
Monday, November 30, 2020

90-Min. HBO Max - "The Losers"...Are the One's Expecting Vertigo Comics to be Treated Right

 Productivity in the Time of Lockdown: 20 Questions

The heat is now on. I think I have a notebook from 2010 with some movie reviews for the nights where I get too drunk or too high to watch something for content, but it is inevitable that I will run out of those at some point. Time has caught up to my content. This is probably a good thing, and then I recall having a half day on Wednesday for a dental appointment.

Everyday is a mid-80's Kenny Loggins song or an "Archer" joke. I thought I could apply "The Heat Is On" but that was Glenn Frey. When you consider that Loggins's last 80's soundtrack contribution was for "Caddyshack II", perhaps my joke description of my life works.

 Archer "Danger Zone" Canvas Tote -

Really, the only content pressure is trying to make sure it takes up enough space on the blog layout. Unless I am coming back from the weekend, how much crazy shit can happen to me in the matter of a day (I start promoting blogs on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday)? This indicates that I should write next Monday's entry on Thursday. At least I have a dentist appointment the previous night. Oral stuff make for great content.

As for my weekend, my back is in shambles. It could be standing for 18 hours over the retailers Black Friday sales and moving large and awkward boxes. It could be old age (I have had this injury since I was 16, so more than have my life). It could be the evil of my subconscious wanting to get some familiar sympathy from my immediate family that is dealing with a COVID outbreak. No, I have not called my folks to plead for advice on how to deal with it.

This is probably nerve damage because it turns out that sitting directly on the heating pad seemed to provide me with some relief. I tried to lay down, but how would I have been able to distract myself with 2010's "The Losers", a film that must have thought the moderate success of the R-Rated, Jeffery Dean Morgan starring "Watchmen" could translate into PG-13 gold. Since Morgan is known best for characters whose murders all revolve around pregnancy, the result seems easy to predict.

The Losers (2010)


Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Cursing: The Cubs, Soccer Planet, and "Lost and Delirious"
The Losers - IMPAwards

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

James Gunn's "Slither" - A Cronenbergian Successor to "Gremlins"


Racism Can Play in Peoria. What About Your Local Wrestling?

 *Blog post started on November 24, 2020.

I think we will get into the post's movie review rather quickly (Spoiler: So I thought.). Yes, Trump is starting to accept reality, but it has only been a day since I knocked out my review for the tragic misuse of the North American treasure, Keanu Reeves, in "Siberia". If there is a video game titled with the same pronunciation of your movie title (As I verified that on Wikipedia, I found out that "Cyberia" was also the title of a UK-based industrial act called Cubanate. At least one positive came out of that $0.55 rental.), we are not expecting romance to trump the diamond smuggling drama.

It is actually appropriate that I finally opened my first Netflix DVD of the billing cycle, "Slither", because I just got word today of a COVID-19 outbreak at my parents' house. At least Mom (Negative while older sister and Dad are positive.) will appreciate that this feature is from the guy who brought Rocket and Groot to the big screen.

The more I think about, the more spooked I get. Dad has beaten cancer thrice, survived a heart attack before those scares, and successfully held off the diabetic diagnosis for nearly 70 years (about twice as long as I did). He even won a trivia night at The Fox Pub when a kidney stone decided to it needed to be passed during the game. If anyone can beat the disease it is him, but I worry that writing about it is just going to jinx him.

And when I take into account when his father died, the patriarchy fell apart. Grandpa went, the truth about his prejudices came out, and then the subsequent families started feuding. The last couple of years have left me pondering some of his (or Mom's expressed through him) biases, but I cannot help but wonder if the four children and wife will be warring. Regardless of my differences with my folks and younger siblings (I shared a room with my brother from his birth until the little sister went to ISU. My first roommate upon moving out was my little sister.), we have always gotten a long. If I look back at my mom and her family when my great grandparents passed, it just seems like everything can (will) go to hell with a loss in a family (A bitter sibling of Mom's came back to our life upon their mom's death.).

If I would have gotten the news about yesterday, "Slither" would have been the ideal, ironic distraction. But, it is Tuesday. "AEW Dark" just cannot muster a card up to take the edge off and you know my unwatched movies are all a little too far on the dark side to relax to. Did I enjoy "Slither" enough to purchase it on iTunes (It was $4.99 and yes, it was purchased)?

Slither (2006)

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Philadelphia’s Underappreciated Championship: Disgruntled Real World Champ - Part 2
Horror Galore - Pinterest

Monday, November 23, 2020

"Siberia" - Manitoba Makes It Look Too Nice

 The Elite Disgruntled’s Real World Heavyweight Championship Title History

*Blog post started on November 23, 2020.

Did I start thinking that Matchbox 20 was more than a hangover from the "Hootie and Blowfish" sound before or after Santana collaborated with Rob Thomas on "Smooth"? This query has come up because of my past weekend actually having some revelations. And of course these revelations are not positive ones because the line that came to mind was "I wish the real world would stop hassling me".

My older sister tested positive and is suffering from COVID-19. My ex girlfriend decided to accept my invitation to visit her cat without prefacing her RSVP with just got tested for the corona virus (low risk, but attended a funeral with cases emerging). My mom was so troubled by everything, I get the pressure of making sure I am going to be alright. After she calmed down when I told her my work situations are in order, my information in the event of tragedy was the thing to further hassle me about.

Thankfully, allergies are not letting me breath too much of anything in. Also, my allergies have left me with an emergency inhaler, so I got the gas ready if I am going to end up with the hot new virus. The testing sites had all closed by the time that I got the news and OSF URGO would not test me without symptoms. I have taken all the actions I can, but anxiety is leftover. Unlike the run up to the election, the politics are not there to exhaust me. As a result, it is back to the bottle and pot.

Yes, there was an attempt to try to incorporate Sublime's "What I got" into the last paragraph. What I need is a great big festering neon distraction to replace the orange fuck in the oval office who probably needs to learn to swim.

Curse this country's news holding pattern. It is very difficult to look forward when the past refuses to get out of the way. Worst thing about the past four years are that its revelers are infectious.

Last night, I think I have an idea for a satirical response to it all, but I do not want to give that away. It will probably eat away at me since the pandemic has locked down all places where creativity is facilitated and encouraged. And the Right says the virus was the libs fault. We are suffering without having outlets to create. They are suffering because they are being told to care about people.

All I can say for my idea otherwise is that it will be more interesting than the Keanu Reeve's starring "Siberia". Since Reeve's takes on all jobs between "Wick" films, perhaps I just need to shop my scripts to his agent.


Siberia (2018)

Lucas Hill's is an accomplished diamond trader for the international black market. His next deal in St. Petersburg, Russia, should land him a cut of $50,000,000, but his partner Pyotr seems to have gotten spooked and has gone into hiding in Mirney, Siberia. By offering a two percent discount, Hill is able to get his buyer to allow him two days to find his partner and collect all the stones.

Our protagonist is not greeted warmly in Siberia. Trying to be chivalrous when it comes to Katya, the owner of Mirney's only cafe, results in him being beaten up by some of the locals. Katya takes him in for the night, and the entire town believes that their must be something going on between the two. She reasons that if she is going to be declared the town slut, she may as well live up to it and offers to sleep with Hill who always sports his wedding wing. If it will assist him investigating Pyotr's whereabouts, Hill will oblige.

What Hill finds out is that Pyotr has the stones, and tried to sell knock offs to another buyer to double the profits. The location of the originals is still a mystery. This leaves Hill with no stones, no time left, and a mistress who he cannot get out of his head. You have to be clever in this field and ready to hustle. If this is the hand he has been dealt, he will play all of these cards to make it back to the States alive.

"Siberia" is a waste of time on all fronts. It wastes intriguing performances from its lead actors. The title and DVD artwork is misleading. And because it was a damn near direct-to-DVD feature, I assumed I saw a sub 100-minute run time posted at the Redbox. The extra seven on top of my standard 97-minute allowance means that I cannot use it to build on the database.

Usually, I would prefer to shoot a visceral, two-minute movie review for the thaidurden YouTube channel, but this feature zapped the energy needed for that.

The feature's lead actors, Keanu Reeves and Ana Ularu, give performances that make you care about their characters, but with no action sequences or genuine hate towards the arrangement they find themselves in, the audience will be let down when the feature ends. There are some intense sexually driven scenes, but they do not result in anything significant. It is a shame because you want there to be.

Keanu Reeves is a great "every man" in this feature and almost all of his other films. He is stoic in most of his roles now, and I think that is how a lot of men think they should act. This performance being very grounded in reality makes me understand him better as an actor. I admire that he did not phone it in for this cheap feature, but that makes the time wasted seem even more valuable. If the film fails, everyone should fail to discourage anyone else getting invested.

My claim that the film is cheap is apparent through out. The atmospheres never seem authentic. Somehow, I do not thing Winnipeg is desolate enough to make me think of the Russian no man's land. St. Petersburg was probably visited, but we never get any expansive shots to feel like we are there. There are some action sequences, but director Matthew Ross cannot follow any of it. Do not even get me started on the the anticlimactic bear hunt.

When you think about the home of the gulags, you do not think about star-crossed lovers, so "Siberia" is a very misleading title. There is some cat and mouse play that makes you feel like this could be a spy thriller, but there are never any threats that feel real. If Siberia is a wasteland, than this feature is a literal interpretation of the title.

The Doorman - Die Hard with Girl Power and a Norwegian Knock Off Bill Burr

My Works of Art - Pinterest

FMK: Seth Rollins, Lucha Underground and the Interim Real World Championship

 #MeToo and the Disgruntled’s Real World Champ Part 4 

*Blog post started on November 19, 2020.
I am seeing my blog post views trend downward. It is either because I am a shit writer or people have better stuff to do. The latter is what I am leaning towards, which is a good thing...I think.

My hesitance about the quality of people being busier is because of the obvious increase in COVID-19. The old stomping grounds is not taking the outbreak seriously which is making me further appreciate my feeling that I have outgrown the debauchery I so enjoyed. But as I complain about the news cycles and in turn the country being in a holding pattern, envy of them finding stuff to do to take their mind off of the monotony is present with me.

This corona virus would have been more appropriately fallen on the year 2222. Everything has a catch. COVID was probably in a "damned if I do, damned if I do not" scenario. If we do not start listening to Greta Thunberg or keep pushing China and Iran around, will there be a 2222? "Alien" occurs in 2122 and "Alien Resurrection" shows there was not much of it by 2379.

It occurs to me that my Isolation (Yes, it is a bit of a stretch for a "Alien" transition.) might be what is making me feel that everyone else is having fun but me (Please get back to me Soccer Planet.). Too bad the latest dating prospect was talking about not being able to go home and COVID related symptoms. Maybe I just need to clean up my apartment to host my coworkers or blokes in Champaign/Urbana who already have podcasts over to make some content (I think my movie pod is still unique enough.). That would definitely feel like a better use of time than dealing with conservatives who are migrating to Parler, but need to stick it to The Squad. Assholes like:

  1. @skipmcq
  2. @drcubano89
  3. @tideintejas
  4. @bandanadeb
  5. @terrijdunkley
  6. @artyfischal0101
  7. @kenwebsterII 

When I counter troll, I usually try to get about ten of these shitheads into a tweet. To get on the tits of seven of them and to be presumed as a servant of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it feels like I am doing something right. They all claim my actions were pointless while denying the reasoning of why I am asking them not to be twats. To see those above conversing about me, I am just a guy trying to make people actually be social on the Internet.

So, this blog has covered two of the three sides that make me up. I may throw a cat pic up there to cover half of my simplest self description. As for a tat pic to express the other half, just visit

The remaining third of my internet presence is pro wrestling and being its sanctioning body that determines the Real Champions and the titles's lineages free of vacancies, and hopefully cheap wins. Cheap wins being the problem this blog will address.


WrestleMania 31 - Santa Clara - WrestleMania: Press Play

I guess this is evidence that I am, or at least can be, a mark. The anger of WWE failing to listen to the audience because they gave the fans what they wanted at WrestleMania 30 (which cost us CM Punk being an all around good human being. "Pay Cabana! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!") led me to cancelling the WWE Network. They had sent me my $25 off WWE Shopzone coupon for sticking around a year. You could not expect much more from them.

Then they go and finally have somebody cash in Money in the Bank at the showcase of the immortals. What made me regret cancelling this online service was my friend and co-Danny Daniels Disciple, Seth Rollins being the guy to do it. It sent the cynical home happy, inspired me to fight for a free month of the Network (which I won), and make us overlook the burying of Sting, Rusev, and Bray Wyatt. The problem with this is, he still stole the belt, so did he deserve to be a part of the Disgruntled’s Real World Heavyweight Championship Title History?

 I think he is more deserving than Jay Briscoe, but that may be politics speaking (homophobe with Confederate fandom). Jay Lethal does not need his title reign expanded any further, but again, extracurricular stuff makes me lean that way (sexual manipulator). Coming up with this new history will be challenging. Thank the gods for the National Wrestling Alliance. They have bailed me out again like they did with "Miz the Nugget: Money in the Bank and Distguntled's Interim Real World Champion."

The 1st Reestablished Disgruntled's Interim Real World Champion:
NWA World Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan (March 29, 2015 to August 29, 2015)
See how a television show will rule over wrestling shows at

A Belt for the IWC? The Disgruntled’s Real World Champ - Part 3

 TogashiD - Pinterest



Wednesday, November 18, 2020

90-Minute Redbox: "VFW" a Rutger Hauer Away from Grindhouse Perfection

 *Blog post started on November 17, 2020.

It is a bad time for this nation to be in a holding pattern. A part of me wishes Donald Trump would do something dramatic, like when H.W. Bush found a reason to bomb Iraq before 1992 ended. In other words, I finally gave into buying a microphone to podcast with. If there is not any drama, what is there to podcast about?

There are too many wrestling podcasts out there. An idea for one just came into my head as I pondered, "Are there too many movie podcasts out there?" Gods know that I do not want to give that away. Either direction, a host for each episode is kind of essential. Unless I wanted to try and become the liberal version of Alex Jones that is.

Is that what I should put down in my Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meet Bagel, and OK Cupid profiles (Zoosk and Plenty of Fish have lost their usefulness.)? Single chonk male looking for podcast cohost.

I wish I had more to say. That is obvious since this blog post is discussing podcasting. It is tempting to let loose that wrestling idea. If I would have just overlooked trying to own my comedic screenplay about pro-wrestlers versus zombies, "Main Event of the Dead", maybe I would have that IMDb cred I crave. (If you have any suggestions on how to get this production out of development hell or would like a treatment of the screenplay, send an email to The details of the film could have gave my readers something to cheer on or even claim ownership of, like a local band before they break big.

Or maybe I just need a lawyer to go after "Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies". Too bad my pair back in Peoria are for bankruptcy and criminal defense. But I will say, you should research the Library of Congress for what screenplays have copyright protection before moving ahead with your project. Scripts revolving around your own personal wrestling experiences are unique. B-movie versus flicks, not so much. All I am saying is, "Tokyo Zombie" and "Land of the Dead's" zombie combat scenes made me happy that the government approved my script instead of calling me a thief.

What it comes down to is did the "Pro Wrestlers versus Zombies" start up before I got the copyright for my script and before I launched this blog. To his credit, director did Cody Knotts did get his Kickstarter going before the Or at least I think he did. The oldest date listed on the page is 11 days behind my domain registration.

I guess my first podcast could be an oral history of "Main Event of the Dead" and the Fangoria-panned "Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies". Do not take my noting of a negative review as a personal attack Mr. Knotts. My bringing up the name of the most famous/infamous horror movie magazine is being used as a transition to the following movie review, The Fangoria co-production, "VFW", a more horrific and authentic story of old soldiers kicking ass.


VFW (2019)

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes


Monday, November 16, 2020

Cursing: The Cubs, Soccer Planet, and "Lost and Delirious"

 *Blog post started on November 13, 2020.

This must be my bad luck for Voorhees Day. With two days off in the middle of the week, I failed to remember that I needed to prepare my tweets for Wednesday ahead of time. To make up for my tweets through the work week, the Wednesday night tweets have been prepped to drop tonight.

"Smackdown" tonight and "Talk'n ShopaMania 2" tomorrow give me some hashtags to grab onto, so my slip up seems rather inconsequential. It made me think about prepping another batch to post from Saturday through Monday. And that is when it hit me. I am not going to have enough content for Monday through Wednesday. Ambitions for me are somethings that always end up being cursed.

Narcissism is fun to toy with. I can suggest that after the Cubs won the World Series four years-ago, their depressing existence has fallen on to me. The ownership group in Wrigley got all the prizes since Trump was elected. Like that franchise really needed the 2017 tax break. You can say that it is the entire country that suffered, but judging that you can see "Pritzker Sucks!" sign in trailer parks, ignorance is bliss to many.

I have been complaining about the holding pattern the election has left us in. Without any legal victories for the incumbent, there will be a lack of news until the GSA provides Biden access to the briefings regardless of a concession. It is only fitting that someone who is in a holding pattern in regards to diving into the Chicago comedy/writing scene is about to be in that holding pattern all the time. Curse this 50-hour work week.

As I said, narcissism can be fun to play with. If I chose to live in the now, my pilot for my next wrestling comedy idea could be knocked out in a month. Motivation is the only thing missing. It is slow to comeback after I get home from works and my cats want to cuddle.

If only Soccer Planet's ownership would get back to me about their broken website. If I have the motivation to get healthy and have fun beyond my cats, who knows what doors will open in my mind.

Granted, they never got back to me when I could not commit to the 30+ Adult season in 2019 due to my retail and hospitality schedule. Still, they got 20 bucks from me to allow me to further my amateur soccer comeback.

The real insult is that this guy is using his personal email, not a bot, to keep telling me about all they have to offer. I, Russ Stevens (I will not give out the email address I used in the communique. If you want an email address from this blog, that will be for inquiries about my zombie, pro-wrestling comedy, "Main Event of the Dead". Script treatments are available. Feel free to give me production suggestions.), know he is getting my inquiries. Is it possible that he has friends among these conservative assholes to warrant blackballing me.

@ChiangTamatha - @JesseSpeirs - @dr_free_speech - @MarkRanDoMX - @chucksmix - @Ol_Deuter - @DMcenally - @planetwoodward - @Diana_Mello - @RocksStephany - @texasmemaw25 - @JerryWa53084647 - @atxxpkrgolf - @PaddyCunio - @TRUMPMOMENTS411 - @RogueLou2 
@right_notleft - @luvebug232 - @Chicago1Ray - @casey_reynar
I suppose this might be a poor move. It could give ownership the impression that I am intolerant of those who travel in from Mahomet and St. Joseph to play soccer. My position is that I am not. All I am doing is calling people out for being shitty to their fellow citizens.
The opinions I express on Twitter (@maineventzombie and @catbusruss are the best follows I can offer.) never directly insult anyone except the leaders of these assholes. If you show that you are a moron in response, my reply may cut into you, but I did not start it.
So now I am just venting. If that is going to be my thing with this post, I may as well rip into the Canadian attempt at "Dead Poet Society", "Lost and Delirious". Trying to revisit a film that I stayed up for 20 years ago because of the "Strong Sexual Content" warning and excessive use of "Add It Up" by the Violent Femmes was a goal of mine.
Maturity was something I lacked which may have prevented me from appreciating what the film was trying to do. Unfortunately, a poorly written forbidden, lesbian-love story proved to lack the depth I thought I was youthfully ignoring.

"Lost and Delirious" is a Canadian attempt at "Dead Poet Society" where all characters are abandoned by each other. It is a depressing mess where swapping out "A Midsummer's Night Dream" with a lesbian romance involving a girl who is obsessed with Lady MacBeth still fails to make it interesting. Watch "Foxfire" for your ambiguous girl power fix.

Movie Crush: Foxfire -

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

90-Minute Red Box: "The Hunt" a Great Wind Down from "Full Gear" Weekend.

 *Blog post started on November 9, 2020.
All the ratty clothes that I do not want Mom to throw out have been washed. I have yet to open up the vape from my last NuEra visit, but when you have a bit of liquidity to your finance, further stockpiling seemed like a wise move. If only it was not next door to my laundromat, the dispensary might be out of mind. Mooching water from my places of work has been optimized. This all means that I am ready to hibernate for the winter.
At least I am more ready for winter than those Charmin Bears. Get a bidet. You can use less with Charmin, but the fur must still require more bog rolls than what I use. Then again, they might be stuck on the product because of a perineal fixation, but bidet manages that better.
The hibernation talk is because I am just feeling exhausted. It might be the diabetes, but the sudden onset of this throws me off. After all of the reestablishing a relationship with OSF, I think these symptoms have suddenly become prevalent. Heartburn is something I dealt with once, twice at most before 2020. After hearing it was a symptom of diabetes, it seems to always be lurking. Perhaps it was the power of suggestion being used by the physician assistant I see. Or it could just be 2020.
2020 is perhaps the year that Trump's America deserved. Too bad they just reject any kind of suggestion in the name of liberty. The sudden unseasonable weather has led me to close up my apartment, so the allergies are fine at the moment. People like the following are my only headache right now.
Switched my phone, so I do not have the list of the most deplorable on hand. Please accept my apologies.
Since we all know they are delusional, it is easy just to ignore them when their deity will soon be forced off his pedestal. If you consider his health and skin color, calling him a golden cow is not much of a stretch. You figure his moronic followers are more aware of the Old Testament than the new based on the values they display.
If only they understood irony. If they did, we would not have to worry about hate crimes before the term ends. I am little bit concerned for the President Elect with a Friday the 13th coming up. Otherwise, a weekend with great wrestling and a decent 90-minute flick, it is the closest I have been to being carefree in a while.

AEW Full Gear and DRCW Title Changes


I was surprised that we left the show with the tag team and secondary championships changing hands. After the Tully Blanchard was barred from ringside, a Bucks victory was guaranteed. With the lack of drama in the women's division, Shida seemed more susceptible to defeat.
Cody's latest reign did not have the time to be spectacular, so being a constant thorn in Darby Allin's side seemed more appropriate. Allin chasing the title can sell tickets, but with no crowds, AEW might be wise in saving that. But did that cost them the Disgruntled's OCHO Championship?

Who are the Champions my friends. Find out at

My Other Hunt this Past Weekend: "The Hunt"

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Monday, November 9, 2020

Miz the Nugget and (@Dan12R the clog): Money in the Bank and Distguntled's Interim Real World Champions

*Blog post started on October 30, 2020.

I really need to pick up the output of movie reviews. There is just no balance in my writing. This political holding pattern sucks, so long-winded satire is not available.

Well, I could go on about the asshole Dan Roth (@Dan12R) who went off the rails about how Trump had done everything to stop COVID-19 that could be expected by any leader in response to this tweet:

Does anyone else find it odd how the #rightwing opposes evolution, but find natural selection viable when it comes to the economy?
#TrumpVirusDeathToll275K #TrumpVirus #KAG #MAGA
@sfewp @Dan12R @hawkdoc82 @_patriot26 @w_jamie @southercharme7 @paulbenick77
@Dan12R decided to write a thread about the hashtags, and not contest the question. Perhaps he did somewhere in the 12 tweet thread. It is difficult enough to endure myself going around in circles to justify the arguments my blogs feature. He has yet to respond to my retort.
Call me a rando. It is better than being a #hateful #Hypocrite who follows the #compassionate who promote the betterment of this society but because they inconvenience you or disagree with your judgemental faith, you must shut them down. Hope you overcome your inferiority complex.

If you need context to the challenges of his faith, "Conservative Christian" is the first title he provides on his Twitter profile.

*Blog post restarted on November 4, 2020.

So where is my head at after election night? I am doing all right. We will have a better idea after I spend the second half the day in Morton. Here is to hoping Mom wanted to cut herself off from the coverage like she did in 2016 to be surprised when she picked up my depressed and distraught older sister from her overnight shift to know that the result was the one she wanted.

I know my Facebook is for the most part stressed out. There has been a lot of unfollowing of HOI residences (current and former) who are discrediting protesters who know that we are about to the point of needing to end the Trump nightmare by any means necessary. It leads me to wonder how working at a gym had become so lucrative or where in Naperville or Arlington Heights an uber jock landed.

*Blog post restarted on November 5. 2020.

The only problem with my trip home was that my phone upgrade went and deleted all my tweet drafts for @maineventzombie. I do not think that I will ever forget about my butt plugs and vodka haiku, but it took a bit of work to get out my promotional tweets for my blog network. In the end, Dad would rather hangout an watch AEW with me than watch Tucker Carlson with Mom. At least that marriage is balanced.

And that is a fortunate transition to the state of the wrestling business. Well the businesses past which a lot of people still long for in wrestling. By bringing up the revival(s) of the DRCW Interim Real World Championship, I hope to convince a few of them to keep looking to the future.

Money in the Bank: Is the Pop Worth the Invalidation?

Rarely do we ever get any great championship runs by those who have successfully cashed in the briefcase. John Cena took it back from Edge. Edge ended up forfeiting his second cash in to the Great Khali. CM Punk did not get to lose the championship for the sake of an angle. Alberto Del Rio dropped the belt back to Punk. It was not till The Miz took his victory into WrestleMania that a MITB winner could prove their quality, but even then, his primary feud was with Jerry Lawler who was preoccupied with Michael Cole. Thank the gods for that event's nostalgia pops.

Imagine The Miz not headlining WrestleMania at


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

"Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons: The Movie" - My Little Pony Did Not Need Two Subtitles

 Carlosven02 Carlos Venegas - Pinterest

*Blog post started on November 3, 2020.

It was the start of a new month at the bank yesterday, so I had my hands full with monthly tasks. Catching up on all the news websites did not occur, but there really is not much news, so at least I am not too far behind. The holding pattern and perhaps this unlikely democracy ends tonight, so at least I do not need to worry about having the time to fill with new content.

A negative result to the election would be a Catch 22 for this creative sole. If we fall into a dictatorship, cutting myself off from media means more writing. Of course, I can only talk about so many movies and so much wrestling.

Perhaps it has been the election stress that is wearing me out. I could have returned to the blog I started writing on Friday, but I think we can save that for the potential hate to come. The basis of that post ended up taking up my wind down time from my long shift at the retailer (7 days down, 7 to go), and I think I am only now starting to recover.

The world has been so exhausting of late that I am getting a reasonable amount of sleep without pot or booze. I am trying to determine my poison tonight. If the world ends, why would I want to know it? This attitude kind of falls in line with my existential philosophy. Since I do not remember when my life started, how will I know when it ends?

I guess I am just in an existential conundrum. It is a chaotic time and I start to think about all the consequences this election will have. This leads me to worry about the worst and what should be done to resolve it. There are hopes that someone wiser takes this decision away from us Americans.

That was suppose to be a transition to my review of the theatrical adaptation of "Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons", but it looks like I am just being Anakin Skywalker emo in the fields of Naboo, calling on someone wise to rule. The depression must be real.

To my credit, I am just asking for someone to end the corruption, not necessarily rule. At least this "Deathstroke" feature has a protagonist wise enough to know he cannot take power when he shakes up a government. Too bad I am left with more dread from the "Teen Titans Go!" interpretation of this character.

"Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons: The Movie" 

Slade Wilson is a loving family man. He has been happily married to his wife Adeline and they have a son Joseph who is fascinated by the world of legend from the books his father reads to him. Joseph sees his father as a knight saving the world from the evils that exist. This perception could not be further from the truth.

Wilson is also the mercenary Deathstroke. He is the product of an army medical testing to create a means to make their soldiers heal faster. The military along with his wife thought these experiments failed, so this allows Wilson and his former MI6 handler, Wintergreen, sell this one man army's services to the highest bidder. Whoever wins the auction best be aware though, Deathstroke will provide them only if you are worthy enough.

The Hive, a collective of amoral assassins, know they are not worthy of Wilson's services, but they still want the best on their team. Led by the Jackal, they decide that surely Wilson will trade his independence for his sons life. They soon find out not to underestimate his abilities as he leaves only one of his son's captors alive. Ironically, this ordeal exposes his double life, so Adeline leaves him and decides to send Joseph, now mute, to Swiss boarding school to protect him.

10 years later, Wilson receive a communication from the Hive Queen. It turns out that the organization has rebuilt itself and has ambitions of world domination. These ambitions again involve his son, whom they have discovered has telekinetic and telepathic powers. The Queen claims, if Deathstroke is a handgun, the newly christened Jericho is a nuclear bomb. Both Wilsons will have to come together to not only save their son, but the world.

"Deathstroke: Knights and Dragons: The Movie" has some fun moments, but as a fan of DC media, accepting a heroic take on "The Terminator" is difficult. This feature is the final product of what was to be a 12-episode digital series, and the inconsistency of the production make that more than evident. It is not necessarily bad, but it is an unquestionable misfire.
IMDb -Deathstroke Knights & Dragons: The Movie (2020)

Titmouse, the studio I know best for "Metalocalypse" and "Superjail!" (Yes, "The Venture Bros." too, but the "chirp" logo does not stand out as much as it does with their 11-minute productions of pure insanity.) was behind this production. It appears they were trying to capture a middle ground visually between the more hand-drawn look of "The Venture Bros" and the flash-based look of their more experimental shorts. It just does not end up fitting well together. Like the the story.

This project was originally intended to 12 30-minute episodes leads to a lot of edits that result in pacing that goes from slow to panicked in a breath. As a result, the plot becomes overly ambitious for the runtime. You can either have an origin tale, or the end of the world. You cannot have both.

Nothing outside the script and animation is overly impressive. I like the casting of go to black Englishman Colin Salmon as Wintergreen/Black Alfred, but none of the actors really stand out. "The Shield" is a show I might need to watch to appreciate Michael Chiklis as the lead. Until then, his "Robot Chicken" appearances have landed better with me.

And I could not get over this heroic light they place on Deathstroke. It is inconsistent with everything I have seen. Granted, his origin tale is foreign to me, but when you lose an eye to Damian Wayne in "Son of Batman", it is difficult to be sold on you as noble. They try to balance this hero persona with the graphic means of dispatching henchmen, but when that is only 20-minutes of content, the rest of his actions make him seem dull and incapable of harassing the Teen Titans.

Deathstroke may deserve his own product, but like the Joker, he does not deserve a redemption tale. Because of this, I wonder how "Deathstroke: Knights & Demons" made it out of the development stages. If the production was solid, it could have saved this feature from being weak, but it does not change the fact that it was a bad idea to begin with.