Friday, July 24, 2020

Paul Heyman and The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship Part 2

*List comprised on July 10, 2020. Intro started on July 24, 2020.

With all my side blogs like Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling and, I felt the need to put out three sets of blogs a week. Maybe I just want to have my definitive version of my Vince McMahon's "Mein Kampf" is 1989's "No Holds Barred" blog done with. Maybe I felt I needed an excuse for @maineventzombie to tweet promote an extra day a week. Whatever reason, I think it is starting to show a lack of depth in my life.

It may not be a depth issue. Perhaps I am just not as clever as I think I am. If you cannot say it with wit, should you really say it?

Twitter is my own worse enemy because if it can be said in 140 characters, does it deserve a blog? I have actually never had the nerve to that directly, so at least I know what I should do next blog intro. But enough about me, this is suppose to be about the best of the second best. Let us continue with the title history of the Disgruntled's Real Double Championship.

Please allow me one more aside. After watching "Dave Know Wrestlings" Top 8 Picks for a New J-Crown Championship, I am hoping that we might reach that number of titles in for the grand secondary championship. Imagine the fantasy booking blogs that could be had. It may be time for me to just invest in that green screen and start a new YouTube channel.

The 16th Disgruntled's Real Double (Intercontinental/United States) Champion:

WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart (1) - August 26, 1991 to January 17, 1992

The 17th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion The Mountie - 1/17/92 to 1/19/92
Lex Luger was not as talented a worker as Jacques Rougeau despite his reign was going to culminate with him winning the WCW World Championship. Rougeau's victory was used to build up the WrestleMania 8 match between Roddy Piper and Bret Hart. In a sense, this further appreciated the championship's value.

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