Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Toxicity and Mark Dacascos in "One Night in Bangkok"

*Blog post started on September 16, 2020.

Does work set you free? I am in the midst of a 12-day stint between both my banking and retail jobs, and I will say that there is not much on my mind because of it. The only stress is not being liquid right now and that HostGator decided to collect on the domain. The Sonic hot dog lunch yesterday and the Garcia's Pizza in a Pan Monday meal tasted far too good. Of course that taking up my remaining checking accounts' funds would come at a greater price.

With the apparent lack of interest in exploring my zombie pro-wrestling script, "Main Event of the Dead", (If this comedic B-Movie idea sounds interesting, request a treatment of the script by emailing I would also be happy to take advice on how to get this project out of development hell.), you think the wise thing would be to just let the renewal pass. But, the domain hosts my memorial to the best person I ever knew, Stacia Marie Hardin, which is still near the top of the Google search, so I cannot afford to lose that. If anything, I am more angry at myself for not tweeting out the link to pass on my numerous Twitter accounts on the 16th anniversary of her death to further promote her legacy.

I have already worked out how I will replenish my checking account to take care of my website expense. It just sucks saying goodbye to an NES Zapper that had some nostalgic value. When are we going to get "Duck Hunt" on the Nintendo Switch? That would be a better buy than "Super Mario 35".

The only nonwork related stuff that has occurred otherwise is the Red Box movies I rented and installing a bidet. Because I am a generous guy, if I leave my current apartment, I may just keep that installed. It was not expensive ($30) and the cleansing feeling is superb. We need to make this the norm in this country. Oh how great it feels to be a true patriot.

With that said, I also decided to cut ties with another narcissistic asshole from Morton. He decided to argue that if we defund the police, we should defund the murders at Planned Parenthood. This was based on a Tweet from @papa_kelp via Slay by Mic on Facebook that I shared. I replied to justify my opinion, and then he decided that he had to prove me wrong, which he opened with this is not about his opinions about abortion just the need to stand up for blue lives.

It eventually lead to his narrative about how Michael Brown deserved to get shot, how 70% of police fatalities are because the victim resisted arrest, and the alleged beatings (The guy was the biggest insecure twat of Morton High School's class of 1999 which goes all the way back at least fourth grade. Do I need to give more clues to my hometown readers?) he gave to people that stole from Macy's during his time in loss prevention. I suggested that he might be an asshole for thinking his views that warrant summary executions and that the system need not be changed.

So why did I unfriend him when I try to troll the conservative sociopaths on Twitter? It is because this wuss was a part of the past that I chose to leave. Conservative pricks on Twitter are trying to influence the future. Trying to ruin their social media presence can help the greater good.

You cannot look back in anger. I know I should not. If anything I am just upset with myself for even letting him be my friend to begin with. As that observation was being typed, I realized why it was okay to be a good guy to him. If I did not try to shape him into being a better person, would he have survived. If no one cared, he would have no one to exploit thus no means to be good or alive.

The most important thing to remember is that you are going to fail, but I am not the failure. I am hoping that he realizes that he is the failure, and then work his way into becoming a compassionate person and get over his inferiority complex.

Perhaps, that is big of me to state. Losing a friend who lives 80 miles away may not mean much to him. He is a car salesman, so with his nature going into the profession that encourages it will be tough to change from. Here is to hoping other people realize how this guy needs to change, but we cannot help him. We got to leave him to his own device. 40 years is enough anyhow.

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