Wednesday, July 8, 2020

90-min Pro Wrestling Crate - "Boone: The Bounty Hunter: All Heart, No Vision"

*Blog post started on July 7, 2020.

I am still recovering from my recent move. The biggest disappointment is missing out on the most recent "Pokémon Shield" event involving an electric cat Pocket Monster, so things are not too bad.

My DVR did not carry over from the move, so I need to get it set to record NBC News. When "The Daily Show" is taking a couple of weeks off, I become a little out of touch. It is a good thing that my parents are in the midst of a move, so they are just too tired to bitch about the world. That means no biased content is coming my way.

I guess what is starting to wear on me is the solitude. It would not work if my ex moved back in with me, but I catch myself trying to figure out how I could safe proof the residence to allow for it. Her cat misses her and is probably going a bit stir crazy without her around. The urge to feel bad starts to well up, but then I appreciate not having found a long stringy hair in two weeks.

It was a lot easier feeling active and social back when I moved to Champaign four years prior. I had to learn the lay of the land, and the dating game seemed easier. Would that have kept up? Probably not, but at least I was in a position to shape the world without anyone else's input being a determining factor. Now, the feeling of being an unappreciated cog in a clock is my vibe. My place/role in the CU has been set. Fate needs to settle in the spoiled Chicagoland brats who may not have classes to attend, but cannot afford to have mom and dad fail to fill out those leases.

That would have been a perfect transition into a review for Douglas Trumbull's 1972 classic "Silent Running", but the disc was split nearly in half when I opened the Netflix envelope. A review for a ninety-minute movie was needed since I did not know what the real world was like, so I turned to my unwatched 50. "Mysterious Skin" did not have the fun Gregg Araki vibe that attracts me to his work ("Splendor", "The Doom Generation") and I really would like to make Woody Allen's "Melinda and Melinda" a date flick (Just remember not to mention Allen when I pitch it).

It turns out that the prior two films mentions do not qualify for, so I might have cleared out the 97-minute or less portion of my yet to be opened DVDs. A reason to feel like I am still accomplishing shit. Not as much as WWE's John Morrison did with his self-financed "Boone: The Bounty Hunter", but I have a feeling I can get there...if I could get some inquiries about my B-movie "Main Event of the Dead" an ode to zombies and the indies. Ask for a treatment or provide suggestions to move the project forward with an email to Thank you.

Boone: The Bounty Hunter - Boone: The Bounty Hunter (2017)

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