
Monday, November 16, 2020

Cursing: The Cubs, Soccer Planet, and "Lost and Delirious"

 *Blog post started on November 13, 2020.

This must be my bad luck for Voorhees Day. With two days off in the middle of the week, I failed to remember that I needed to prepare my tweets for Wednesday ahead of time. To make up for my tweets through the work week, the Wednesday night tweets have been prepped to drop tonight.

"Smackdown" tonight and "Talk'n ShopaMania 2" tomorrow give me some hashtags to grab onto, so my slip up seems rather inconsequential. It made me think about prepping another batch to post from Saturday through Monday. And that is when it hit me. I am not going to have enough content for Monday through Wednesday. Ambitions for me are somethings that always end up being cursed.

Narcissism is fun to toy with. I can suggest that after the Cubs won the World Series four years-ago, their depressing existence has fallen on to me. The ownership group in Wrigley got all the prizes since Trump was elected. Like that franchise really needed the 2017 tax break. You can say that it is the entire country that suffered, but judging that you can see "Pritzker Sucks!" sign in trailer parks, ignorance is bliss to many.

I have been complaining about the holding pattern the election has left us in. Without any legal victories for the incumbent, there will be a lack of news until the GSA provides Biden access to the briefings regardless of a concession. It is only fitting that someone who is in a holding pattern in regards to diving into the Chicago comedy/writing scene is about to be in that holding pattern all the time. Curse this 50-hour work week.

As I said, narcissism can be fun to play with. If I chose to live in the now, my pilot for my next wrestling comedy idea could be knocked out in a month. Motivation is the only thing missing. It is slow to comeback after I get home from works and my cats want to cuddle.

If only Soccer Planet's ownership would get back to me about their broken website. If I have the motivation to get healthy and have fun beyond my cats, who knows what doors will open in my mind.

Granted, they never got back to me when I could not commit to the 30+ Adult season in 2019 due to my retail and hospitality schedule. Still, they got 20 bucks from me to allow me to further my amateur soccer comeback.

The real insult is that this guy is using his personal email, not a bot, to keep telling me about all they have to offer. I, Russ Stevens (I will not give out the email address I used in the communique. If you want an email address from this blog, that will be for inquiries about my zombie, pro-wrestling comedy, "Main Event of the Dead". Script treatments are available. Feel free to give me production suggestions.), know he is getting my inquiries. Is it possible that he has friends among these conservative assholes to warrant blackballing me.

@ChiangTamatha - @JesseSpeirs - @dr_free_speech - @MarkRanDoMX - @chucksmix - @Ol_Deuter - @DMcenally - @planetwoodward - @Diana_Mello - @RocksStephany - @texasmemaw25 - @JerryWa53084647 - @atxxpkrgolf - @PaddyCunio - @TRUMPMOMENTS411 - @RogueLou2 
@right_notleft - @luvebug232 - @Chicago1Ray - @casey_reynar
I suppose this might be a poor move. It could give ownership the impression that I am intolerant of those who travel in from Mahomet and St. Joseph to play soccer. My position is that I am not. All I am doing is calling people out for being shitty to their fellow citizens.
The opinions I express on Twitter (@maineventzombie and @catbusruss are the best follows I can offer.) never directly insult anyone except the leaders of these assholes. If you show that you are a moron in response, my reply may cut into you, but I did not start it.
So now I am just venting. If that is going to be my thing with this post, I may as well rip into the Canadian attempt at "Dead Poet Society", "Lost and Delirious". Trying to revisit a film that I stayed up for 20 years ago because of the "Strong Sexual Content" warning and excessive use of "Add It Up" by the Violent Femmes was a goal of mine.
Maturity was something I lacked which may have prevented me from appreciating what the film was trying to do. Unfortunately, a poorly written forbidden, lesbian-love story proved to lack the depth I thought I was youthfully ignoring.

"Lost and Delirious" is a Canadian attempt at "Dead Poet Society" where all characters are abandoned by each other. It is a depressing mess where swapping out "A Midsummer's Night Dream" with a lesbian romance involving a girl who is obsessed with Lady MacBeth still fails to make it interesting. Watch "Foxfire" for your ambiguous girl power fix.

Movie Crush: Foxfire -

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