Tuesday, November 10, 2020

90-Minute Red Box: "The Hunt" a Great Wind Down from "Full Gear" Weekend.

 *Blog post started on November 9, 2020.
All the ratty clothes that I do not want Mom to throw out have been washed. I have yet to open up the vape from my last NuEra visit, but when you have a bit of liquidity to your finance, further stockpiling seemed like a wise move. If only it was not next door to my laundromat, the dispensary might be out of mind. Mooching water from my places of work has been optimized. This all means that I am ready to hibernate for the winter.
At least I am more ready for winter than those Charmin Bears. Get a bidet. You can use less with Charmin, but the fur must still require more bog rolls than what I use. Then again, they might be stuck on the product because of a perineal fixation, but bidet manages that better.
The hibernation talk is because I am just feeling exhausted. It might be the diabetes, but the sudden onset of this throws me off. After all of the reestablishing a relationship with OSF, I think these symptoms have suddenly become prevalent. Heartburn is something I dealt with once, twice at most before 2020. After hearing it was a symptom of diabetes, it seems to always be lurking. Perhaps it was the power of suggestion being used by the physician assistant I see. Or it could just be 2020.
2020 is perhaps the year that Trump's America deserved. Too bad they just reject any kind of suggestion in the name of liberty. The sudden unseasonable weather has led me to close up my apartment, so the allergies are fine at the moment. People like the following are my only headache right now.
Switched my phone, so I do not have the list of the most deplorable on hand. Please accept my apologies.
Since we all know they are delusional, it is easy just to ignore them when their deity will soon be forced off his pedestal. If you consider his health and skin color, calling him a golden cow is not much of a stretch. You figure his moronic followers are more aware of the Old Testament than the new based on the values they display.
If only they understood irony. If they did, we would not have to worry about hate crimes before the term ends. I am little bit concerned for the President Elect with a Friday the 13th coming up. Otherwise, a weekend with great wrestling and a decent 90-minute flick, it is the closest I have been to being carefree in a while.

AEW Full Gear and DRCW Title Changes


I was surprised that we left the show with the tag team and secondary championships changing hands. After the Tully Blanchard was barred from ringside, a Bucks victory was guaranteed. With the lack of drama in the women's division, Shida seemed more susceptible to defeat.
Cody's latest reign did not have the time to be spectacular, so being a constant thorn in Darby Allin's side seemed more appropriate. Allin chasing the title can sell tickets, but with no crowds, AEW might be wise in saving that. But did that cost them the Disgruntled's OCHO Championship?

Who are the Champions my friends. Find out at DRCWwrestling.blogspot.com.

My Other Hunt this Past Weekend: "The Hunt"

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

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