Monday, November 23, 2020

FMK: Seth Rollins, Lucha Underground and the Interim Real World Championship

 #MeToo and the Disgruntled’s Real World Champ Part 4 

*Blog post started on November 19, 2020.
I am seeing my blog post views trend downward. It is either because I am a shit writer or people have better stuff to do. The latter is what I am leaning towards, which is a good thing...I think.

My hesitance about the quality of people being busier is because of the obvious increase in COVID-19. The old stomping grounds is not taking the outbreak seriously which is making me further appreciate my feeling that I have outgrown the debauchery I so enjoyed. But as I complain about the news cycles and in turn the country being in a holding pattern, envy of them finding stuff to do to take their mind off of the monotony is present with me.

This corona virus would have been more appropriately fallen on the year 2222. Everything has a catch. COVID was probably in a "damned if I do, damned if I do not" scenario. If we do not start listening to Greta Thunberg or keep pushing China and Iran around, will there be a 2222? "Alien" occurs in 2122 and "Alien Resurrection" shows there was not much of it by 2379.

It occurs to me that my Isolation (Yes, it is a bit of a stretch for a "Alien" transition.) might be what is making me feel that everyone else is having fun but me (Please get back to me Soccer Planet.). Too bad the latest dating prospect was talking about not being able to go home and COVID related symptoms. Maybe I just need to clean up my apartment to host my coworkers or blokes in Champaign/Urbana who already have podcasts over to make some content (I think my movie pod is still unique enough.). That would definitely feel like a better use of time than dealing with conservatives who are migrating to Parler, but need to stick it to The Squad. Assholes like:

  1. @skipmcq
  2. @drcubano89
  3. @tideintejas
  4. @bandanadeb
  5. @terrijdunkley
  6. @artyfischal0101
  7. @kenwebsterII 

When I counter troll, I usually try to get about ten of these shitheads into a tweet. To get on the tits of seven of them and to be presumed as a servant of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it feels like I am doing something right. They all claim my actions were pointless while denying the reasoning of why I am asking them not to be twats. To see those above conversing about me, I am just a guy trying to make people actually be social on the Internet.

So, this blog has covered two of the three sides that make me up. I may throw a cat pic up there to cover half of my simplest self description. As for a tat pic to express the other half, just visit

The remaining third of my internet presence is pro wrestling and being its sanctioning body that determines the Real Champions and the titles's lineages free of vacancies, and hopefully cheap wins. Cheap wins being the problem this blog will address.


WrestleMania 31 - Santa Clara - WrestleMania: Press Play

I guess this is evidence that I am, or at least can be, a mark. The anger of WWE failing to listen to the audience because they gave the fans what they wanted at WrestleMania 30 (which cost us CM Punk being an all around good human being. "Pay Cabana! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!") led me to cancelling the WWE Network. They had sent me my $25 off WWE Shopzone coupon for sticking around a year. You could not expect much more from them.

Then they go and finally have somebody cash in Money in the Bank at the showcase of the immortals. What made me regret cancelling this online service was my friend and co-Danny Daniels Disciple, Seth Rollins being the guy to do it. It sent the cynical home happy, inspired me to fight for a free month of the Network (which I won), and make us overlook the burying of Sting, Rusev, and Bray Wyatt. The problem with this is, he still stole the belt, so did he deserve to be a part of the Disgruntled’s Real World Heavyweight Championship Title History?

 I think he is more deserving than Jay Briscoe, but that may be politics speaking (homophobe with Confederate fandom). Jay Lethal does not need his title reign expanded any further, but again, extracurricular stuff makes me lean that way (sexual manipulator). Coming up with this new history will be challenging. Thank the gods for the National Wrestling Alliance. They have bailed me out again like they did with "Miz the Nugget: Money in the Bank and Distguntled's Interim Real World Champion."

The 1st Reestablished Disgruntled's Interim Real World Champion:
NWA World Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan (March 29, 2015 to August 29, 2015)
See how a television show will rule over wrestling shows at

A Belt for the IWC? The Disgruntled’s Real World Champ - Part 3

 TogashiD - Pinterest



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