Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Apologies to Buff Bagwell: The Disgruntled's Real Tag Team Champs - Part 3


I did not give Marcus Alexander Bagwell much mind until the New World Order. He was a great-looking, young performer, but he did not seem to have any personality. Bagwell was a subdued version of WCW's "Lionheart" Chris Jericho. That maybe a good thing because I could not stand Lionheart, but that mean I just did not give a damn about Bagwell. Thus, I cannot give damn about any of his pre-NWO tag teams. If only Vicious and Delicious would have gotten a run...

The 35th Real World Tag Team Champions:
ECW's Public Enemy (2) - 11/5/1994 to 2/4/1995
It was a tough determination because as performers, Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge are not better that Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff who will lose their belts to white meat babyfaces just so Harlem Heat will be hot heels to run rough shot over the tag division. Public Enemy is the more likable team and this title reign will end in a double tables match. You just cannot get epic from Buff Bagwell and the Patriot. The WWF title recently vacated by Shawn Michaels and Diesel.

The 36th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WCW's Harlem Heat (Stevie Ray and Booker T) - 2/4/95 to 5/21/95
Tazmaniac and Sabu never quite had the chemistry of future reluctant tag teams and The Smoking Gunns were the only relevant team still left in the WWF division.

The 37th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Owen Hart, Yokozuna and Davey Boy Smith - 5/21/95 to 9/25/95
I would say this is the first team of recent main eventers that had the chemistry to reign over a division. The Mega Powers was based around inevitable jealousy breaking them up. Jealously would arise between Smith and Hart, but they would overcome it leading to a pretty dominant stable. Yokozuna also gets to keep his relevance despite being designed like a disposable monster heel.

Check out the rest of the blog at the "Rip 'Em System" tumblr along with the subtext of "No Holds Barred."

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