Monday, September 14, 2020

Red Box and the Original Poser Championship Part 2

*Blog post started on September 11, 2020.

So what has happened to me over the past two days? Awkwardness I suppose, but I do not know if any more than usual. Wednesday was spent trying to acclimate myself to sleeping in a different room and forgetting about how potent an edible can be. Yesterday's evening ended up with me recovering from the exhaustion of the past couple weeks. My look was so pathetic that my better half, Eva the Cat/Queen, took pity on me and slept with me despite Skimble being on my other side.

The most awkward portion of my night was taking advantage of a free Red Box promo code. I have the disc, but have yet to watch it. It is a good thing that I get off an hour earlier on Fridays. That extra hour should give me the time to watch what seems to be a "Bangkok Dangerous" knock off starring the under appreciated Mark Darcascos with no worries of returning it late. Will a bowl of popcorn sustain me since I am pushing off dinner? Am I falling for a trap because I just got a $1.25 off a rental code today.

It is interesting to see that DVD rental price has gone up to $1.80. I suppose it makes sense since it is half the resolution of a Blu-ray and an HD digital rental is typically $3.99, but it demonstrates how behind the times your average American is. They are still encouraged to rent standard definition media. Or so that is how it goes for the working class. Morton, Illinois is soon to be without a Family Video. The rich have gone digital or the prudes are trying to shut down random CBD dealers.

I just went back a month on my personal Twitter feed, @catbusruss, and realize that I failed to tweet about the need for Thursday night wrestling. That is weird because I am sure I told Tony Khan about letting "Being the Elite" be the primary Monday YouTube product and to have the "Women Tag Team Cup" be aired on Thursday. The point is, if I felt I had cannot miss wrestling on the fourth weeknight, I would have forced myself to stay awake.

If I can power through wrestling, I could keep myself awake for the star of "The Redemption: Kickboxer 5". There would be sleep to catch up on, but that is what SmackDown and an inability to woo girls on Snapchat is for. Why stay awake for a promotion dedicated to a Poser World Championship in the Bluniveral Championship?

I might not have a lot of content to open this post with, but I am revitalized to the point that I can come up with a transition to the meat of the post.

The Disgruntled's Original Poser Championship (1990 to 1997)

If this blog ends up being brief, we may address the title lineage of the Modern Poser Championship of which I believe the WWE Universal Championship belongs to, but I cannot let this part of disgruntled history go undocumented.

The 17th Disgrungled's Original Poser Champion:
USWA Unified World Heavyweight Champion Terry Funk (1) (12/12/1990 to 3/11/1991)

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