that a MITB winner could prove their quality, but even then, his primary feud was with Jerry Lawler who was preoccupied with Michael Cole. Thank the gods for that event's nostalgia pops.

Imagine The Miz not headlining WrestleMania at


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