Wednesday, April 22, 2020

90-min. Redbox - "Bitten": Vampires and a Cute Side of the Mewes

"Bitten" is a flawed human/vampire sex romp that has been done better numerous times. (John Landis's "Innocent Blood" the Sean Patrick Flannery starring vehicle "Insatiable", etc.), but the nudity and a valiant effort from Jason "Jay" Mewes has to make this film better than "Twilight".

The infection that is "Twilight". I have heard good things about "The Runaways", but because of Stewart's involvement (before I saw her in Woody Allen's "Café Society" where she shined), I would rather see Mewes as Joan Jett, but I will digress.

Jack is a kind-spirited EMT (a stretch for Mewes) who has had no luck with women. His only friend is the veteran foul-mouth paramedic Roger. His outlook is a hopeless one, but then he finds the stunning Daneeka in a trash pile outside his apartment.

Being covered in blood, she appears to have been attacked. The only clue to what had happened are marks on her neck. Roger thinks she is an addict, but Jack is smitten with her and is determined to be with her no matter her flaws. At least that is how it starts off. Once he finds out what she is willing to go through to score, she maybe too much for him to handle.

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