Thursday, July 9, 2020

Abolish Divas and the Police. The Disgruntled's Women's Real World Champion Part 3

*List started being comprised on 6/24/20. Intro on 7/2/20.

I have lost a week with my recent move. This AEW mark did not even try to force himself to watch Fyter Fest Night One because he had only gotten 50 minutes of sleep the prior morning. For a second there, my fears were that a title change would had occurred, but this is not the last installment of the list.

When it comes to the current wrestling scene, I do not think that I have much to talk about. Was the COVID-19 outbreak a means for WWE to try to draw attention away from #SpeakingOut? Or was the coronavirus a clever way to kill off Fyter Fest Night Two's main event? My thought was that it was Vince McMahon's way to encourage Tessa Blanchard to sit out her contract with Impact like he did with Hulk Hogan and the AWA.

Speaking of Impact, I think it is good that Michael Elgin was released. If it would not have happened, he would have gotten away with his indiscretions by being flushed out ahead of the curve. With Will Osprey still being in NJPW's product advertisements during the New Japan Cup, it leaves me to believe the non-English speaking world will be a little more forgiving of controversies. No matter what the crime, if the state (prison) is not taking care of you, the opportunity to make a living needs to exist. But, making that money does not have to be as easy as it once was.

It does lead me to wonder if I should be as sympathetic to the accused as I have been. Until the victims spoke out, they may have been living in a life of ruin. I am not a fan of an eye for an eye, but it seems fitting for some ruin to be bestowed on those who have done them wrong. Those who allowed me to be assaulted seem to be living lives with elements that I envy. The world is definitely unjust if they can provide for a family while I am bound to end up fighting with my folks about keeping the cat my ex has walked out on (It is a question of cost. He likes to claw apartment molding. His balls were taken away, give him that.).

Thinking about her cat and his lack of reproductive utilities, castration has come to mind as a means of penance for being a predator, but you cannot wrestle with bitch tits, hence no living can be made.

This also makes me think about how certain veterans in wrestling say you need a Plan B. If asked, I would say no to that. But what if you cannot wrestle. If it is not an injury, there should not be a reason you cannot wrestle. Just do not be a predator.

I guess what needs to happen is that we ask the victims what they want to see done to the offender, and promoters get together to agree on a reasonable suspension. We cannot say never to the wrong doers. They will have no reason to reform themselves.

The real solution is that we need the world to be open and encouraging to listen to victims when they have been attacked and have a system that will make it a point to pursue these accusations. With all the unprocessed rape kits, it is just another call to abolish the police. They are not using the funds right.

We need a new system that will not exclude the past. In wrestling, I do not know how to serve the victims while not executing the careers of the accused. Perhaps Stephanie McMahon has the answers. She is responsible for the Women's Evolution ending the Diva's era, right?

The 29th Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:
NWA World Women's Champion Christie Ricci (9/17/06 to 3/27/2007)
Trish Stratus would win the belt only to retire with it on the next night. JPW Joshi Puroresu's Azumi Hyuga would lose her title on September 18, so to recognize a one day reign of the Real Women's Champion seems pointless. The NWA's championship was finally coming into the fold and had out lasted the Fabulous Moolah trained talents in favor of soon to be stars in Shimmer and the Total Nonstop Action's Knock Out's division. The term diva is also a year away in the WWE.

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