Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Days of E&C, TLC and RNC: The Disgruntled Real Tag Team Champions - Part 4

The non-highlighted was written on February 6, 2020.

Well, I appreciate all the news coverage that allowed me to stay occupied the vast majority of my shift, but I definitely could have waited one more week. In other words, trying to develop an argument to convince my mom to abandon the Grand Old Party is what is on my mind. Not to say that witnesses would have changed the result, but one would have to at least appreciate the effort put into the cover up.

There has been enough news that some decent conversations have been held at the day job. Margot Robbie's amateur tattoo stories have come out filled the pop culture and its influence on college kids and impulsive soon to be 40 somethings (If she and Jeff Hardy can own machines, why not I?). The Christian Right (and white) Facebook opinions about the Super Bowl halftime allowed for a common ground with the more religious types in the office.

The Religious: You know how much I love Jesus, but whoa. And the stupid Bible verses to defend her stance.
Me: Did she go straight to Leviticus?
The Religious(s): Ha!

I suggested to both to just use the "unfollow" option on Facebook, but my manager said she needs that craziness every now and then, so she prefers to let them snooze for 30 days. That is where I went to bat for Twitter (@maineventzombie) and stated if I need that insanity, I will just go and troll Tomi Lahren (whom I should have immediately tagged in my "If you are Generation X or younger and support the GOP, you are a sellout." tweet). Turns out, that is when you can get the religious on your side

The Religious: She's such a hypocrite.
Me: Actually, no.

This was a place to say that the religious one was not necessarily conservative by explaining the separate approach to it. Lahren uses personal freedom to justify the stuff that she did not agree with. My goal was to show I understood the religious, but why she may want to avoid calling herself conservative. She even acknowledged that the success of religious conservatism would be replacing god.

Of course, she is a millenial. I do not know if telling my mom to shun the GOP cunts (broad use of the noun, not about the GOP's broads) so that you can start a new with a conservative party instead of depending on the power-hungry. If Dad was not so fluid in his political acceptance, he would be a good teammate in this argument. Life is all about good teammates, like:

The 54th Real Tag Team Champions: ECW's Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) - 1/9/2000 to 2/26/2000

Credible and Storm were two guys that Paul Heyman wanted to keep looking strong until the right time came to elevate them to the main event. Essentially, this reign was to keep them in a holding pattern, so when it came to wrestlers not named Jerry Lynn, they were the top. And because of the attention they garnered, they would be in the main event picture anyhow...too the point that when the reign ended, the titles were diluted.

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